Back To School

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Third person

The brunette male got out of bed and turned off his blaring alarm. He wasn't looking forward to school, mostly because he would see Fritz, Mike and Jeremy. Scott didn't want to have to deal with them after the previous night. Only bad things could come from this.

Unfortunately, he knew there was no way he could stay home. His parents would never let that happen unless he was deathly ill. Scott didn't have a fever and wasn't feeling sick, he wasn't going to pass.

So he got dressed and sprint down the stairs. Perhaps he could skip classes for the day, or come back after his parents left. Scott wasn't one to skip, or even miss school, but this was a time where he actually wanted to.

Then he realized, if he didn't go to school, he could go to the forest instead. The brunette would be able to see his new friend again. He'd rather do that then go to class.

He left not too long before his parents, deciding to skip and hang out in the forest instead. After all, there was nothing to do at school. Scott was a straight "a" student. One day off couldn't hurt him.

The brunette walked passed the school and towards the edge of town. No one had noticed him walking, and he prayed it stayed that way. If he was saw going to the forest instead of school, he'd be done for. But that was a risk he was willing to take.

The opening of the forest was dark. Barely any light could slip through these leaves. The whole forest was too dense.

Scott was hesitant. He could get lost easily of he couldn't find Vincent. He would have been lost without Vincent the first time.

With all odds against him, the brunette reluctantly set foot in the trees. He prayed that the Naga would be close by so he wouldn't get lost, but he saw no signs of his friend.

"Vincent?" He called out, not very loud but loud enough to be heard in the general area.

The farther away he got from the opening, the farther it seemed he was from Earth itself. The forest was so overgrown with things he'd never seen before that it was almost like being on another planet. But Scott reminded himself that he was still on Earth.

The Naga had been sleeping in the sun to keep warm. He knew nothing would attack him out of fear. But he was longing to see Scott.

"Vincent??? It's me Scott!" The brunette yelled.

The purple male woke up and stretched, realizing his friend was back. He quickly slithered through all the growth and hugged Scott from behind.

The brunette made a small squeak sound and blushed a darker red than a cherry. Vincent had flustered the shy boy, a lot.

"H-Hey..." The brunette greeted awkwardly, desperately hoping the red would fade soon.

"Hi... I didn't think you'd be back ssso sssoon..."

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