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Sooooo, we're not gonna talk about the fact I haven't updated in ages? Great! Nothing to see here, enjoy reading ;)

''So, I guess we all fucked a student yesterday?'' The eldest of the trio said the next morning when they were all seated in Jin's apartment.

''Yep, we did. We're fucked.'' The youngest sighed. ''What if someone saw us? We will lose our job and they need to drop out of school!'' He said frustrated.

''Calm down Jimin-ah, don't think of the worst. I'm pretty sure we'll be fine.'' Jin spoke up with a calm voice.

''I'm just being realistic Hyung.'' The youngest of them sighed.

''Alright enough of this depressing shit Jimin, let's just invite them all over for tonight. You know just to get to know each other a bit more.'' Yoongi came up.

''You fucking serious Hyung?! None of us are dating, none of us had their time together, and you're saying we should all get together. Do you have any idea how fucking awkward that's gonna be?'' The youngest snapped at his Hyung, how can someone be this stupid?

''Be respectful Jimin! He's your Hyung.'' Jin came up before Yoongi could say anything. ''But he's right Yoongi. This isn't really a good idea.'' He then added as he looked at the latter.

''Fine, then we won't do it, just stop with all that shit. Yes, we could go to jail for this, but who says that's gonna happen? You live once! You shouldn't be worried during that one chance Jimin. Just be careful and keep on doing your thing. It'll be the best for everyone.'' Yoongi sighed as he looked at the youngest who still wasn't completely convinced.

''He's right Jimin.'' The eldest spoke up. ''Just be careful, it's for all of us. And everything will be fine, alright?'' He spoke in a calm voice as he had a hand on the shoulder of the English teacher.

''Fine, but if it won't be fine, I'll blame it all on you.'' He pouted with crossed arms.

''Whatever you say Jimin,'' Yoongi said as he shook at the immature behavior of the younger.

''I'm gonna text Jungkook.'' The younger suddenly spoke up as he looked into the distance.

''And then what?" Yoongi asked as he looked at him weirdly.

''I'm gonna ask him if he comes over.'' 

''YOU JUST SAID IT WAS A STUPID IDEA, YOU IDIOT!" The elder yelled while laying on the couch, too lazy to even get up.

''Jesus Hyung, calm down. I said it was a stupid idea to invite all of them over, with all of us. I am inviting him to my apartment.'' The youngest said in a sharp voice as he looked at his Hyung as if he's the dumbest person alive.

''Don't look at me like that,'' Yoongi spoke up after a few seconds.

''Like what?'' The younger asked as he still looked at him like that.

''Like you think I'm stupid.''

''But isn't that what I'm thinking?'' The younger shot back at the elder.

''Alright, that's enough. Jimin go text your boyfriend, students, fucktoy or whatever he is so he can come to your apartment. Just, keep the bed in once piece please.'' Jin came in between the two before there would be a pillow fight. Again.


Hi, u wanna come over to my apartment? If u got the time ofc, u still got ur schoolwork


Sure thing, and nah my school shit is done. I'll be there in a few, if u give me ur address


(Let's just say here is an address) see ya bby


See u in a few daddy

''How did you even get his number though?'' Jin asked once he saw Jimin laid his phone on the table.

''I gave him mine last night, and he gave me his one.'' The younger said, he picked up his phone again to check the time. ''Alright I'm going to my apartment, I don't know how long it'll take for JK to come to mine.'' He said and then left.

''I truly hope the bed can stand the sex it's going through tonight.'' The eldest sighed as he let himself fall into a chair.

''I hope my ears can handle all the moans coming from them,'' Yoongi mumbled as he still laid on the couch.

After 15 minutes of laying on the couch and playing with his phone, Jimin heard the doorbell ringing. He immediately stood up and walked to the door to open it. Which revealed a handsome looking Jungkook.

''Hey,'' Jimin said as he pulled the younger inside, closed the door with his foot and smashed his lips on the ones of the younger.

'Hey,'' Jungkook smiled as he broke the kiss to have a good look at the elder. ''Why does it look like you haven't slept in three days?" He asked concerned as he cupped the elder's face.

''Just some things.'' The elder said as he looked into the beautiful brown eyes of the younger.

''Tell me,'' Jungkook said softly. It took a few seconds but then the elder nodded and guided the two of them to the couch where he laid themselves down. Cuddled up together the elder spoke up.

''It maybe doesn't seem like a huge deal, but what if someone saw us last night? And with us, I don't mean only you and me but also Jin-Hyung and Namjoon and Yoongi-Hyung with Hoseok. This illegal, and we all could go to jail for this. Jin-Hyung, Yoongi-Hyung and I will lose our jobs. And Namjoon, Hoseok and you will get kicked out of college. You know that would be horrible, right?'' Jimin spoke, who faced the younger as he played with the younger's hair, which made both of them soft.

''I know, I know we can be kicked out of college, I know you can lose your job and I know we all could go to jail. But I also know we'll be very careful, nobody will notice anything Jimin-ah. We'll be safe, trust me.'' The younger spoke up in a soft tone.

''You kinda make it sound like we're dating,'' Jimin said as he looked into the younger's eyes.

''Maybe that's a sign for you to recognize,'' Jungkook said softly. It took a few seconds but then the elder's eyes widened before they turned into crescents as he smiled his widest smile while looking at the younger.

''Jeon Jungkookie, do you want to be my first and only boyfriend?'' Jimin said in a soft tone as he took ahold of the younger's hands.

''I'd love to.'' The younger giggled before he pressed his lips against the one of the elders. The one he can call his, his teacher but more importantly his boyfriend.


Thanks for reading!💜

Feedback is appreciated❤️

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