The Plan

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Third person

Elizabeth and Scott ran to the opening. Vincent was sitting towards the back of the cave in a tight coil. He could hear the yelling from all the way in his cave and it upset him. He didn't want to hear people yell awful things about his kind or that they were going to kill him.

Scott ran in and hugged his lover, being thankful he wasn't hurt any more than he had been. The Naga hugged back and noticed Elizabeth was in his home too.

"Ssscott, what'sss going on...?" He asked his partner softly, not taking his gaze off of the woman staring at the floor.

"There's some people who are angry Vincent... They think you killed those boys... They want to kill you..." The brunette explained, trying not to let the fear become present in his voice.

"But... I did kill them... They have the right to be angry... And I dessserve to be killed for what I've done..." The Naga replied, now staring at the ground instead of anything else.

The brunette male pulled his lover into a kiss quickly. He couldn't let the one thing he loved die. What kind of person would that make him?

"No! Don't say that Vincent! You are so sweet and kind! Those guys attacked you, you were only defending yourself! Please don't say things like that... You don't deserve to die..." Scott's volume decreased as he talked, ending in a quiet whisper from the emotions he was feeling.

The two boys stayed cuddled together for a few moments, trying to comfort one another in the situation. It was extremely stressful and they both just wanted to escape it.

Elizabeth kept an eye out for anyone brave enough to wander in, which there wasn't anyone. She cleared her throat to get the boy's attention.

"Listen, I have a detailed plan that I'm sure will work, but we have to leave here." The brunette woman explained, hoping she could convince them.

"Where will we go?" Scott asked, unsure of how this plan was going to work.

"I have a cabin here, deep in the forest where no one can find it. I can take you both there where you can live if you wish. It's a safe place. No one in town knows it exists but me. I used to use it when I was searching for Nagas, but now that chapter of my life is over now and I see no more use for me in it. You both need it right now. Trust me, no one will find it." She told them, gesturing for them to get up and follow her.

Elizabeth knew the woods well, so she led the way. In all the years Vincent had lived in the forest, he'd never encountered a cabin or home here, but sure enough, after nearly an hour of walking through the forest, they arrived at a log cabin.

It was slightly run down and some plants had overgrown, but that could be fixed. Now the lovers just had to wait for the rest of Elizabeth's plan to fall into place.

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