Dark Bolt

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Name: Dark Bolt

Gender: mech

Looks: main armor color is white with dark grey and silver along his frame, black lightening bolts are here and there on his armor. His optics are an orangy-red with line pupil and his left optic as a symbol that means spirit in it instead of a pupil. He usually wears this jacket like thing that covers up most of his frame. He has a bit of wires coming from his helm that resembles 'hair' that covers his left optic that has the symbol.
(Bot mode) [my art]

(Without cloak) [also without color)

(Wolf alt)[my art, a little old]

Personality: his a bit of an introvert, a little cold to you when you first meet, if your his living friend he'll be a little nicer but will spend time mostly to himself

Powers: he has the ability of telekinesis and he can use the ability to even make himself fly if he wanted, he has another ability that can create a body that has no soul in it kinda like how dark energon can reanimate the dead but in a little bit different way.

Weapon(s): he has an arm mounted blade, kinda like the one Edward has from FMA (full metal alchemist) or like the one TFP(and some other versions) Megatron has underneath his fusion cannon.
(My art)

Backstory: when he was born he was born with the ability to see and speak to the offlined that were still around. As he grew up he was usually made fun off for talking to the offlined that he called his friends, because of his he became more distant with other bots online and more with the offlined. There are a few online bots that he kinda trust but it's not many and you have to truly earn his trust if you want it.

Other: he has a sparrowhawk that usually stays with him kinda like a guardian. Her name is LightArrow and she is secretly a predacon.

[Sparrowhawk form]

[Predacon form]

[ extra art by me]

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