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Once upon a time, there was a cat who lived eight years with her owner but then walked away towards the grocery store nearby where she became known as the 'grocery cat'. Sadly her owner found her and took her with her back home where they lived happily after.

Well, guess who's cat it is, right mine. She walks away every time but I swear, she loves me. 

''Jungkookie-ah,'' Taehyung whispered as he shook Jungkook's shoulders.

''Hmm I wanna sleep more.'' The younger mumbled and dived further under the sheets.

''Nope, you gotta get up. You need to show me that teach' ass.'' The elder grinned.

''Coming,'' Jungkook then mumbled.

''Pretty sure you want to see that ass again.'' The elder chuckled as he stood up.

''Shut up Tae.'' The younger groaned from under the sheets.

''Love you too!'' Taehyung yelled once he was out of the room. 

The younger slowly stood up and got changed. Once he was done he walked downstairs where he saw their breakfast, clearly not made by Taehyung.

''Did you see mom?'' Jungkook asked once he sat down.

''Nah, she was already gone when I came downstairs. She did make breakfast though, how did she know I was here?'' He asked with a mouthful.

''First, eat then talk. Secondly, I guess she still checks on me.'' The younger said as he shrugged his shoulders.

''Once a baby, always a baby.'' Taehyung agreed. 

''Talk for yourself, anyway, hurry up we need to go. It's already 07:55,'' Jungkook said as he stood up.

''Who was the one who didn't want to wake up?'' Taehyung mumbled as he placed everything in the sink. Jungkook just huffed, they grabbed their bags and then headed to school.

''What's the first-class?'' Jungkook asked the elder.

''English, two hours actually,'' Taehyung replied a bored tone.

''Great, how am I gonna face him after I said that. And even two hours... '' Jungkook said as he ruffled his hair.

''Come on bud, you're gonna be fine. He won't ki-'' Taehyung said but got interrupted by Jungkook.

''FUCK!" The younger cursed when they entered the school gates.

''What is it this time Jeon,'' Taehyung said as he rolled his eyes.

''I forgot my homework, we had to write a poem. I'm fucked.'' The younger mumbled, still with his hands in his hair.

''What's wrong with him?'' A new voice asked next to them.

''He didn't write a poem for English,'' Taehyung told Hoseok.

''Hmm, sucks for him. It doesn't really seem like he wants a higher grade if he doesn't make his homework.'' The eldest chuckled.

''Stop laughing Hyung!'' The youngest whined as they walked to their first class. 

''Nah, I wonder what he'll say Jungkookie-ah,'' Hoseok said while they sat down in the back row.

''Where's he?'' Taehyung asked confused.

''Maybe getting his coffee or something,'' Jungkook mumbled as he laid his stuff on the table.

''Good morning everyone,'' Their teacher greeted them as he walked into the class as some of the students muttered a 'good morning' back. 

''Holy fricking chicken nuggets, his booty is popping,'' Taehyung breathed out. 

''Holy fricking chicken nuggets, really?'' Hoseok asked with a raised eyebrow.

''I told you, his booty is a whole candy,'' Jungkook whispered towards Taehyung, too scared is their teacher might hear them.

''Anyway, I hope you all wrote your poem. Everyone lay it in your table, I'm gonna collect them.'' Jimin said as he walked to the front row.

''I'm fucked,'' The youngest muttered as he laid his head on his arms. 

''And you are?'' Their teacher said as he arrived at Taehyung.

''Taehyung, Kim Taehyung. I know I wasn't here yesterday but I am in this class. No, I don't have the poem since I didn't know about it.'' The student said as he looked down at his friend who looked like he had a breakdown.

''Then were you?'' The teacher asked with a raised eyebrow.

''You really want to know?'' Taehyung said while smirking.

''I didn't stutter did I?'' Jimin said as he crossed his arms.

''I was banging this girl I met at-'' He started but the teacher cut him off.

''Alright, maybe I didn't want to know that.'' The teacher chuckled. ''It's okay for now, but don't do it again'' He said before he headed to Hoseok who had made the poem like he had to. ''Great job Jung.'' Jimin nodded as he took a look at it.

''Thanks,'' Hoseok smiled as he looked at their teacher.

''Jungkook, where's your poem?'' The teacher asked with a sigh. 

''I guess I kinda forgot,'' Jungkook mumbled, still with his head on his arms which laid on the table.

''Stay after class Jeon.'' The teacher demanded to which the younger just nodded, not even looking up.

''Everything okay bro?'' Hoseok whispered as he bent over the younger.

''I'm fine, just scared I'm gonna say something stupid again,'' Jungkook mumbled.

''Just say you want him to fuck him and everything's fine,'' Taehyung said with a smirk.

''Taehyung, I really want to slap you right now. And secondly, I'm a top.'' The youngest said, defending himself.

''Then do it, and in your dreams.'' Taehyung chuckled but got hit by Jungkook the second after. ''Dammit Jungkook!" Taehyung yelled as he tried to block all the hits the younger was giving him.

''Jeon, mind telling me what's going on?'' The teacher asked with a raised eyebrow from the other side of the class. 

''This ass over here is being an asshole,'' Jungkook said as he glared at Taehyung but then he put a hand on his mouth as he realized he just swore in class. ''I'm sorry,'' He mumbled as he sat down.

''It's fine, just stay after class. You already had to but now you have an extra reason.'' The teacher said as he sat down.

''Fuck me,'' Jungkook mumbled as he let his head fall back into his arms again.

''That's Mr. Park's job,'' Taehyung smirked but stopped once he saw Hoseok's glare.

''Not now Kim.'' The elder just said.


''So Jungkook,'' The teacher began. ''Why didn't you make your homework? You can't play around like this Jeon.'' He then said seriously. 

Class just ended and everyone went to math but of course, Jungkook had to stay. 

''I kinda forgot, my friends came over yesterday and one stayed the night.'' The younger mumbled as he looked down. 

''That ain't no reason Jeon.'' The elder said with crossed arms. ''You basically begged me yesterday to give you a higher grade, but you don't do a single thing about it.''

''It was just this once, I swear!" Jungkook said as he defended himself. 

''Yeah sure, I'm serious Jeon. I want you to do your best. This is too less, you need to put effort into this subject or otherwise you won't make it.'' Jimin said in a serious tone. 

''I know, I know,'' The younger groaned. ''Can't you just give me a higher grade I'll do anything!" He then basically begged. 

''We talked about this Jeon and the answer is no,'' The teacher said with a sigh.

'''Talked about it' you said no for like five times and then sent me away.'' He muttered.

''Yeah, and that should be enough. But anyway, I want you to put more effort into this and I'll think of helping you. But keep this attitude and you're gonna fail, got it?'' The elder asked in a stern voice. 

''Yeah I understand.'' The younger mumbled. 

''Great you're dismissed.'' The teacher said as he wrote a letter for the younger. 

''Thanks,'' Jungkook mumbled as he walked towards his next class. Maths, where waits a new surprise since he had a substitute called Mr. Kim. As in Kim Seokjin, bis best friends crush or something. 


Thanks for reading!💜

Feedback is appreciated❤️

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