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Third person

Elizabeth asked many questions to and about the Naga. She wanted to have as much information as she could. She was even recording the sound of his voice on a tape recorder.

This didn't particularly worry Scott, Elizabeth was nice. He didn't worry about her spreading this information because he knew that no one would believe her if she did. The brunette was calm in the situation.

Vincent however wasn't so calm. Sure, he trusted this new woman, but he wasn't quite sure why. She was collecting information on him, wanted to study him, who knows what else she might want to do to him. But Scott wouldn't let that happen, he loved Vincent more than anything. Perhaps the Naga was just being paranoid in his vulnerable state.

Elizabeth wrote down a few more things while looking around. She noticed the sun was slowly sinking into the horizon, meaning it was getting late.

"Scott, it's nearly dark... Perhaps we should leave for the day and come back tomorrow..." She suggested, gathering her piles of notes.

The brunette sighed softly and hugged his partner, wishing he never had to leave him.

"I'm sorry Vincent, I'll be back tomorrow... I love you..." He said softly, kissing the other's lips gently.

"It'sss okay Ssscott, I love you too..." The Naga replied, watching as his lover reluctantly left. 

The two left and headed back to Elizabeth's car. She put her notes in the floorboard of the backseat and got into the driver's side. They were cutting it close on time, but if they hurried Scott would be home on time.

"Thank you, Scott. You've really given me the closure I so desperately wanted..." Elizabeth spoke softly, more to herself than the brunette.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked, unsure how he gave her any form of closure from letting her talk to his partner.

"That's... A story for another time..." She replied quietly, increasing the vehicle's speed a good twenty miles over the forty-five mile per hour speed limit.

The brunette went quiet as the car forced his body against the seat. He wasn't sure how to feel about this situation. How could he have given Elizabeth closure? Sure, Scott had allowed her to meet Vincent, but how would that give her any closure? It just didn't make any sense in his mind.

The tires on her car came to a screeching halt in front of Scott's home. He thanked her for the ride and got up, running up the driveway and hurrying into the house. She drove off a few moments later, not even a minute before his parents pulled in.

Scott had watched through his bedroom window and flopped down on his bed. He was tired and stressed from all the recent events being thrown at him. He was only sixteen, but he was handling it better than most for his age. Scott stared up at the ceiling of his room and sighed.

"What have I gotten myself into?"

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