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What's meant to be
will always find a way.


Sanskaar got up early in the morning. He went in the gym and work hard, sweat running from his body which made his t shirt wet. He come back and took shower, he come out wearing towel around his waist, still water dropping from his hair.

He opened his cupboard, it was beautifully and neatly arrange which indicating his way of living. He took his cloth and wear. He placed his towel properly. He opened drawer, watch was placed neatly, he took one of them and wear around his wrist. He took his file, laptop and went towards his office

" Swara get up na" Kavita was standing beside bed while shaking swara from shoulder who was peacefully sleeping while hugging favorite teddy which Kavita brought from her first salery. Her mouth was little opened.

But swara is swara as she is the queen of sleep. She never get up early in the morning were Kavita is opposite. Kavita get up early in the morning, do kitchen work with her mother.

Swara didn't move a little bit. Kavita rolled her eyes and removed comfort from her head and then teddy bear from her hand.

" Di why are you become villain of my sleep early in the morning" swara winced and tried to take comfort from Kavita, while rubbing her eyes.

" Today have interview for PA in my office so come with me" Kavita fold bedsheet and placed on bed.

" I don't want to come in your snake office" Swara sat on bed folding her legs like India style while closing her eyes.

" Stop calling him snake, I just say like that in anger and everyone dieing to work in his company so get ready" Kavita opened the door of cupboard.

Kavita mouth got hung seeing the state of cupboard as swara just stiffed her cloth inside the cupboard without folding. Some clothes for fall near her feet.

"Swara what is this??" Kavita turned her head and looked towards her unbelievably.

" Di Don't you know we called them clothes through which we cover our beautiful body" swara said dramatically. Kavita rolled her eyes seeingher drama.

" Ieave this and get ready" Kavita said walking away from the room as she knows making her understand next to impossible.

Swara come out wearing baby pink t-shirt with shorts. She walked towards mirror and put baby lips baam on lips. She put kajol in her eyes.

" You looks so cute swara" swara smiled looking herself in the mirror.

" Swara what are you wearing? If sir see you like this, he will throw out you from his cabin on firstday only" Kavita said shaking her head.

" He decides his employees on skills or clothes" swara asked Kavita walking behind Kavita who walked towards cupboard.

" You wear this frock and I don't want any argument. I am waiting outside" Kavita gave her knee length pink frock from the cupboard. Swara made crying face.

Swara come out wearing frock were side purse hanging on her shoulder. She went towards their small dinning table were all eating their breakfast.

" Shoru you are looking like small school girl. First told boss your age else he will not allow you inside" Dida laughed were Kavita and Shomi joined.

" Dida I am big girl" swara shout and made big pout.

" I can see" Dida giggled.

Both finished their breakfast and walked outside. They took cab and went towards company.

"Swara why are you sleeping on my shoulder??" Kavita pushed her head little bit seeing swara sleeping on her shoulder.

" Di I am getting sleep" swara said yawning, Kavita rolled her eyes.

Both got down from the cab. Kavita paid money to cab driver. She hold swara hand who was walking lazily and walked fastly inside.

" See interview already started because of you I got late first time. Now behave properly and don't do any childish act" Kavita said slapping her head slightly.

" Di I am big girl" swara winced like a child.

" I know how much you are big" Kavita said and walked towards her desk.

Swara sat on chair and looked towards girls who are busy to do make up and to do proper dress. Swara smiled seeing one girl but she ignore her.

" They are going for fashion show or interview" swara thought and made face. She showed her toung to that girl who staring at her from corner of eyes.

" Mad girl" that girl murmured.

Swara turn come and she went inside without knocking door. She shout seeing person were other side person also shout in happiness.

" Lucky, swara" both shout in union but thank god cabin was sound proof.

" You know I was going to call you in morning then I thought may be you are sleeping so I don't call you" Laksh said getting up from the chair and hug her.

" I was sleeping only but my sister drag me here" swara made pout.

"Now take my interview so I can sleep" swara said dreaming about sleep.

" What is need of interview?? You are selected. You know actually my brother going to take interview but he got some urgent meeting. He told them to wait till he came but I started interview as I don't wanted only workhollic PA" Lucky said happily.

" We will do fun together" Both gave High five ech other happily.

" Swara sign this contract so my brother can't remove you from job" Laksh said thinking about his brother. He knows all quality of his brother. Swara happily Signed. Laksh called counter and in form that interview is finished.

" Let's go for pizza party" Laksh said happily.

" Ok, Let me tell my sister" swara come out happily from the cabin while taking her contract paper in hand

" Di I am selected" She shout and run towards Kavita were all looking towards her with widen their eyes. All gapes seeing devil walking towards her direction reading file, Kavita also gapes seeing Devil were Swara eyes on Kavita. All closed their eyes.

" Ahhh" she shout and closed her eyes as she got hit some hard thing. She about to fall but hand wrapped around her small waist were she felt grip around her waist. She hold his coat in fear. Feeling safe she leave relief sigh and opened her eyes but again closed it tightly.

" You are dreaming swara" Swara murmured herself making crying face. She opened only one eye but seeing red eyes infront of her, she opened her eyes fully as much as she can.

" Mr dragon infront of me" swara gulped her saliva and moved her eyes other side making crying face. Paper lieing around them. She showed him full teath but seeing no reaction she changed her expression. Sanskaar made her stand properly.

Sanskaar can't able to believe that again they meet. He wished yesterday that should not meet again in future.

" what are you doing here and Don't you have eyes or you are blind" Sanskaar shout top of the voice making swara angry were other flinched.

" If I can't see then ok but you also see na or you donate your eyes somewhere" swara said angrily were all looked towards in horror.

" She going to made loss my job" Kavita cried in mind while hitting her head on desk. She got up and come towards her runningly.

"Swara what happened??" Laksh came towards swara and Sanskaar.

" Asked this men who romming in your company without having eyes" swara showed him toung were Sanskaar looked towards her angrily. Laksh gulped his saliva seeing Sanskaar face.

" Swara he is my brother "Mr Sanskaar Maheshwari" owner of thisssss company so he can rom where he want" Laksh wisperd to swara while making crying face and showing all teath to Sanskaar.

" