Thinking About Friendship

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Third person

Scott hung out with Vincent in the cave, explaining the things he didn't understand about being a human. Things like, what school was, what the purpose of television was and other basic things. All of which Vincent had never experienced. 

The Naga was practically in awe by all the new things he was learning. He wanted to experience all the things Scott was telling him about. But then he realized, he couldn't.

The purple Naga would never be able to do any of these things. He couldn't even leave the forest. The townspeople would be terrified of him. Scott was the only one who understood him. The brunette was his only friend.

But it also made him think. Why was the brunette his friend in the first place? Wasn't Scott supposed to be scared and run away from him? Shouldn't he be frightened? What made Scott so different?

Scott had been thinking about this kind of situation himself. Why didn't Vincent just kill him like the weakling he was? It wouldn't be hard and no one would dare search in the woods.

Perhaps they were friends because they were both outcasts. Neither of them had friends to begin with and no one particularly cared for them. They were practically alone in the world, but now they had each other.

Two loners had found each other by complete chance. If Scott hadn't been forced into the woods by the school gang, then he would have never have met his only friend. The same was for Vincent.

The brunette smiled at his own thoughts, biting his knuckles out of habit. He was happy around the Naga, but not only because he was his friend. No, there was something more to this feeling. But what?

The smaller male had never felt any type of affection for anyone before and didn't know how to process these newfound emotions. Surely he wasn't in love with the Naga. It was most likely just a crush that would pass over time. 

Vincent however thought about these feelings whenever Scott was away, and even when he was around. How would he process these emotions? He couldn't love a human, could he?

How would he? Scott lived among humans and he lived in the forest. Could there really be a way for the two of them to be together? Vincent desperately wanted to know.

The brunette checked his phone and sighed. He needed to leave now if he were to make it home on time.

"I'm sorry Vincent... I have to go home now..." He examined softly.

"Oh... Okay... Will you be back?" The Naga asked, worried he might lose his only friend.

"I'll be back as soon as I can... It's just a little risky... But I can manage..." He said hugging the other before standing up and heading out.

Vincent nodded and sighed as the other left. But as if it were on clockwork, his heart skipped a beat. He was already missing his only friend. 

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