Chapter 53 : Accident

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Ryder's P.O.V.

I looked at Ryan.

"Are you ok ?" I asked him.

He nodded.

His fists are bloody.

"Go to sleep, bro. She is fine, don't worry" I reassured him. Because I know he is thinking about her only.

His head snapped towards me.

"I am going to tell Uncle to resticate that bastard" Ryan said to me.

One and only Trustee of Cameron University is our Uncle. Mom's younger Brother. He loved us like his own. He knows about abuse we are going through but he can't do anything. Because, David is way more stronger than Uncle. But that doesn't mean, Uncle never did anything for us. He is always there for us. We get jobs because of him only, we have money because of him only. He is our Guardian Angel.

"Hmm. I think we should file complaint against him too" I said.

He nodded.

I called Uncle.

We told him each and everything about Brian. From how he hurts Rav to how he try to assault her.  He was shocked first that a child can be capable of all these things. But he assured us that he will resticate him after checking all the cctv footages. He even suggested us that we should file a case against him.

"We should go to the police station right now and file a case against him" Ryan stated.

I looked at him.

"Right now ?"

He nodded, getting car keys.

Before I could even process, He goes towards main door. 

"WAIT .... I am coming" I immediately rushed towards him and we head to Police station.

"So, Who do you want to write a complaint against ?" A man in his 30s asked us. He looked like he is a head of the department.

"Brian Dallas" Ryan stated coldly.

"Why and who is he ?" He inquired, raising his eyebrow.

"He is Cameron University's student. He bullied my si-friend in a girls washroom" He replied.

"So this is a case of bullying ?  And what is your age ?"


He looked at me, raising his eyebrow.

"I am also 17. He is my twin" I replied, pointing to Ryan.

"You both are here alone ? You should bring-"

He cuts off by one cold voice. 

"I am with them" 

I looked behind only to see Uncle in his blue tuxedo suit. A permanent cold look settled on his face.

"Uncle ? You here ?" I exclaimed.

"Yes son, I want to help you guys" He replied, smiling a little, but again turned his face cold.

"So officer, you wanna ask anything ?" He smirked a little.

"Just Give a name" Officer said smirking.

I looked at him confused. Before I could process anything, Uncle and that officer burst into laughter, making me more confused.

"Why are you guys laughing ?" Ryan voiced my thoughts.

"Well Son, He is Marcus. My childhood Best Friend" Uncle introduced Officer, who smiled at us, politely.

"And Marcus, they are Sis's Sons. Ryder and Ryan. They are Twins" He introduced us, pointing.

"So, what's matter Mason. Tell me in detail" Officer Marcus said to Uncle, getting serious.

Uncle looked at us and nodded.

After getting sign to speak, I told him everything. Each and Every thing. About Raven. About Brian. Except she claimed that she is our sister part. Because, if He will know that then he will definitely inquire about it and he will find about adopted as well as abuse part also. I didn't tell Uncle too that Ryan and Raven are assuming that we are triplets.

"Okk, Can you tell me How Brian knows Raven ?" He inquired after writing something in muster.

"They were friends back then. But as Brian forced her in relationship with him, She cuts all her ties from him. From that day, He becomes abusive towards her." Ryan stated.

"Who told you guys all these things ?"

"Their mutual friends, Alex De'Luca and Ivan Steel" I replied.

"Ok Thank you Guys, Enough information. But there is one problem"

"What ?" Ryan said, abruptly.

"Do you guys have any proof or something against that Brian ? So, it will be easy for us to put in custody."

"I am a proof. I was the one who saved her when he was trying to r-rape her" I immediately said, but stutter a little at the end.

"And this time too, We are the one who saved her when he was hurting her in girls washroom" Ryan said, confidently.

"You can take our statements" I replied.

"I can. But still I want some solid proofs guys. What if , their lawyer prove that you guys are lying ? Then-"

"I have a proof, Marcus" my head snapped towards Uncle.

"What ?" He asked.

"CCTV footages" Uncle smirked.

"Footages of what ?"

"Where that boy Brian hurt that girl, try to kiss her, forced himself in her in store room, except that bathroom part" Uncle explained.

"Good Mason. If you have proof, no one can stop us from Pressing charges against Brian" Officer Marcus said.

Ryan nodded, while I sighed.

"Go to home, sons" Uncle smiled.

"What about you ?" I asked him.

"We are gonna spend night together, Ryder." Uncle said pointing towards Uncle Marcus.

"Yes, we are gonna catch up after such a long time" He smiled.

I nodded and we left.

"We should inform Raven about this" Ryan said.

"Tomorrow we will tell her" I agreed to him. He nodded.

I sighed.

Hope tomorrow will be a good day !!!

Next Day ...

Raven's P.O.V.

"What ?"

"Yes Guys, I want to forgive them" I said, gently.

"It's ofcourse should be your decision, but why do you think that so suddenly ?" Pari asked, genuinely curious.

I sighed.

I don't know why I felt like this.

Alex told me I slipped into little space and was with Ryder whole time. Some incidents are blur to me after that, but I remembered everything before that. How Brian tricked them by saying why they are choosing me over him and that determined reply of Ryan that because I am his Sister. And that comforting hug of Ryder. I just felt that it's enough.

I mean I don't know why I am forgiving them so easily because it's not like they did something big. Even if instead of me, there would be a random girl, it's their duty to protect her from any kind of these situations. I mean I am confused.

I am feeling bad. I don't know why.

My stomach twisted giving me a really bad feeling.

I just want to hug them. I don't know why but I want to forgive them.

"Rav ? Rav ? What happened ?" I flinched a little.

"What happened Rav ?" Ivan said softly.

I stared at his worried eyes for a second.

"Are you ok, hmm ?" He cupped my face.

I gulped a lump formed in my throat as I nodded.

I threw myself on him, tightly hugging him, and burying my face in his chest, trying to seek warm and comfort from him.

He immediately hugged me back, pulling me closer to him.

"What happened, Rav ?" He asked me softly, caressing my hair.

"I-I don't k-know, Iv. I am not feeling good" I whispered.

Ivan touched my forehead.

"N-No, I am not sick but I just- aggghh I am so confused right now" I said frustrated.

He kept me close to himself.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine" He said kissing on my head.

Hope so !!!

Are they ok ?

I should call them once.

I pulled out from hug and immediately missed his warmth. He stared at me in confusion.

I took out my phone and called Ryder.

Ring .... Ring ....

Ring .... Ring ....

Ring .... Ri-


I looked at my phone screen.

Female's voice ?

"Umm hello, who are-"

"Ryder Denmark and Ryan Denmark got into a severe accident"

To Be Continued...

*Innocent smile*

I know I know you guys love me 😂.

Tell me what do you think about future ? 😉

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Well, I am on my trip to Mumbai (place in India) ... Still, I will try my best to upload it in 2 or 3 days ✨☺️

I will upload soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 9th April 2k23.

Total Words : 1378 Words 😁.

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