chapter 21 confession

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Sammy drop me off hotel early he has night duty. It's still 7 pm I want to talk to suga before 12 but nobody came yet!!

Thankfully jin gave me everybody's phone numbers on that date! I'll msg suga and ask him.

(Left side: sugar & other: you)


Hiee! I'm y/n, when are you guys coming!??

How did you get my number?

Jin gave me!


When are you coming??

Why? do you get bored by that guy??

He has works to do and I
want to Talk to you!

talk what??

Just came on the rooftop and
msg me!

Don't order me or I'll block you!

Sorry!! please come and msg
me i'm waiting

and you better not save my no.
as sugar!!

How do you I save that as sugar??🙄

I know you!! That's why!

I'm waiting!!


I drop the phone and lean on the bed, he's not replying will he come or not??
Ohh God I'm so nervous, how he'll react?

holding the phone in case he msg.

suga: what do you want to talk about y/n??

"umm- I like you!!"

suga: really?? mee too I love you y/n.

he pulls me closer and kisses me slowly, a smile on his face while kissing is best. I can't feel his lips whyy???

*notification beep*

I open my eyes and found myself on the bed and IT WAS A DREAM?? I couldn't stop blushing. Then I watch the time!!

It's 11:40 ohh my god!! I just slept a moment ago where did 4.40 hours go!??

*3 unread messages*I'm doomed now! I read the msg.

8.20 pm "I'm here....." 

8.45 pm "......"

9.25 pm "I'm going down, it's cold"

Aww, he waited an hour for me in this cold?, why did I sleep!! I slap myself, I have to tell him before 12, I should knock on his door!!


Suga pov:

I throw my stuff in the room and immediately went to the rooftop and msg her, she's not replying. Maybe I'm stupid who came!! But still, I'll wait for a little, at least I will see her before sleep.

I massage her a lot, why she ask me came when she's not gonna come itself.

I can't endure this cold anymore so after an hour I came down, checked her door is locked, maybe she forgets that. What can I say now!!

I went to my room, eat with jin hyung, and off to sleep, my phone starts to vibrate a lot. I search my phone under the pillow without getting up to switch off!!

*15 unread messages* I ignore that and turned off the phone!!

I heard a slight knock on the door and saw a shadow on the bottom of the door.

I cautiously walk to the door so that hyung won't wake up, I see y/n then I step outside and slowly lock the door.

Y/n: im so so--

I shush her and said to talk on the rooftop, she already killed my sleep, they need to rest!!

We both went up. She held my hand, her face already making me forget how I wasted my hour here!

Y/n: im so sorry, I fell asleep while waiting for you.

I don't want to argue with her at this time, I get to see her at least!

"It's okay! What'd you want to talk about??"


A/n pov:

Your body is trembling in nervousness, Okayy you have to say to him it's either do or die. Only five mins left to 12!!

Y/n: But before that, I want to tell you that nothing happened between me and jin, and the kiss you saw on my head was just a friendly kiss that's it!!

You don't want him to think that you have things with jin, it's best you start with clearing!!

Suga: I know jin hyung told me already!! Now get to the point, I want to sleep!!

"Okay, Okayy!! But whatever I say don't give me an answer right now, just don't please Okayy?? You can respond to me tomorrow or maybe never but not now hmm???"

He nodded slowly, assuming it'll something about going out tomorrow with all!!

Y/n: Okayy!! (Deep breath) I like you!!!

Suga didn't say a word, just an icy expression standing thinking what to say. His heart is beating rapidly and his sweaty palm stroking tights.

He wants to hug you so badly, but all he can hear is jin's passage.

"do what you think is right just don't do things that might end up hurting you both!"

He stops himself with a lot of courage! hurting you is the last thing he wants to do right now.

if he starts dating you nobody will be happy, not even his members. And he won't able to give you the time you deserve, you will never be happy with him, that's what he thinks!

So rejecting you is a fine option for him rather than growing your hopes!!

Y/n: good!! I'm going, you think about that and tell me later.

You walk cross by him to take the exit, suddenly he grabs your wrist and stops you!!

Y/n: let me go I don't wanna hear anything right now!!

You said to him holding back your tears, his face already gave you an answer you don't want to hear that!!

Suga: I'm sorry, we can't be together.

He let go of your hands then you wipe your tears! And see him going, to leave you alone!!! You collect shattered voice and yell at him

Y/n: I said you not to answer.

He's gone.

As choked back a sob and say slowly.
"At least not on my birthday"


(A/n: hope you guys like it! I lack a lot in expressing emotion and I'm working on it. Thanks for reading... Have a great day!!)

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