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This is similar to a page I have called 'Night Dragons' as it's kinda like a different AU for an oc I have. I'm doing another one but with the oc Snowfang. Her page is in this book if you want more original story on her. Anyway let's get started.

Wounded, bleeding out, away from anybot's view or knowledge, alone. That's what Snowfang was at the moment. She was out on her regular scout for energon and she got caught in a fire fight between decepticons and Autobots out in the desert. She gotten hit with a few strong blasts, one hit her right optic, a few hit her right side and upper arm, then two hit her knee on her left leg while near the edge of the canyon side, causing her to stumble back and then fall down the long fall. She hit a few large rocks that were on the canyon wall. Hitting all over her frame but also loosing the already damaged joints from the blasts. Her left ped then got caught between to rocks. Having her just dangling upside down there for a moment. Pain was the main thing she was feeling, and also numbness in her right forearm and left leg that was currently keeping her from falling by being caught between two rocks. She was starting to get the damage she had and it was bad. She couldn't see at all through her right optic and the numbness in those to limbs wasn't a good sign either. She looked at her right arm. Worried when she saw the multiple exposed wires and many severed, energon pouring out of them. Her fear and worry increased when she found out that she couldn't move her forearm. Something shifted causing her to look at her left leg that was the only thing keeping her there, her optic widened when she saw that it was in a similar state as her arm but worse, it was almost completely severed from her. Only some wires was keeping it connected to her. A shift in the rocks happened and those wires painfully snapped, her left leg completely separated from her and she was falling down the rest of the way. Her back landing on the hard ground of the canyon bottom. Multiple cracks and snaps were heard from her body from the landing. More pain exploded throughout her whole frame. A strangled cry of pain was pulled from her.
Now here she is, laying there in pure agony as the darkness of the night was slowly setting in and more of her lifeblood was draining from her. She was slowly dying, missing a leg, half an arm she couldn't even move anymore and with only one working optic. Was this it? Was this the end? She thought as she stared at the starry night sky above her, her vision started to blur as she was getting lightheaded. 'At least... I get to see the stars one last time...' she thought before she fell into the darkness of stasis....

A dark purple cyclops walks up to the damaged frame of a white femme cyber-fox. She was still online, just in stasis "you will be a great test subject" he said before picking her up with his only servo. Turning and walking back to his hidden laboratory. Once there he set the femme down and got to work.

~a few days later~

Snowfang groans softly as she started to wake. Coming out of lockdown stasis. It took her a moment to remember what had happened right before stasis, which made her confused. How was she still online? Was she offlined? What happened? She opened her optics, both of them working. She blinked and glanced around. It was a bit dark but things around the area gave a glow, she notices that she's in a cage then that she was in some kind of laboratory or something. She shifts, going to sit up but there was a new weight on her back. She first sees her servos as she was using them to push herself up but stiffens as she saw them. The arm that was badly damaged was completely replaced from the elbow down to her servo. It was all black and a had a different design then to her armor design. The build of it was the same but the design different and her claws there were different as well. A little hesitantly she shifted, sitting now, she looked at the rest of her frame. Most of it was just repaired but her left leg also had a replacement. The replacement leg had a similar design as her replacement arm. 'At least it's not to patchy looking..' she thought but then remembered the new weight on her back. Looking behind her at her back she gave a  small gasp, there was a pair of predacon wings there. After a moment at staring at them in a bit of shock she tested if she could move them, which she could. Who the hell repaired her and added these parts to her? Almost suddenly there was large pedsteps approaching the cage she was in, looking over it was a large dark purple cyclops with a decepticon insignia.
"You are awake"

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