Being Confronted

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Third person

Scott had visited Vincent again. He missed his serpent like friend and figured he was missed as well. They seemed to get along very well, perhaps even better than friends would.

The brunette, now being more familiar with the way of the forest, found his way to the Naga's home easily.

He peeked in the opening of the cave and saw the Naga male, sleeping in the one ray of sunlight that managed to penetrate the darkness. He smiled and walked in quietly, not wanting to wake his friend.

Vincent had fallen asleep, listening to the music Scott had given him. He liked all the melodies he had listened to so far because they made him think of the brunette.

The Naga felt closer to the brunette, seeing as they liked the same things. All he really wanted was to be close with him.

Scott sat down next to the sleeping snake and smiled. He swept a lock of hair off of Vincent's eye, which caused the Naga to wake up. The brunette retracted his hand as his face turned a light pink.

"Sorry, I didn't want to wake you..." He apologized softly.

"That'sss okay Ssscott... I'm glad you're here..." The Naga replied, sitting up and taking the headphones off to hear Scott better.

The smaller male smiled and turned the music off for Vincent. The Naga hadn't exactly gotten everything down with the iPod yet and was still trying to remember what to do.

"I can see you like music." He said, smiling at Vincent.

The male nodded and shared a fang-filled, yet sweet smile. Scott chuckled at the other's cute appearance. The two made each other incredibly happy when they had this time together.

It was only saddening when Scott had to leave, which he always had to eventually. Neither of them saw it as fair that they couldn't spend more time together. They both wished they could stay together in the peace and beauty of the forest, rather than Scott going back into the cruel darkness of the world. But alas, he had to.

The brunette hugged Vincent before walking out of the cave. He jogged back to the road and crept out of the bushes to avoid being seen by anyone.

There was just one problem: Fritz had been waiting outside the entire time. The brunette was about to start walking home when he was snatched back, his feet practically leaving the ground from the amount of force.

He let out a small, but high pitched sound from shock. Once Fritz came into his field of vision Scott knew it was all over.

"Hey Scotty, what'cha doin' in the woods?" He asked, keeping a death grip on the back of Scott's collar.

The brunette took a deep breath to collect himself. He was scared of what Fritz was capable of, but couldn't possibly tell him the truth about Vincent.

"N-Nothing... I-I lost my iPod in the woods that night... I was l-looking for it..." He stuttered out a lie, hoping the ginger male would believe him.

"Oh really?" Fritz asked sarcastically, throwing the smaller male to the ground.

Scott groaned out in pain and curled up on the pavement. He was kicked in the stomach before Fritz yanked his head up by his shaggy brown hair.

"You better have a real reason by the next time I see you, or I'll tell everyone everything." He hissed while walking away.

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