About To Strike

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Third person

Not soon after Scott had to go home. He was reluctant to, because he wanted to stay with his lover, but he knew that he had to go home. The brunette was already cutting it close as it was.

"I'm sorry Vincent... I have to head home..." He apologized softly, feeling bad that he was the one who always had to leave.

"It'sss alright love, I underssstand..." The Naga replied, keeping in mind that his mate couldn't live in the forest like he did.

Scott kissed the other's lips gently before standing up. Vincent blushed at the action and watched the other leave his home. He was sad that the brunette always had to leave, but there wasn't anything he could do about that.

The brunette's parents wouldn't let him live in the forest. They would have him committed to a psychiatric hospital for treatment. That's what worried the male.

Sure, it wouldn't be too much longer before he could move out, but then what? He wouldn't be able to survive in the woods, he wasn't made to. But Vincent wasn't made to survive outside of the forest either. The whole thing made Scott's chest hurt. He didnt want to think about losing Vincent in any way. 

He walked through the trees and reached the road, keeping his head down to avoid being spotted by anyone who might recognize him, not that there were many people who traveled on this road anyway.

Meanwhile, Fritz, Brad, and Chet all made their way into the woods. The ginger male recalled part of the way, but it was always easy to get lost in a forest. Brad and Chet however had never been in the mess of tangled branches and were sticking close.

The Naga was laying in the sunlight that managed to claw it's way through the darkness of the forest. Sunning was something he did often to keep his cold blood warm. It was also relaxing to him. He never had to worry about any predators attacking him because he was at the top of the food chain. He could kill easily with a swipe of his claws or with the venom from his fangs.

But just because he was the "top dog", that didn't mean he couldn't listen just for the fun of it. The forest was actually quite a beautiful thing to listen to. The hum of insects creating their own unique symphony was a pleasure for the Naga's acute ears.

The three boys stopped dead in their tracks when the serpent boy came into view. Chet and Brad, although being the top players on the high school football team, were petrified by the Naga.

"We should get outta' here!" Brad whispered to Fritz, pulling his arm. 

"Yeah, you know what the stories say about those things!" Chet agreed quietly.

"Oh shut up. If that thing won't hurt Scott then it must be harmless. Stop being pussies and come on." The ginger snapped, pulling away.

The two gave each other concerned looks, knowing neither of them wanted to continue on. But to keep their reputations strong, they agreed to continue.

Fritz moved closer towards the Naga, but not out of hiding. They all were being as silent as possible so they wouldn't make their presence known.

The ginger took out a pocket knife, thinking a few stabs and slashes would be enough to take down the Naga. This wasn't true, but he didn't know that.

But what none of them knew was that things were about to get very messy.

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