Chapter 59 : Mom - Dad

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Author's P.O.V.

Raven : Ryder and Ryan are alive !!!

A pin drop silence from both sides. Ruby's eyes widened while Xander face becomes deprived of any emotions. Emotionless.

Ruby (sternly) : Raven, we are not going to argue on this topic again. Did you get that ?

Raven : But Mom, I am not lying.

Ruby : Raven Enough I said.

Raven : But Mom-

Ruby : ENOUGH !

Xander : Your Mom is right Princess, I know you missed your b-brothers, but-

Raven : NO DAD, I am not lying or joking. It's truth. I am telling you truth right now Dad, they both are alive and are here with me, if you don't believe me you can ask them too.

Her parents looked at Ivan and Alex and they nodded their head. They again looked at Pari as they thought she is the most responsible one. But to their surprise, she also nodded her head in agreement.

Raven : No need to look at them. I am telling truth. Why can't you guys believe me ?

Xander : Rav tell us from start. How did you know they are Ryder and Ryan, I mean it's been 14 years, then how ?

Raven : When I came to college, I saw these twins. Ryder and Ryan. I thought these same names could be a coincidence. But once when I went to their home to return them a wallet, I saw someone there and there I found everything.

Ruby : Whom did you found ? Tell me, Rav, please.

Raven : D-David Denmark

Xander's eyes widened while Ruby's jaw dropped. Their Bestfriend ? He is alive ? How could he ? And if he is alive then why didn't he contact them ? Why their sons are with him ? Moreover their sons are alive too ? 

So Many questions are roaming around their mind. They don't know what to feel, what to express and what to process !!!

Xander : B-But-

Raven : No Dad, he is not died. Infact, Ryder, Ryan and David survived from the accident.

Tears rolled down Ruby's cheeks as she sobbed. Xander hugged her immediately as tears glistened in his eyes too.

Afterall they just find that their sons are alive. After grieving over their death from 14 years, they just find out that their sons are not dead and are safe with their bestfriend. They are happy, scratch that they are the happiest right now thinking their sons are safe with their bestfriend.

But little did they know, their sons are anything but safe !!!

Ruby : I-I am coming right now there. W-We are going there h-honey, I want to m-meet my sons, I-I wanna see them, p-please book our tickets, p-please I wanna h-hug them. How much they must be missing their mother !! W-We are going t-there, X-Xander.

Xander : Ofcourse Sweetheart, we are going there right now. I will book tickets. Don't worry, we will hug them soon, hmm ? Don't cry now.

Raven's heart shattered seeing this. Her eyes glistened. Pari bit her lips while Alex and Ivan looked worried.

Raven don't want to break their happiness but she knows she have to. She don't want to tell them that their sons are being abused from last 14 years from their Bestfriend, because first it's not her side to tell them. And second, she doesn't want to see that broken look in her parents' eyes but she knows she have to do this.

Raven : M-Mom listen.

Xander and Ruby looked at her with a smile on their face and tears still on their eyes and cheeks.

Raven : David is not same as b-before.

They frowned.

Xander : What's that suppose to mean ?

Raven gulped before continuing.

Raven : David is a-abusing them from last 14 years.

Ruby : W-What !

Raven : Yes Mom Yes, He is hurting them from last 14 years. 

Xander : It's not possible Rav, He loves them more than we love-

Raven : Loved Dad, Loved. He loved them but now he despised them. He is thinking that because of them A-Aunty died in that car accident. 

Xander and Ruby's eyes widened. Their eyes filled with tears. They could never believe that their bestfriend can do this to their sons. He always treated them like his own. He was so happy when Xander told him that Ruby is pregnant with triplets. He was happier than Xander and Ruby. Then how could he ?

Ruby : Raven, I think you are having some m-misunde-

Raven : No Mom, I am not having any misunderstandings infact he is the one who tries to kill them with B-Brian. And now they are in hospital.

Raven let out frustrated. She is frustrated because they are still not believing her. They still trust him.

Xander : What ?

That's when they noticed their background. They are in hospital not in their dorm. Their eyes widened.

Ruby : What ? Why ? Oh my God, Are they ok ? Raven please say something, what are you hiding from us ? Rave-

Raven (tears rolled down her cheeks) : Y-Yes Mom, they are in h-hospital right now. Ryan is out of danger, Mom. Don't worry, they will be fine-

Ruby : R-Ryder ? What about h-him ?

