Chapter 52 : Failure

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Author's P.O.V.

"He hwurts me, Al. I-I t-told him to L-Leave me, but he l-laughed. I cried. B-But still he beat me, Al. H-He told me, I am his p-pwincess, and no one can t-touch me, except him. I-I t-tried my best to fight but he was s-stwonger. Ahhh- Al, it h-hurts-"

She winced, when cotton touched her wound on her head. Pari helped her in changing her clothes.

Alex cleanse her wounds.

And she is rambling to him each and everything.

She told him how he touched her, hurted her, slapped her and was going to cut her hair.

Alex clenched his fist, trying his best to control his anger.

"You know Alex, I was very scared that time. I thought he will cut my hair, I cried , I begged, but he didn't listen to me. How has he changed so much, Bubby, why did he start hating Rav so much ? Is Rav a bad girl that everyone hates her for? Ryder, Ryan and Brian too. All are hating Rav, Al ? That moment I really felt that he should have kill me-"

Alex immediately pulled her towards him.

"Shut up, Rav. Just shut your mouth. I don't want to hear anything from your mouth right now. How could you even say like that ? You want him to kill yourself ? Then ? Then What ? Did you ever think about us ? Have you ever thought that what will happen to me and Ivan after you are gone ? No, you only think about yourself, not about me, not about Ivan, no on-"

"S-Sworry A-Alex, P-Ple-ease don't say like this, Rav is S-Sworry-" She sobbed, hugging Alex tightly. Alex hugged her back, burying his head on her shoulder. They both cried on each other's shoulders and eventually calmed down.

"Now, you should sleep, Rav" Alex said, softly.

Raven's eyes widened.

"A-Al, can we cuddle ? Please, I am scwared." She showed her doe puppy eyes.

Alex chuckled and nodded.

"Let's cuddle" He said.

She nodded, excitedly.

"Can you pwease tell me story ? Pweaseeee" She pouted.

Alex stared at her.

"You are taking advantage of little space" She giggled at that.

Alex shaked his head and chuckled.

"Okay listen, Once upon a time..."

Halfway in story, Alex noticed Rav was sleeping peacefully.

He tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead.

"If it were in my hands, I would have taken all your pain upon myself." He mumbled and hugged her close to himself. She snuggled more, feeling protected in his embrace.

They fell asleep, enjoying each other's presence, totally unaware of someone.

While, Ivan is looking at them. He adores his bestfriends. He didn't want to disturb them. But he so badly wants to hug Raven too. He so badly wants to feel her in his arms. He clenched his jaw.

How can he be so careless !

How did he not notice that since when she did not come from the washroom !

He was failed.

Failed to protect her.

Failed as a Bestfriend.

Failed again.

He shut his eyes tightly. But he immediately opened it, feeling someone's hand on his shoulder.

He looked behind only to see concerned eyes of Pari.

"You are not a failure, Ivan" She whispered but he could hear it.

"I am. Pari, I am" He said, disappointed.

"S-She is hurt, Pari. She told him how she was scared, how she screamed for help and no one helped her, how she begged him to leave her, but he never did. She slipped into little space, do you know what that means ? It means she was scared. Very scared. How vulnerable she must have become at that time !! How much she must have cried ! But I was not there to help her. And you are telling me I am not failed. I am failed, Pari, I am" A lone tear escaped from his eyes.

Pari wiped his tear and cupped his face.

"You are wrong, Ivan. Yes, This is also true, that when she needs your help, you are not there, I am not gonna deny this. But, you didn't know that. You can't blame yourself for that. You are not a failure. If you don't trust me, you can ask this to Rav. You are her role model, Ivan. She loves you so much. Her love for you is indescribable. And same goes with you, you love her too. Your love for her is pure. She is always your priority. I saw the look of panic in your eyes when she was in pain. I saw love in your eyes for her. That's why, you are not a failure. Because, you care for her, you loves her, you treat her like your own daughter, you protect her like a brother. "

Pari said, looking in his eyes, deadly.

Ivan just stared at her.

"You know Ivan, When I was new in this university, she became my friend. My best friend. My Soul sister. And from that day, I heard about you two. And trust me Ivan, when she was talking about you, her eyes are always sparkles. And that's a proof that you are not a failure" She said, smiling.

"And sometimes I was really jealous because whole day, she kept telling me that Ivan this, Ivan that, Alex this, Alex that and I was like Agghhh- who are these annoying shits-"

"Heyy" Ivan said offended.

Pari chuckled.

"Whatever you say, she loves me more" Pari smirked.

"In your dreams, Miss Pari. She loves me more than you ever think" Ivan scoffed.

"Oh well, you are so naive, Mr. Ivan. Raven is a girl and I am a girl too"

"So ? Where is the logic ? Oh yeah right, Women - always without logic" Ivan rolled his eyes.

Pari narrowed her eyes at him.

"What did you just say ?" 

"Women - always wi-"

"SHUT UP. Women always has logic, but Men are just too dumb to understand those logics. Like I said, we both are girls, from this I mean, we are girl besties, we can spend girls day, we can go for shopping, we can share anything and everything without any hesitation or embarrassment. She can tell me about her boyfriend and can ask me about my opinion too, why ? Because I am a girl" Pari smirked.

"She can tell me too about her boyfriend, but that's different thing that she is not going to make any boyfriend soon, but yeah ..." Ivan scoffed.

"And why tho ?"

"What why ? She is not interested in relationship, right now, that's why"

"Ohhh" Pari's mouth formed a 'O' shape.

"Umm What about you ? Are you interested in anyone, I mean if it is not that personal" Ivan cleared his throat, to make this less awkward.

"Huh" She stared at him shocked.

But soon get over it.

"Umm Yes, there is a boy I like" Pari said smiling.

"Cool" He smiled.

"What about you ? Do you like anyone ?" Pari raised her one eyebrow.

Ivan smirked.

"Yes, I do"

To Be Continued...

Hope you like it.

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A little preview : Keep tissues ready

I will meet you soon in next chapter till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 6th April 2k23.

Total Words : 1228 words 😁.

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