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Third person

Fritz stepped closer, a twig snapping under his foot. The Naga's ears twitched back, hearing the sharp sound in the almost silence.

He sat up and glanced around, looking for the source of the sound. The three boys hid behind the nearest trees they could find so they wouldn't be spotted.

The Naga however, saw a glimpse of one of the boys, Chet to be exact. He figured it had to be Scott. Why would anyone else be here?

"Ssscott? Isss that you?" He asked, moving closer to the area where the three were hiding.

None of the boys knew what to say, so they stayed silent. Vincent was confused. Why wouldn't Scott reply to him? It didn't seem right to him.

Fritz gripped his knife tighter, adrenaline spreading through his veins like an epidemic of the bubonic plague. Chet and Brad both stared in fear of what the ginger male was about to do. They could both tell this was about to get very messy.

Vincent could now tell that it wasn't Scott he'd seen. He'd picked up an unfamiliar scent, and now his guard was being raised.

The chubby ginger male moved around the tree and on the other side of the Naga. He drew the knife, ready to strike. Vincent's ears flattened, hearing the small movements from behind.

With one quick, stress-driven movement, Fritz drove the knife into the Naga's upper right back. Vincent let out a loud hiss of pain, thrashing his tail and causing his attacker to get thrown a few feet away.

Brad and Chet were about to bail, when the Naga spotted them too. They knew there was no way to escape now.

Vincent, agitated by this act of unnecessary cruelty towards him, pounced on both of them. The two jocks were unable to throw him off because of his long tail, weighing them down. They struggled, but it did nothing to the Naga.

He had them both by the throat, his claws just barely sparing their lives. They were both terrified and whispering begs for their lives, not that Vincent could make out what they were saying.

They kicked and whimpered, showing sides of themselves that no one had ever seen, and that no one would ever see again. Because of his anger and pain, Vincent's claws dug into their throats. Their blood spilled onto his razor sharp, dagger-like claws. They struggled harder, only causing the wounds to grow larger and become worse.

To end their pain and struggling, the Naga snapped their necks, which snapped like nothing more than pencils with the Naga's strength.

The color from the two's brown eyes faded, almost as if you could see the spirits leaving their bodies.

Vincent quickly let go of them and pulled the knife out of his shoulder. He hissed in pain and threw the knife somewhere on the ground. Now he had to deal with Fritz, the one who caused this all to happen.

The Naga slithered through the grass, hissing lowly at Fritz, who had just now regained himself enough to fight. The ginger sat up and spotted Vincent instantly, now looking around for his knife, his only defense.

Vincent tackled the ginger male and tried to snap at his neck. Fritz managed to grab the knife that was laying nearby and swiped at the Naga's face.

The serpent growled and clawed the other teen for payback. Fritz let out a cry of pain, his arm now burning where there were three distinct claw marks. Out of anger and fear of being injured worse, he shoved the knife into the Naga's eye, causing the other to scream. This wouldn't kill Vincent, but it certainly wouldn't help him in any way.

As if it weren't his decision, he sunk his long fangs into the other's neck, injecting a very large amount of venom into the teen. It was at least twice the amount needed to kill him.

Scott had heard the screams and knew something was wrong. He ran back through the trees to the opening and screamed when he saw three dead bodies, and his lover, Vincent, bleeding on the ground.

He didn't know why any of this had happened, but he pulled Vincent into his lap, crying in fear that he had lost his one true love.

"W-What happened Vincent?" He asked, not really expecting an answer from the other.

"I-It wasss an... a-ac-cccident..."

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