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Third person

The next day Elizabeth arrived to Scott's house early. She seemed frantic and out of breath. There was an uneasy feeling in the air as she knocked on his door many times.

Scott had been sleeping, his hair messy and his pajamas still stuck to his body, as he answered the door with a yawn. Elizabeth quickly grabbed his arm and drug him out to her car forcefully.

"Hey hey... I'm still asleep here..." He groaned, nearly hitting his head when Elizabeth shoved him into the backseat of her car.

"There's no time to sleep Scott! This is an emergency!" She exclaimed, running and hopping in her side, slamming on the gas.

Scott was thrown against the seats and fell into the floorboard when she slammed on the breaks. He huffed and sat up before he realized they were almost past the hospital. What could possibly be happening at this hour that involved such haste?

"Elizabeth! What's going on?! What's with all the hurry?!" He yelled, trying to make her hear him over the sound of rubber on road.

"This is serious Scott! The lab I used to test Vincent's vemon, they know it's not from any other snake in the area! They told the press and now people are starting to gather outside the forest! They're looking for Vincent! They'll kill him!" She yelled, hoping to wake up Scott in the process.

The brunette was now wide awake. His partner, the one person he truly loved, was in danger. He couldn't believe this was actually happening. He thought that if such a situation became present that the city council would hush it up.

The car sped down the road and to the edge of the forest. There were several people gathered, but not actually doing anything. They were just sitting there, rifles slung over their shoulders as if they were going hunting for deer.

Elizabeth threw some clothes she had gotten from a friend at Scott for him to change. She had grabbed them, knowing she would need to be prepared for anything.

He quickly got dressed and got out of the car when she did. They seemed to fit in with the rest of the townspeople. Elizabeth had even brought two pistols to play along. She put one in Scott's jacket.

"Don't use it unless absolutely necessary..." She whispered.

Scott was shocked. He had a gun in his possession; a loaded weapon capable of killing instantly. Elizabeth and Scott quickly walked around the car and slipped into the woods undetected. They needed to act fast before anyone realized they were here.

Shouting and curses were heard as they walked. Things were starting to get chaotic in the situation. If this wasn't resolved quickly all hell would break loose. They ran through the forest, trying to avoid being spotted as much as possible.

Elizabeth had a plan, but first she needed to get Scott and Vincent in the same place. She was praying that her plan would work and that all this would die down. It was the only chance they had.

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