|18|The Kim family

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Days went by it's was soon going to be one week since jungkook started working again. He didn't have a fixed time when he returned home. Sometimes he would come early while sometimes late even after midnight but you would still wait for him even though he would tell you not to.

You started getting used to being alone at home whenever he was at work.

You exited the apartment wearing a simple t-shirt and trousers. You were going to a small park area that was made in your apartment complex. Your apartment complex was vast with lots of blocks of buildings. The apartment complex literally had everything a large swimming pool, gym, park and also paths for people who jog in the morning. Even the view was amazing.

The sun was going to set soon. You sat on a wooden bench looking around the kids playing with their parents. Some played on the swings while some ran behind each other. You felt fresh as the cold breeze hits your face making your hair flow.

Just then when you were looking around a ball stopped at your foot. You picked it up looking around for its owner and just then a little boy came towards you asking for the ball. You handed him the ball while smiling at him. He didn't smile back but instead burst into tears. You panicked thinking that you made him cry.

" little one, why are you crying?" you ask getting up from the bench and bending down to the boy's level.
" I want to go to mom." he cried.
" Are you lost?" he nods at your words as he cries.

You sighed holding his hands and trying to find his mom. " little one, do you remember where she was with you last time?"
" I don't know." you couldn't help but smile at how cutely he replied despite the crying.

While you were walking with him looking for his mom he suddenly left your grip running somewhere.
"Mom!" you saw how he ran towards a woman hugging her legs. The woman picked him in her arms.

"Seok-min, where were you?! I was so worried." the woman says hugging the boy.
" Why do you keep running away?! Be a good boy seok-min!" a small girl little older than the boy said as she nagged at him.

" auntie, helped me come back to you." the boy finally talked pointing in your direction. The woman whom you recognised as his mother looked at you.

she walked toward you. " thank you for helping my son. He's really mischievous and keeps running away, thank you so much."
" it's okay." you smiled.

" by the way, are you new here? I've never seen you before."
" I just shifted in with my husband two weeks ago. We live in the Fourth building of the B block," you explained.
" oh, me too! Which floor?!" she questions getting excited.

" the eighth floor."
" I live on the fifth floor with my husband and kids,"
" these are my kids. This is seok-min" she shows you her kids and points at the little boy.
" and this is seo-jin." she points at the girl.

" Hello auntie." the little girl says smiling brightly at you. You couldn't help but smile back at her.
" and I'm Kim jiah, what about you?" she introduces herself at the end and asks you.
" I'm kan- jeon Jae-hee." you almost said kang while introducing yourself. You still haven't gotten used to your new surname.

" why don't you come with us to our apartment and spend some time?" she asks all of a sudden.
" no, it's okay." you didn't know if you should agree because you just met her. She looked like a cheerful and friendly person but still, you felt weird as it was the first time you were getting close to anyone here.

" eh, come on. You look lonely. I'll be your friend." she grabs your arm.
" Please come auntie." the little girl held your hand looking at you with anticipation.

You couldn't ignore them and finally agreed since she lived in the same building but you still had a knot in your stomach as you felt nervous meeting new people.

" oh, my kids are here!" you heard a voice say when jiah opened her apartment door. The kids running into a man's arms.

" come in Jae-hee," she says as you were still standing outside the apartment door contemplating whether to go inside or not.
" do we have guests?" the man asked when you walked inside their apartment. Their apartment had a comfy and cute vibe.

" yes, meet her she is jeon Jae-hee, the one who shifted on the eighth floor," jiah explains to the man.

your eyes met his and you just couldn't deny the fact that how good looking he was. Long figure with broad shoulders and plump lips. " Jae-hee, he's my husband Kim seokjin." jiah says.

"Hello." you bow to the man out of respect.
" oh, you don't have to. Take a seat," he says guiding you into the living room. You sat on the white couch as the man  sat parallel to you. The kids ran inside one of the rooms in the apartment and jiah also disappeared into one of the rooms.

You fiddled with your fingers feeling awkward as the man stared at you.
" did you shift alone in the apartment?" the man whose name was jin asked.

" no, I shifted with my husband," you explained.
"Ah, yes."

" love marriage?" you couldn't understand why he was so curious but answered him anyways.
" arranged marriage." you laughed nervously. just then jiah came with three glasses of fruit juice. She handed you and her husband a glass and sat beside him with her own glass.

" I met her in the park. She looked lonely so I brought her home to give her some company," jiah explained to her husband.
" that's good. You can come here anytime." the man smiled.
" of course,we are friends now, aren't we?"
" ah, yes," you replied smiling nervously.

" But why are you alone? Where is your husband?" jin asks taking a sip from his glass.
" he's a businessman so he's currently at work. He is a really busy person." you replied sipping on the juice that jiah gave you some minutes ago.

" no matter how much of a busy person he is he can't just leave you alone like this." jin says.
" no, I'm fine. Moreover, I'm used to it." you said siding with jungkook.
"I know how scary it is to be left alone in a big apartment but now you have us so you can visit us anytime." jiah smiled at you warmly.

You didn't realise that you spend your two hours just sitting and talking with the couple and getting to know them better. They shared their love story with you about how their marriage was a forced one. Even you came forward to share some things about yourself with them because of how comfortable you felt around them. You explained to them how you and jungkook's marriage was arranged by the decision of your parents.

For the first time, you had such a good time sharing things about yourself with others.
" be sure to stop anytime," jin says smiling brightly as he waves you goodbye.
" I'm looking forward to meeting you again Jae-hee." jiah smiles.

You bid your goodbye and pressed the elevator button waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the elevator door opened you were greeted by a person's muscular back who was looking at himself in the elevator mirror. You minded your own business pressing your floor's button but realised somebody had already done it before you.

"Jae?" you heard a very familiar voice behind you. You turned meeting jungkook's eyes and realised that the person with the muscular back was no one else but your husband.


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