Raven gulped a lump.

Raven : He is in C-Coma.

She whispered but everyone heard it. Pari rubbed her back wishing to give her some comfort.

While, Ruby's eyes widened. She froze on her spot. Her son is in coma. After 14 years she got to know about her sons and now she is finding out that they are in hospital and one of them is in coma.

While Xander is stood there numb. He don't know how to feel. He is happy that he got his sons back, sad that they are in hospital and one of them is in coma, angry that he couldn't find his son soon enough and guilty that his own bestfriend is hurting his sons from 14 years.

Raven : M-Mom-

Ruby turned towards Xander and shaked him.

Ruby : Honey we are going there right now. Please book the tickets. I-I can't w-wait to see them, p-please h-honey-

Xander : Yes Ruby, don't worry, I am booki-

Rowan : Dad I already booked tomorrow tickets.

Their head snapped towards Rowan. They forgot that Rowan was still there.

Ruby : W-Why tomorrow ?

Rowan : Because Mom, there is no flights today from New York to Canada.

Xander sighed and hugged Ruby. She hugged him back.

Xander : Don't worry Guys, we are coming tomorrow, till then take care of them.

He said and hanged their phone.

A sob left from Raven's mouth. Almost immediately Ivan pulled her in his embrace.

"Sshhh calm down" He rubbed her back.

"Don't worry, Rav everything will be fine" Pari said softly.

"Yes Rav, don't worry, you will talk to them when they will come here, tomorrow, hmm ?" Alex asked gently.

Rav nodded slightly.

She pulled out from the hug.

"I will wake Ryan up. It's time for his medicine. I will make him eat something first." She said softly.

"Ok, I will bring something for him" Alex said heading towards Hospital canteen.

She nodded and left towards Ryan's room.

She came and saw him sleeping soundly.

Raven came towards him and caressed his hair softly.

"Ryan, wake up" She said, softly.

Ryan flinched and woke up frantically looking here and there.

"Is Ryder awake ?" The first question he asked. Raven's heart dropped but she managed herself.

"No Ryan but his condition is better than yesterday. Trust me, he will be fine soon" She said smiling a little.

Ryan stared at her and sighed.

"Did you sleep ?" He asked looking at her.

Her head snapped towards him "uh-huh yeah"

"Liar. You should sleep for sometime, Rav" He said softly.

He noticed how she looked tired. Her eyes has dark bags under them. She looked a bit pale.

"Rav, don't tired yourself. You need rest. You need a little sleep, please-"

Before he could complete his sentence, Alex came inside with food.

"Yoo Ryan, you woke up, bro ? How are you feeling now ?" He asked giving food to Raven.

She stared preparing his plate.

"Fine dude"

They fist bumped each other.

"Ok Eat your food and be healthy fast, because I am waiting to fight with you. You know, I can't be all goody-two-shoes with you for so long" Alex said smirking.

Ryan chuckled and nodded.

"Ok Rav, I bring food for you too. Eat it on time, is it clear ?" He whispered to her, so that only she could hear it.

Rav nodded with a smile.

"Good girl" Alex ruffled her hair.

"We are going to eat in canteen, hmm ? If you need anything, just call us, ok ?"

She nodded.

"Good" He ruffled her hair again and left after giving Ryan a bro hug.

"Come on, Ryan. Eat it" She gave him a plate.

Ryan made a disgusted face.

Raven rolled her eyes seeing him behaving like a child.

"Oo Big baby, you are eating this, right now" She ordered him.

Ryan looked at her amusingly.

"Well, for your kind information you are the baby here" He laughed.

She glared at him.

"Ok Ok sorry, come here" He said opening his arms. She smiled and hugged him immediately.

She released a breath of relief as Ryan caressed her hair.

"Ok enough now, Eat it"

With this, Ryan started eating. After two bites, he kept spoon near Raven's mouth and told her to open her mouth.

"But I-"

"Stop complaining, I am not always this good. So start eating without a single word" He scolded her. Like a Older brother.

And Raven love this feeling. She smiled and opened her mouth.

And like this, they started eating together. Like a siblings.

With a hope in their heart,

That everything will be fine soon...

To Be Continued...

Long chapter... Tired 🥱.

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I will meet you soon in next chapter till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 1st May 2k23.

Total Words : 1680 words 😁.

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