The Forest

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Third person

At around eleven-thirty Scott was shaking in his room out of fear. All you're taught as a child in this town is that the forest means death. That's why no one ever would even think of going in.

Of course since it was a deal, Scott had to keep up his end of the bargain. The brunette opened his bedroom window and climbed down the storm gutter of his home. His heart was racing and his palms were sweaty, but he had to do this.

The three gang boys waited at the edge of the group of trees for the brunette. Jeremy desperately wanted to leave, but Fritz was forcing him to stay. After all, this group was the only reason he wasn't being bullied at school.

"T-This is a b-bad i-idea..." He stuttered, being unable to hold still due to his anxiety level being too high.

"Oh shut it. It'll be over soon dweeb." Fritz snapped, freezing Jeremy in place.

Mike sighed and rolled his eyes. In his mind, the whole deal was stupid. If Jeremy could get in with a minor deal, why would Scott have to do this?  That's what he couldn't figure out.

Now it was eleven-forty-five. Scott was running down the road, towards the enormous grouping of trees and other plants. Each step he took he could feel his heart beat faster. His breathing was already hitched and he hadn't even seen the true horror of the trees. If he was this worked up already, he'd have a heart attack by the time he saw it.

His footsteps echoed through the air each time the rubber soles of his converse slapped against the pavement. The wind howled, making the tree branches dance in the moonlight. The whole situation was almost peaceful, almost calming. But Scott wasn't able to enjoy it.

Jeremy heard the footsteps and tapped Mike's shoulder, who could also hear that Scott was close. The chubby ginger male smirked as the running brunette became visible.

"You were almost late Scotty boy." He teased, pointing back at the forest.

Scott took deep breaths to try and calm himself, and lower his heart rate. But that wasn't exactly helping.

"Better get in there, or else the deal's not gonna happen." Fritz pointed out, looking at his watch.

"A-Alright..." The brunette replied quietly, still catching his breath.

"Six hours, starting now!" The ginger yelled, pushing Scott deep into the trees.

The smaller boy let out a cry of pain when he hit the hard tree roots. His chest stung and his glasses were now cracked. He tried to think about how he would explain that to his parents, but that thought left his mind.

He was too focused now on the darkness of the trees surrounding him. Things became no clearer as he stood up, which didn't help him.

The frightened male glanced around before walking deeper into the trees. His six hours of torture had officially started.

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