The Untold Story

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Third person

Elizabeth came back to the cabin a few days later. She decided that it was time to tell Scott the truth. The truth of why she felt closure when she met Vincent. The story was painfully saddening, but now had a happy ending.

She entered the cabin, seeing the two boys curled up by the fire almost immediately. They were quite the cute couple in her mind and she was glad they had each other.

Scott noticed her arrival and waved to her, gesturing for Elizabeth to come in and relax with them. Sure, the town was still upset over Scott's "death", but it would become part of the town's tragic past soon enough.

"Scott, Vincent, I want to tell you both a story..." She spoke softly, sitting by the fire next to them.

The boys looked at each other for a brief moment before nodding. They weren't sure what to think about the story. They waited patiently for her to start.

"When Scott and I left the cave a few days back, I thanked him for letting me meet you, Vincent. I told him that it gave me a form of closure. Scott didn't know what I meant, but I told him I would explain at another time..." She started slowly.

The brunette and Naga were both paying much more attention now. They sat up some, staying close to each other.

"When I was younger, I was very eager to explore the forest. I wanted to find what wonders it had hidden in its growth. I started spending my afternoons and days, sometimes even nights, in the woods. I was determined to find the truth to all the stories I had grown up with.
One day while I was walking I heard several different hissing sounds. I wasn't sure what it was, so I decided to watch from behind a tree. It was a male and female Naga, both adults. They were arguing over something, but I wasn't exactly sure what. It got so heated and so physical, and then suddenly everything stopped. The female had bitten the male in the throat, causing him to die within a few moments... Once she realized what she'd done she... Took her own life as well... I was horrified and shocked that such beautiful creatures were capable of such violence... But everything changed again...
There was a soft hissing, mixed with the sound of sobbing. I walked closer, only to be heartbroken. There was a young naga boy, no older than a toddler, who had just watched his parents die. He was bawling near his parents corpses, in hopes they'd simply just, wake up, I'm sure. But that wasn't an option.
After a few moments he spotted me. He slithered over and hugged my leg, wrapping his tail around it in a scared manor. I felt so terrible... I couldn't just leave the poor dear to fend for himself... So I took him back to my cabin and cared for him for nearly a year before I brought him to a cave. I couldn't continue to care for him because I knew I wouldn't always be able to be around. He needed to learn to live on his own... That's why I felt closure when I met you Vincent... I now knew for sure that the boy I had cared for and became fond of... I knew that he was safe..."

There was not a single word after that. The room was silent. A single tear ran down Vincent's cheek from what he had just learned. He couldn't help but hug Elizabeth and thank her for all she'd done for him, even if he couldn't remember. The untold story was finally known by everyone.

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