Chapter 60 : Mom-Dad - Part 2

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Author's P.O.V.

"You know Mom and Dad are coming"

Raven smiled, caressing Ryder's hair.

"They are so happy to meet you guys, to see you guys. After such a long time, my family will be complete. I am so so happy, Ryder. I was waiting for this moment for so long."

She said smiling a little.

"But I am scared Ryder"

She said as smile disappear from her lips.

"Everyone are here except you, Ryder. Mom will broke when she will see you in this condition, do you want that, Ryder ?

Dad is strong. He will handle Mom but I know he will feel worst from inside. He will blame himself for your this condition. Do you want that, Ryder ?

And Rowan, you know- Ohh You don't know about Rowan, right ? He is our little brother. You always wants little brother, right ? Rowan is your little brother. He is 12 years old. He is the cutest human being for me. But don't let his cute face fool you. He is the devil in disguise. He knows about you guys. Infact he is like you guys. He likes to boss people around like you guys-" She chuckled remembering Rowan, "He loves you so much. He is the only one who trust me when I told that you guys are alive. He told me he will wait for you guys. And I-I am so happy that he is going to m-meet you but his little heart will break if he sees you like t-this, Ryder, p-please wake up, please Ryder.

If not for me, please wake up for them. It's been 3 days you are sleeping. When are you gonna wake up, Ryder ? You know, R-Ryan is continuously blaming himself for it. He wants to see you so bad. He is forcing me to bring him here but how can I do this, Ryder ? How can I when I know he can't see you like this ?

Ryder, I am tired. Tired of being brave. Tired of being strong. Please wake up. I want to rely on you. On my big brother. I am tired of proving myself, tired of all the guilts, tired of everything Ryder. P-Please wake up.

If you want you can punish me. If you want you can slap me, hit me, I deserve it, because of me you are in this condition. But before that because of those bastards, you are here. And I promise you Ryder, I will make them pay for it. But, I need you in this. I really need your help, brother, p-please wake u-up"

She sobbed as a tear rolled down her cheek and fall on Ryder's right hand.

His finger moves slightly.


Her head snapped towards Pari who is panting heavily. Raven stood up from her place and immediately came towards Pari.

"What happened Pari ? Why are you panting so heavily ?"

"Your Mom-Dad came. They are in lobby waiting for you" She said as Raven's eyes widened.

"What ?"

"Yes, you go. I will stay with him" Pari pushed her outside.

With last one look at Ryder, Raven ran towards the lobby without creating any noise.

She reached at lobby and saw Alex is talking with her parents.

"Mom Dad" She said as smile broke through her lips. They looked at her.

Without wasting a second, she leaped into her Dad's arms. She hugged him too tightly.

Ofcourse she misses her parents.

"I missed you Dad" She mumbled in his chest. He hugged her back and rubbed her back.

"Missed you too princess"

He said softly.

She pulled out from hug and hugged her mom.

"Mom I missed you so much" she said as tears glistened in her eyes.

Ruby paused for a second before hugging her back. She frowned at this but shrugged it off.

"Me too Rav, me too" Her mom whispered stroking her daughter's hair.


She pulled out from hug and saw how her little brother is hugging her best friend.

"My little man, I Miss you too" Alex said and picked him in his arms.

She rolled her eyes playfully. He is always close with them. And she is more than happy for this.

"And what about me little brother" She smirked.

Rowan looked at her and came towards her. He smiled evilly before tightly pulling her in hug.

"Awww Loser you missed me" He said thinking he is just testing her patience but to his surprise she hugged him back.

"Actually Yes" She said softly smiling.

Rowan was taken aback by this behaviour but nonetheless he hugged her back, gently this time.

"Ok Ok enough, now shoo you are stinking" He said pushing her a little.

She smirked and hugged him more tightly and kissed his cheeks multiple times just to annoy him more.

His eyes widened and he started struggling in her grip.

"Leave me you dumbhead Annabelle" He screeched trying his best to escaped from her grip.

But she didn't let him.

"Ohh noo, it's so Embarassing, leave me you pebble head-"

"Ok ok enough, now leave him princess" Xander intervened.

Raven smirked and nodded, leaving him. Rowan immediately took a step back, glaring at her, who in response just smiled cheekily.

Rowan scowled and wiped his cheek multiple times only to get a giggles and chuckles in return.

"Rav, where are Ryan and Ryder ?" Ruby asked her.

Chuckles vanished from air as silence spread in atmosphere.


Ryan looked at the voice at the door only to see his sister.

"Hey Rav" He smiled at her.

"Are you okay now ?" She asked him concerned.

"I am more than ok, Rav, I wanna go home, I can't live here now. I am tired of sleeping and sitting like an idle." He groaned frustrated.

Raven chuckled. 

"You will soon, dear brother." She replied smiling.

"Hope so" He let out a groan.

"Umm Ryan"

"Yeah ?"

"I told you about M-Mom Dad, remember ?"

She asked him nervously.

"Yeah, I am not suffering from memory loss Raven, I remembered it. Mom Dad and my little brother are coming here- wait They already reached here ? Aren't they ? Rav-"

"Yeah, they are outside and want to see you, Ryan"

"Then fucking bring them in" Ryan said shockingly. A smile broke through Raven's lips as all her nervousness flew away.

"MOM DAD PLEASE COME IN" She called them in and with in a second, door opened revealing A lady with 5'6 something height and a tall muscular Man.

Ryan's eyes widened. He remembered his parents but their faces were faded away from his memory, but seeing them infront of him, he remembered everything. His eyes glistened with tears.

While on other side, Ruby is continuously sobbing seeing her son in this condition on hospital bed. She never in her life thought that she will see this day that her supposed to be dead son is alive after 14 years and is now on hospital bed dealing with his injuries.

She didn't remember his face but just a look is enough for her to identify him as her son. Of course she is a Mom, she could identify her son from a look.

While Xander is different story, Ryan looked so much like him. Like he is his younger version. He just stood froze in his place.

"M-Mom" Ryan whispered.

Ruby's eyes widened as she immediately ran to him, pulling him in a hug.

Ryan sighed inhaling her scent.

He shut his eyes tightly. He always carved for this. Mother's Love. Mother's warmth. Mother's embrace. And now he is more than happy. He is longing for this care. And he is getting it.

Ruby rubbed his back, stroking his hair, crying her heart out.

Raven's eyes filled with tears while others are smiling at the sight infront of them.

To Be Continued...

I wrote this in a little rush, please tell me if there is any grammatical or spelling mistakes 😚

Hope you like this chapter 😁.

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I will upload next chapter soon till then stay safe, take care and Love Yourself ❤️.

Byee Byee... Luv ya 😘.

Published : 3rd May 2k23.

Total Words : 1369 words 😁.

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