Asking For Help

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Third person

The brunette checked the time on his phone and sighed. He knew he was going to get it bad when he got home. If he were going to have any chance of seeing the light of day again, he was going to have to leave, now.

"Vincent I um... I really hate to leave... And you're hurt and I want to be here... But... If I don't I won't be able to see you anymore..." He explained slowly, worried his partner might get the wrong idea of him leaving.

"Oh... Okay... I get it..." The Naga replied softly, wishing the brunette could stay and rest with him.

Scott got up slowly, kissing the other's cheek before exiting the cave. He took out his phone and saw several angry texts from his parents. How was he going to cover this one up?

Then he realized, he couldn't just leave Vincent alone. Someone should stay with him to make sure he's okay. But it couldn't be him, it had to be someone Scott trusted.

The brunette decided to call his one true friend from school, Jeremy. He knew he could trust him and hoped he wouldn't think Scott was crazy.

Jeremy had locked himself in his room for the day to stay safe from his abusive drunk of a father. He mentally begged to get away from that place. He would rather be anywhere else.

The bruised male's phone rang for a few moments before he answered. He had to make sure his father wouldn't hear, otherwise he'd get another beating.

"Hey Jeremy, I um... I have a favor to ask..." Scott started slowly, thinking about how to ask Jeremy for such a thing.

"W-What is it, S-Scott?" The smaller brunette asked, always willing to help the one person who was actually his friend.

Scott bit his lip. He couldn't believe he was going to ask something like this of his friend. He just hoped Jeremy wouldn't think he was crazy.

"You'll probably think I'm crazy, but... Well you see... My boyfriend Vincent... He um... He lives in the woods, b-but he's really hurt... I can't take him to the hospital... So I was wondering if you could maybe, um... Stay with him for a little while?" He asked awkwardly, desperately hoping his friend would be able to help him this once.

Jeremy however was very confused about this situation. Why would Scott's boyfriend live in the woods? Why would he be hurt? And why wouldn't Scott be able to take him to the hospital if it were that serious?

He knew that he wanted to help his friend, but he wasn't sure if he could bring himself to go into the woods, especially with it getting so close to being dark. But, since Scott was his friend, he would.

"A-Alright S-Scott... I'll be t-there s-soon..." He agreed softly.

"Thank you so much Jeremy... And you might want to bring a first aid kit... I'll be waiting to show you the way..."

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