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Third person

The two made themselves comfortable. Scott built a fire in the fireplace so Vincent could keep his body at a stable temperature and opened the curtains to let in as much light as possible. The Naga was his only concern.

Elizabeth had thought out her plan thoroughly. She quickly cut a lock of hair from Scott's head, to which he seemed surprised.

"What was that for?" He asked, rubbing his head where a strand of hair was now shorter.

"It's part of my plan. I have to get the color right. I'll be back soon. Stay here and don't leave." She explained, heading out the door.

The brunette sat down next to the Naga, who was coiled up near the fire. His gaze was on the ground and he was silent. The room was so quiet you could hear a pen drop.

"Thisss isss all my fault... I ssshould have never gotten you into thisss..." Vincent spoke softly, feeling as though everything that happened recently had been because of some mistake he made.

"No, Vincent... Don't say that... I'm so happy I met you, I love you. You're the one thing I look forward to. It's not your fault Fritz decided to attack you. Don't blame yourself for any of this. If I had to go through this all again to be with you, I would. Don't think that this is your fault."

The two shared a sweet kiss. Yes, this was true love and they both knew it. One would be miserable without the other. They couldn't imagine a world without one another. So they were making internal promises to protect the other, no matter what the consequences.

The kiss was much more heated now. Their lust and want for each other finally becoming a physical manifestation. Sure, it wasn't the best time for such activities, but they are teens and teens tend to pick bad times to do fun things.

Elizabeth had driven back into town for the remainder of her plan. Her friend Jerry was the town's taxidermist. She had all she needed for this plan to be fool proof.

She provided him with the correct color of hair and now waited for the work to be done. The town was easily spooked because of its history, so hopefully everything would stop after this.

It was several hours of hard work before Elizabeth had what she needed. She loaded the pieces in her car and drove back to the forest. There was only one chance for this to work.

She scattered the pieces and waited. Soon, a hungry bear came along to investigate. She let out a blood curdling scream and fired the gun. The bear, although unfortunate for it, had just saved the lives of two others by losing its own.

People came running and saw a mangled, bloody corpse, looking strikingly similar to Scott and a dead bear. They all gasped in shock. They were falling for her plan.

Later in the day it was reported on the news that sixteen year old Scott Cawthon had been found dead in the woods, a bear attack as the cause. The entire town had fallen for her plan. Now there was just one more thing she had to do.

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