Being Caught?

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Third person

Scott walked with Vincent through the jungle like growth of trees, back to the cave. It was actually quite peaceful once the brunette calmed down. It was only his subconscious that was freaking out. Once he got to Vincent everything was alright.

But there was something that seemed a little off today. Scott was feeling strange sensations in his chest. Something about being around the purple Naga made him feel, almost complete. Like there was a space and now Vincent was in it.

Could it be a crush was forming? Scott feared it could possibly be true. But how could he love Vincent? He lived in the forest, somewhere Scott wasn't allowed to go. And he was half snake, how would it work between them?

Vincent saw the other deep in thought and was curious. What could Scott possibly be thinking about? From the Naga's perspective, it seemed important enough not to interrupt.

There was now an awkward silence between the two. Scott was too deep in thought and Vincent was too polite to point out the silence. So that's how things stayed for the next few minutes.

"Ssscott, are you okay?" Vincent asked, finally shattering the awkward silence.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine... I was just thinking..." The brunette replied softly, glancing up at the taller male.

The Naga nodded and leaned against the wall of the cave. To him, it seemed like Scott was worried about something. That's what he wanted to figure out. He didn't want his only friend to be bothered by anything.

Scott could sense the other's worry. He sighed softly and ran his fingers through his hair.

"You don't need to worry... I was just thinking about school..." He lied, hoping to ease the other's stressing mind, even if it was only by a little.

The Naga tilted his head to the side out of confusion. He had never left the forest, so he knew virtually nothing about human life and customs.

"It's where you go to learn things..." Scott explained, seeing the other didn't understand.

Vincent nodded and glanced towards the entrance of the cave. He thought he had heard something, but he wasn't sure. It could have simply been a squirrel or bird. Most of the time there was a noise it was just a small rodent scurrying around, scavenging for food to survive.

But this didn't exactly sound like the normal rodent or animal. It had a sound that set it apart from the rest. This creature sounded heavier than most, and like it walked upright. It sounded like another human.

Vincent drug Scott towards the back of the cave quickly and ducked down in the darkness. The brunette didn't ask any questions and trusted the male's decision to hide.

In reality it was only a brave hiker that had wandered into the woods. They most likely were hiking in the nearby area and wandered into the "forbidden" part of town.

They peeked at the entrance of the cave and looked around, squinting as if they saw something. Vincent hissed like the snake he was and scared the hiker back, making it seem like this was a nesting spot. The hiker left quickly without thinking.

"That was a close one..."

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