Treating Wounds

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Third person

Scott was panicking internally for his lover. His wounds could easily get infected and cause him to get sick, or worse.

The knife was sticking out of the Naga's eye socket, making the brunette even more worried, but also very squeamish. He wasn't exactly sure how to do this, but he knew that he couldn't leave a knife sticking out of Vincent's eye.

"Vincent... Your eye... Um, t-the knife should uh, it needs to come out..." The brunette explained slowly.

"I-I know... D-Do it..." The Naga replied, just wanting to get through the most painful part.

The smaller male gripped the knife loosely, tightening his hold only slightly. He didn't want to hurt his boyfriend, but he had to get the weapon protruding from his skull.

Scott whispered an apology before yanking the knife from Vincent's eye. The Naga cringed and let out a loud hiss of pain.

"I'm sorry Vincent...! I-I didn't mean to hurt you!" Scott apologized, hugging Vincent's waist so he wouldn't touch any other injury.

"I-It'sss okay..."

The brunette knew he was going to get in trouble when he went home, but there was no way he could leave Vincent. He got up and helped the Naga into his home, gently setting him down afterwards.

"Um... I could go get some stuff from home... It would help..." Scott said awkwardly, looking at the entrance of the cave.

The Naga shook his head slowly and pulled the brunette close with his tail. He just wanted to rest with his mate for now.

Scott sighed and sat down next to Vincent, holding him close, but with extreme care so he wouldn't cause him anymore pain.

"I really should wash your wounds... They could get infected..."

His lover sighed, loosening his hold on Scott. He knew it was the right thing to do, but that doesn't mean he wanted to do it. It would be painful and he was in enough pain already.

The brunette got up and headed back to the small pond inside the cave -the same one Vincent had used to clean his wounds- and picked up the cloth he could find. He emerged it in the water then rung it out so it was damp and not soaked.

Scott walked back, kneeling in front of the Naga to see the severity of his wounds. His eye was by far, the worst. He wasn't going to be able to see from it again, that was certain.

The smaller male sighed and gently dabbed the cloth to the other's eye, causing him to hiss in pain, digging his claws into the rock wall of the cave. Scott whispered another apology as he continued to clean the other's injuries. He knew that it was only making his lover feel more pain, and that made him feel bad. But the wounds had to be cleaned.

"What happened Vincent? I mean, were they trying to hurt you or something...?" He asked, just wanting to know why his partner had killed three people from his highschool.

"They a-attacked me... I thought it wasss you... I got clossser... And they jussst, attacked..." The Naga explained, looking down at the ground.

Scott sighed and hugged him gently, wishing that people could understand Vincent like he did. But that just wasn't going to happen.

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