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Third person

Vincent helped Scott up and they walked back to the cave. The brunette was embarrassed that he'd gotten lost in a bundle of sticks and leaves.

"I'm sorry I got lost..." Scott mumbled softly, looking at the ground.

"That'sss okay... I'm jussst glad you're alright..." The Naga replied, leading The brunette back into the cave.

The two sat down and there was an awkward silence between them. Neither of them knew what to say to the other.

The brunette glanced to the side of the cave and sighed. He shoved his hands in his pockets and remembered what he'd brought for the Naga. He brought his iPod so Vincent could get an understanding of music.

"Oh um, here. I brought this for you." The brunette said awkwardly, handing the small device to the Naga.

The purple male wasn't sure what to do with the small glass box presented to him. He'd never seen anything like it before and was curious as to what it did.

Scott sighed and turned on the device for him, trying to show the Naga how it worked.

"What isss thisss?" He asked, examining the box and cord for the headphones. 

"It's a little box that plays music. It's called an iPod, most people have one. It's so you can listen to music whenever you want." The brunette explained, putting the headphones in Vincent's ears.

Scott started with a slow song so he wouldn't overwhelm him. Most of the songs were rock or metal, but there were a few slower and more relaxed songs.

"Thisss isss niccce..." The taller male said, finding the sounds to be quite soothing.

"Yeah, music is a good why to relax... I listen to it a lot..." The brunette replied, switching to another slow song for his companion.

The Naga liked this new experience. Music was a nice, calming thing that he was already beginning to love. He understood why it was calming to Scott. It was soft and soothing, perfect for relaxation.

But why would Scott need to relax so much? Was he going through a lot of stress at home? Vincent didn't like the thought of the brunette being under a lot of stress. It made him worry there was something wrong.

"What elssse isss musssic for?" He asked, wondering if it was only used for relaxation.

"Well, it can be used for entertainment... People go and see it performed live at concerts... It's used in movies and shows... And people can buy music on discs and listen to them on CD players, which are things that play the disc music..." The smaller male explained.

Vincent nodded, understanding a bit more now. Music wasn't just for relieving stress like he'd originally thought, which he was glad about. He didn't want Scott, his only friend, to be stressed, in any way.

Scott on the other hand was stressed a lot, but wasn't about to go into a lot of detail about that. He figured he should just let his friend enjoy this new experience.

"Hey Vincent, I gotta get home... But you can keep that and listen to music until I come back, okay?" He said, standing up.

Vincent nodded and hugged the other on his way out. Scott hadn't even left yet and he was already longing for the other's return. But at least he could keep himself occupied with music.

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