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"What the hell is all of this?"

"What is he doing here?" Jimin asked, clearly annoyed.

''He came back Jiminie, he is sorry.'' Jimin's mother said softly.

''Yeah, right of course he is. He always is, until he has enough and leaves again.'' He scoffed.

''Is that your dad?" Jungkook whispered as he tugged on the sleeve of his boyfriend's sweater.

''I wouldn't call him a dad, just a sperm donor. That's what he is to me.'' Jimin mumbled as he wrapped his arm around his boyfriend and pulled him close. ''Why didn't you tell me he was living here again, mom? I would've never brought my boyfriend here if I knew he was here.'' He then said to his mom.

''Your boyfriend? I didn't raise a gay son!'' The man suddenly yelled as he walked towards the couple.

''That is because you didn't raise me, Sang-hoon.'' The elder said in a bitter tone.

''Jimin, please come inside and take your boyfriend with you. I really wanna meet him properly.'' Jimin's mom said softly.

''Do you still wanna come inside, baby? Please tell me if you want to leave, we'll go immediately.'' Jimin softly said to his boyfriend who nodded.

''I still wanna meet your parents,'' He then said with a sweet smile.

''Alright, but I don't want him to be there.'' The teacher said as he nodded towards the middle-aged man standing in front of them.

''Sang-hoon, please go to one of your friends for now?" Jimin's mom asked in a pleading voice, the man only scoffed before he walked away, not looking back once.

Once they were seated inside, Jimin and Jungkook squeezed together on the couch. Jimin's mom sitting opposite of them and some coffee on the table in the middle of them.

''So, boyfriend?'' Jimin's mom asked with a raised eyebrow and smile playing on her lips.

''Yeah, mom this is my boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook. Jungkookie this is my mom, but I think you noticed that already.'' He said sheepishly to which the younger chuckled. 

''It's really nice to meet you Jungkook. I'm glad my Jiminie has finally found someone for him.'' Mrs. Park said with a sweet smile as she welcomed the younger.

''Thank you, it's a pleasure meeting you to Mrs.'' Jungkook said as he bowed his head.

''No need to do that sweetheart. You're family now.'' Jimin's mother chuckled at the polite boy.

It was mostly Jimin and his mother talking about how much they missed each other and how life's going, trying to get the younger into the conversation but was very timid.

''Mom, we kinda need to tell you something.'' Jimin then said as he pulled Jungkook closer to himself. ''Well, actually two things.'' He then added.

''Jungkook is actually my student, I teach him English. That's how we met, 'cuz he was being a brat and thought he could be a dom.'' The last part was muttered but his mom caught it and burst out laughing.

''HYUNG!'' Jungkook yelled embarrassed as he hid his face in his hands.

''I'm sorry Jungkook, but I know he's a dom. And well you're obviously a bottom.'' Mrs. Park said while wiping some tears from her eyes at her son's bluntness.

''You are not bothered by the teacher and student thing?'' Jimin asked once the two of them calmed down.

''As long as you aren't, why would I be?'' She asked rhetorically. ''What was the other thing you wanted to tell me though?" She then asked curiously.

''We, well Jungkook, is pregnant.'' The elder said proudly as he placed one hand on the younger's belly. 

''O my god, are you for real?" She said excitedly as she stood up and walked over to the boys who nodded happily.

''How to fuck can a boy be pregnant.'' The same manly voice from earlier suddenly sounded in the room again.

''Why do you always need to ruin things?'' Jimin asked annoyed as he looked at the male.

''It's in my blood.'' The other just shrugged. 

''Alright, why is he living here again mom?" The elder said clearly not having anything that's happening right now. 

''He came back two weeks after you left to Seoul.'' Jimin's mom started once Sang-hoon sat down next to her. 

''But I've been there for what? Six months? And you never said a thing?!'' The elder was furious, and it showed.

''Calm down love, let her talk.'' Jungkook softly said as placed his hand on his boyfriend's thigh and earned a thankful glance from Jimin's mom.

''So like I said he came back after two weeks. And apologized for everything, he was sincere Jimin. Of course he didn't live here immediately, we took things slow. He took me on dates again, we learnt new things about each other. He learnt new things about you too. After four months I asked him to live with me again. I never said a thing because I know you wouldn't approve of that. But please try to understand we love each other again Jimin. I forgave him and I'm asking you to do the same, maybe not today but one day.'' Mrs. Park said as she intertwined her hand with the man sitting next to her.

''Mom, how could you! Do I need to remember you of all the times that same man hit you? Of the times he tied you to the bed, just to do his thing with you or went out with his so called friends. Or when he came drunk home once again and found you laying on the couch because you waited for him but instead of feeling sorry he did again. Again and again. He never stopped! Or when he left you because 'you weren't good enough to be his wife'. Or right now, he doesn't accept his gay son and the first thing he says to Jungkook, my boyfriend, when he hears he's pregnant is how that's possible. How, just how can you ask me to forgive that same man?'' By saying this the elder didn't notice tears were falling down until his boyfriend softly wiped them away by using his thump and then intertwined their fingers. 

''I've changed, Jimin.'' Sang-hoon softly said.

''Yeah, of course you have. Do I like the same stupid kid I was 15 years ago to you. Please, just shut up.'' Jimin scoffed not believing his ears.

''Don't act like you're the holy one here Jimin! It's not like you ever gave me a chance.'' Sang-hoon then said.

''Because you never deserved one! I do not remember you being a real father, I only remember you being an asshole, just like I described you a minute ago.'' 

''Everybody deserves a second chance, baby. I think you should give him a chance.'' Jungkook mumbled as he locked eyes with his boyfriend who widened his eyes.

''But baby,''

''No, buts now. I'm not asking you to forgive him right now, just like your mom said. But please think about it. I think it's the best if we go home for now, but he is, and always be your father Jimin.'' The younger softly said as he pulled the elder up. 

''You're a very wise, young man.'' Mrs. Park said with tears in her eyes as she eyed the two. They gave her a hug, a short goodbye to Sang-hoon and then left.

''I can't believe you actually sided with them.'' Jimin mumbled once they sat in the car.

''At least your mom thinks I'm a wise, young man.'' Jungkook grinned.

''I'm trying to be serious here Jungkook!" Jimin said, not amused at all.

''I know baby, I know. Just drive and think about it alright. And remember, I'll always love you.'' He then said and placed a kiss on the elder's cheek.

''I love you too.'' The elder said, finally smiling.


Thanks for reading!💜

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