Being Found

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Third person

Vincent slithered through the forest, being quite sad today. His only friend hadn't been around for several days and he was missing his presence immensely.

Surely Scott hadn't forgotten about him, had he? It would break the Naga's heart to think his only friend had forgotten he existed. That couldn't be it. Or at least Vincent hoped it couldn't.

He sighed and slithered up passed the stream. He was deciding to head home for the day.

As he slithered through the trees he picked up a familiar scent. Not of an animal or any form of prey. No, this was something he liked, something he missed. It was Scott and he was close.

The Naga slithered through the trees rather quickly. He wanted to find Scott as soon as possible and make sure he was okay.

He figured the brunette had made it to the cave and saw that he wasn't home, then just went out to look for him. It made sense in his mind, so he hoped it was true.

"Ssscott?" He called out, looking for some kind of clue as to where his friend was.

There was no reply, which made Vincent worry. What if Scott were hurt and stuck somewhere? The Naga's thoughts were only making the situation worse. The more time he thought the more he wanted to find Scott.

It was obvious to Vincent that Scott had wandered for a while. It seemed like his scent just went in circles around the general area. The Naga assumed he was still in the forest because his scent seemed to portray that he was lost. He doubted he'd found his way out on his own.

He continued to search for the brunette, who meanwhile was laying in a field of flowers. Scott had given up on trying to find a way out and decided to rest in the nearby field. There was nothing else to do, so why not?

He sighed and placed his forearm over his eyes to block out the sun. He wasn't sure how long he'd been lost for, and he wasn't about to check. Knowing how long he'd been running around like a scared child would have only made the situation worse.

The brunette just wanted to block out the world so he could decay into nothingness in peace. He was only brought back when he heard his name being called. He sat up and looked around, but didn't see anyone.

Scott sighed and shook his head. He thought that the heat and stress must be getting to him, when in reality it was Vincent who called out to him.

Vincent called again, this time loud enough for Scott to realize it was him. The brunette hopped up and started running in the direction of the Naga, realizing it was his friend.

"Vincent!" He yelled.


The two were moving quite quickly towards one another and ended up crashing into each other. Scott ended up on top of Vincent, but didn't care. He hugged the Naga tight, being grateful that he wasn't going to be lost anymore.

"I found you."

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