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"Alright, so what's been bothering you?" Jin asked Jimin once the three of them were in his apartment.

''Promise me you won't freak out, don't call me names and don't kick me out.'' Jimin sighed who laid on the couch.

''Alright, we won't now tell us.'' The eldest said softly.

''I've had sex with Jeon Jungkook.'' The English teacher mumbled.

''YOU WHAT?!" Jin yelled as soon as the words left Jimin's mouth.

''You promised not to freak out,'' Yoongi said calmly before he turned to Jimin. ''You know it's illegal and extremely dumb what you did, right?'' He then asked.

''No shit Sherlock and the scariest thing is that I know I'll do it again if he asks for it.'' The youngest sighed as he ruffled his hair.

''He asked for it?'' Jin asked this time a lot more calm.

''Yeah, his grades aren't the best so he asked if I would give him higher if I had sex with him. And dick couldn't stay inside of course.'' He groaned.

''I have to ask, is it a student and teacher thing or is it a lover and lover thing?'' Yoongi asked carefully.

''I guess student and teacher, for now.'' The teacher sighed once again.

''You're on thin ice Jimin-ssi, be careful, please,'' Jin said softly as he sat down next to Jimin.

''I will Hyung, thanks,'' The youngest smiled.

''What are you gonna do now though?'' Yoongi asked the younger.

''I'm not sure, probably just gonna keep on fucking him.'' Jimin shrugged. 

''You know if they catch you, you're losing your job and Jungkook's gonna kicked out of college, right?'' The eldest asked the youngest.

''I know, guess we're gonna have to take the risk.'' The English teacher sighed for the nht time that day.

''Let's just hope they won't catch you,'' Yoongi said before he stood up. ''I'm gonna go to my room, I think you Jimin, need to do the same.'' He said before walking out, leaving the others behind.

''I think you should indeed go Jimin-ssi.'' Jin said. ''You need to think about all of this.'' He then added to which the younger nodded.

''Yeah, thanks Hyung.'' Jimin smiled as he hugged the elder before walking out and going to his own room.

''This kid...'' Jin sighed as he shook his head once Jimin left the room.


''Alright, what the hell happened today Jungkook?'' Namjoon asked once the four of them were in his room.

''Promise me you won't freak out, don't call me names and don't kick me out.'' The youngest sighed, not knowing he said the exact same thing as his teacher.

''We won't just tell us, trust us.'' The eldest said in a soft tone.

''I've had sex with the English teacher.'' The youngest mumbled quietly.

''FINALLY!'' Taehyung screamed.

''YOU WHAT?!'' Hoseok yelled at the same time.

''You promised him not to freak out Hoseok, and Taehyung be mature for once please.'' The eldest said before he turned to Jungkook. ''I'm happy you finally got what you wanted bud, but you know it's illegal and you can get kicked out of college right?'' He then said.

''Yeah, I know. But I need an higher grade!" The youngest said frustrated.

''This is not exactly the way how to do it Jungkookie,'' Namjoon said carefully.

''I tried to do it 'the normal way' Hyung, but I can't! And if I can get an higher grade like this, I'll do it. They won't find out, I'm sure of that.'' Jungkook said confidently.

''You're going to get in trouble JK.'' Hoseok sighed as he looked at him.

''No I won't, I'm sure we will be careful enough,'' Jungkook said sternly.

''Right, be happy that guy is getting more carefree guys,'' Taehyung said. ''He was a small shy bean, be happy he finally getting out of that bubble.'' He added.

''Thanks Tae,'' Jungkook smiled at the elder.

''Fucking eight girls a week isn't the best thing you can do Taehyung,'' The eldest said with a raised eyebrow.

''It's a stress-relieving thing.'' The younger shrugged. ''Anway, what the hell were you doing with Mr. Min?'' He then asked Hoseok.

''Nothing much, just moving my butt in his crotch when I needed to grab my pencil.'' Hoseok shrugged, causing Jungkook to sit up straight.

''Tell me. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.'' The younger said slowly.

''Well, I asked for help, I really didn't get it, I swear. And well, I let my pencil fall, on purpose, so I bent to pick it up and well my butt rubbed his crotch. Nothing much compared to you.'' The elder grinned. 

''I bet you're getting fucked by him within a week,'' Taehyung said confidently.

''I bet with three days,'' Jungkook said.

''20 dollars?'' Taehyung asked.

''Deal,'' The youngest nodded.

''Sometimes I ask myself why the hell I'm friends with you guys,'' Namjoon sighed as he ruffled his hair.

''Because your life would be really boring if you didn't meet us.'' The youngest said immediately.

''Yep, you would be reading all day long,'' Taehyung said.

''And studying your ass out,'' Hoseok added causing the elder to sigh again.

''The worst thing is that you're right.'' He then sighed under his breath.

''Anyway, are you going to let yourself get fucked by Mr. Park again tomorrow?'' Taehyung suddenly asked the youngest.

''Probably, yes.'' Jungkook grinned.

''Alright I'm outta here,'' Namjoon said as he stood up.

''Ah come one Hyung, we all know you'd love if you get fucked by the math teacher,'' Hoseok smirked.

''You want to get fucked by the music teacher so shut it.'' Namjoon shot back.

''True, who gets fucked first wins 30 dollars,'' Hoseok said as he extended his hand.

''Deal,'' Namjoon said as he took the other's hand.

''And here he is saying we should grow up,'' Jungkook whispered to Taehyung who grinned as he slapped his arm.

''It's Friday tomorrow, wanna go to a club at night?'' Hoseok then asked who immediately nodded.

''Hell yeah, it's been a while,'' Jungkook said as they all agreed.

''Deal, at nine by Nightlife,'' Hoseok said to which they all agreed.


Thanks for reading!💜

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