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''And why are you late?'' A voice asked the younger as soon as he entered.

''Your colleague wanted to talk to me.'' The younger said as he walked towards his seat.

''Which one?'' The teacher asked.

''Mr. Park,'' Jungkook said.

''Alright, next time bring a note and a better attitude.'' The teacher said before he started the screen.

''Who the hell is that?'' Jungkook whispered to Hoseok who sat next to him.

''It's the one our Namjoon-Hyung as a crush on,'' Hoseok whispered back.

''NAMJOON-HYUNG HAS A CRUSH?'' Taehyung yelled, the boy sat next to Hoseok and heard him saying that.

''Please sit down Mr. Hyper, and who are you talking about?'' Jin asked the student who sat down immediately.

''He is a friend Mr.'' Hoseok sat how wanted to move on from the subject. 

''What's his name?'' The teacher asked with crossed arms. 

''Namjoon, Kim Namjoon,'' Jungkook said immediately and chuckled when he saw his teacher gulping. 

''W-who is his crush?'' The elder then asked, suddenly stuttering.

''I think that's a bit too much information Mr.'' Hoseok said carefully.

''Y-yeah, right. Let's s-start with today's c-class.'' The teacher sighed before turning towards the screen.


''You know the teach reacted quite odd when I said Hyung's name,'' Hoseok said when they sat down in the canteen, waiting for Namjoon to join them. 

''Yeah, he immediately started stuttering.'' Jungkook chuckled.

''Yep he did, but are you sure our Namjoon-Hyung as a huge ass crush on the math teacher?'' Taehyung asked confused, still not believing it.

''Yeah I am sure I have a huge ass crush on the math teacher,'' Namjoon said as he sat down next to Taehyung.

''H-Hyung! I didn't know you were here.'' Taehyung said surprised. 

''Well, surprise!" Namjoon grinned. 

''Hyung, you should be a bit more careful. You can't walk around saying you have a crush on your math teacher. You know it isn't allowed.'' The youngest warned the elder.

''Haha, don't worry Kook. I'll be fine,'' Namjoon chuckled.

''Just be careful Hyung,'' Taehyung warned his Hyung. 

''Anyway, how are you doing with your English teacher?'' Namjoon then asked the youngest.

''We have nothing, it's just he doesn't want me to anything for a higher grade.'' Jungkook sighed as he took a smile bite from his lunch.

''You know, it isn't quite normal for a student to ask his teacher if he wants to do 'stuff' with him,'' Hoseok said carefully.

''I know, but I'm pretty sure he never dealt with this before so once has to be the first time.'' The younger bickered back.

''Who says he's even gay?'' The elder suddenly said.

''There's no way in this whole universe he's straight Hyung. You should've seen the way he reacts towards the guys when they bent down and when the girls bent down.'' Taehyung chuckled, defending his best friend.

''What's the difference?'' Namjoon asked confused.

''When a boy bents down he looks like he wants to eat the booty like a candy, but when a girl bents he looks away and makes a cringy face. And I just have had him for one class.'' The younger said.

''Okay, so he might be gay. But who says he doesn't have a boyfriend of a hubby?'' The eldest then asked. 

''He surely doesn't have a hubby since he doesn't wear a ring or something. And if he has a boyfriend, everything can break, right?'' Jungkook said while looking straight into his Hyung's eyes.

''You are not planning on breaking a possible relationship are you?'' Hoseok asked shocked.

''I'm not taking the risk. He may has a boyfriend, maybe not. My grades are bad, that's for sure, I want them higher so I'm gonna do everything so he wants to do something.'' The youngest of the four said calmly.

''Listen boy, even though I don't really like your plan, I'm okay with it. But if it means you ruined a relationship. We don't know each other anymore.'' Namjoon said darkly.

''Jesus, calm down Hyung. It won't happen.'' Jungkook chuckled. 

''You know, after lunch, we have English again right?'' Hoseok asked the youngest.

''Yeah I know, I hope he lets me stay again.'' The youngest grinned.

''You just warned me, but the same goes for you. Don't do stupid things Jungkook.'' The eldest said seriously.

''I won't Hyung, don't worry.'' Jungkook smiled softly.

''Anyway, let's go to class.'' Hoseok sighed. ''The bell has rung a few minutes ago.'' He then added when he saw the confused faces.

''Wow, I didn't hear it.'' Taehyung chuckled.

''Me neither, but let's go,'' Jungkook said as he stood up.

''Yep, see you guys later!" Namjoon said as he walked towards the opposite of them.

''Let's get that booty,'' Jungkook grinned while walking towards their class.

''You know, I'd love to smack you right now. But it's true, so I can't.'' Hoseok sighed. 

''I'm always right Hyung,'' Jungkook said as they walked in class.

''Your grades say otherwise Jungkook,'' Jimin said who sat in his chair.

''You'll find out sooner or later that I'm always right,'' The younger winked as he sat down.

''Just tell me, where did our innocent Jungkookie go?" Taehyung asked Hoseok confused.

''I'd love to know it too, ever since this dude came here he's been acting like a whole ass playboy.'' Hoseok sighed. 

''Blame that booty,'' Jungkook chuckled as he sat down. 

''You just need to control your hormones Kooks.'' The elder grinned.

''Nah, I'd rather calm them down after I-'' The younger started.

''Don't finish that sentence.'' A voice suddenly said behind them.

''Mr. Park...'' Jungkook said without looking behind. 

''It's me indeed, and I want you to stay after class. Again,'' The teacher said in a serious tone before walking away.

''You got some trouble hanging on your ass.'' Taehyung chuckled.

''Seriously Tae, trouble hanging on my ass?" The younger scoffed.

''Yep, and I mean literally.'' Taehyung chuckled.

''I'm a top.'' Jungkook scoffed again. 

''I'm pretty sure the teacher is gonna top you in case you guys are gonna do something.'' Hoseok grinned too.

''I'm sure not,'' The youngest said, defending his pride.

''Sure~'' The others said. 

During class, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at the ass of his teacher. But can you blame him? It's a whole candy. 

''Jungkook, you've been staring at his ass during the whole class,'' Taehyung whispered.

''I know, it's hard to resist.'' The younger chuckled which made the elder sigh.

''Alright guys, you can leave. Jungkook don't forget your ritual.'' The teacher said right after the bell rung.

''Yes sir,'' Jungkook said but missed his teacher biting his lip.


Thanks for reading!💜

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