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Third person

Scott starting weaving his way through the trees. He had to get home before his parents got off work, otherwise he was done for.

The brunette was slowly memorizing the way to get in and out of the maze of vegetation. It would make things easier for when he came back to see Vincent.

Once he got out he started running up the road. He ran passed the school and all the way home, hoping no one had seen him exit the forest.

Scott knew there were risks of hanging out with Vincent, but the Naga was his only friend. He thought about those risks and saw them as worth it. After all, Vincent was the only friend he'd ever had, wasn't he supposed to risk everything for him? Wasn't that what friends did?

The brunette wasn't exactly sure. He figured that was probably it. Vincent was his only friend and he would do anything to keep it that way. That wasn't love, was it?

He flopped down on his bed and sighed. He had just barely made it home before his parents. Luckily his parents didn't particularly feel social today, so Scott wouldn't have to lie about what he learned in school.

Scott was a terrible liar, plus the fact that his parents were lawyers didn't exactly make things easy for him. Lying to normal parents is hard enough, but lying to parents who work as lawyers? You might as well just confess now.

Now that he was thinking about it, there were risks to being Vincent's friend, bad risks.

If he was caught heading to the forest, he would be severely punished. He would probably be seen as insane or mentally unstable and be shipped off to some psyche ward. His parents would most likely beat him and the bullying would only get worse.

Were all of those risks really worth it? Perhaps maybe it was best to stay out of the forest. But then, he wouldn't be able to see Vincent. In Scott's mind, seeing Vincent made all the risks worth it.

Plus, it's not like Scott could just stop hanging out with the Naga. That would be extremely rude and would hurt Vincent's feelings. He didn't want that to happen.

Vincent on the other hand hadn't thought of these risks. He wasn't human, so he didn't really know how people acted.

He figured Scott would be back soon, after school if he could. The Naga now knew of education and that Scott wouldn't always be able to spend time with him.

All he knew was that he wanted nothing more than to have Scott to himself. It might have been selfish, but it was true. He was happy when the brunette was around and didn't want that feeling to leave.

But what exactly was that feeling? What made his heart feel empty when Scott wasn't around? It seemed to feel like more than friendship. The only emotion similar to friendship that the Naga knew of was love.

Could it really be love?

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