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You waited with jungkook for the signal to turn green. You saw a crowd of people on the other side of the road waiting for the green light to appear. The only thing all of them had in common was that they wore thick coats to protect themselves from the cold weather and were busy on their mobile phones.

" some of them are getting off work while some of them are going back to their workplaces after their small break." jungkook said as he saw you looking at the crowd.

" isn't it late? They are still working?" you asked looking at him.
" They have a very hectic schedule. They are always working. People in Seoul are nothing like those in Busan. Here, people barely get time for themselves because of their tight schedule." he explains. The light turns green and people start crossing the road. You made sure to stick to jungkook so that you won't get swept away by the huge crowd coming toward you.

" What is this place, jungkook?" you asked as you both walked along a path, a river flowing right beside it along with the bridge lighting up. The lights of the bridge falling on the water.

" This is the Han River. It's a very nice place for walks and picnics," he says and you nod. You looked around to find yourself being surrounded by couples. Some of them walking hand in hand, some talking, giggling while some enjoying the view. It felt awkward when you both didn't spoke a thing.

" it's cold," you muttered rubbing your hands getting jungkook's attention.

While you were walking along the path you slowly felt a warm feeling on your hands.

You realised it was jungkook's hands holding yours. You looked at him and he got flustered and didn't make eye contact with you.
" you said you were cold so..." he starts.

"it's okay if you're uncomfortable-" when jungkook was about to take his hand back to him you held his hand tight intervening your hands together. " don't," you muttered looking away feeling your cheeks heated up. Jungkook too looked away smiling shyly.

You both walked through the way hand in hand smiling shyly when you noticed a very familiar tower with illuminating blue lights leaving you in awe.

" jungkook isn't that the Namsan tower?" you asked, your free hand pointing towards its direction.
"Yes it is." jungkook replied following the direction of your hand.

" can we go there?" you halted your steps turning to face him. His hands firmly holding yours.
" right now?" he asks because it was too late to be going there. You nod excitedly not really caring.

" Jae-hee it's late moreover, it's far from here too. Let's go some other time." he explains.
" Okay, fine." you agreed even though you were a little disappointed but jungkook was right.

Suddenly, a white cotton-like cold material fell on your hand that jungkook was holding. You frowned looking above you as they continue to fall.

" it's snowing!" you said giggling. You loved when it snowed and everything would be covered in the white blanket of snow. You especially enjoyed drinking hot choco whenever it snowed in Busan.

"it's so pretty," you mumbled bringing your free hand in the air as the snow fell in your palms making you smile.
" yes it is." you heard jungkook's voice and looked at him only to see him looking at you fondly with a small smile on his lips as you adore the snow.
His free hand reached your hair removing the snow from your hair. The smile did not leave his face.

" you're so cute, Jae." he pulled the hood over your head.

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