The Secret

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Third person

Scott paced around the room, his breathing hitched from running all the way home. His time was up. The decision had to be made today, or his secret would be posted for the world to see.

What was his secret? Well put simply, Scott was gay. That was why he didn't want it to get spread. He knew his parents would disown him, punish him, maybe even throw him out. He couldn't let that happen, so here he was.

He was weighing his options. If he went in the forest, he could die. If he didn't, his parents could actually murder him.

Scott sighed, knowing there was no real way out for him. The brunette pinched the bridge of his nose, taking his phone out. He couldn't believe he was actually agreeing to go in there.

The forest was a place no one ever dare entering. Supposedly all who entered never came out. This is why Scott was dreading it, but he had no choice.

The brunette texted Fritz, the leader of the gang he was acquainted with, that he would be there at midnight. He wasn't happy about the night ahead because it was going to be absolute torture.

When Fritz received the message, he showed the others, Mike and Jeremy. Mike laughed while Jeremy looked at the floor. The smallest male didn't like being part of this group and was only in it because Mike was his crush. He often didn't agree with what the others did, but he was only trying to get closer to Mike.

"Oh man, this is gonna be hilarious! The fag's probably gonna scream like a little girl!" Fritz laughed.

"Do you really have to call him a fag? I mean, sure it'll be funny, but you don't have to insult everything about him." Mike pointed out, showing he wasn't as bad as he was made out to be.

"W-We s-shouldn't t-tort-ture him like t-this at a-all... He j-just w-wanted to be o-our f-friend..." Jeremy stuttered softly, trying to make his opinion present in the situation.

"Shut it s-stutter." Fritz snapped, mocking Jeremy's speech impediment.

The smallest male looked down at the floor. He was often made fun of because of his stutter and didn't appreciate it. It wasn't his fault he stuttered, his father punched him in the throat when he was only four years old, he had stuttered ever since.

"C'mon Fritz, not cool." The taller, black haired male defended.

This trio was often dysfunctional like this. It wasn't anything unusual by any means. Fritz would insult, Jeremy would look in a different direction, and Mike would tell Fritz to ease up. None of them really knew why they were friends anymore. The only thing they knew was that it probably wouldn't last much longer.

Meanwhile Scott sighed and put his phone away. Time was moving slower than molasses in his opinion and he just wanted to to get this over with. He just wanted his secret to be kept as it should: a secret.

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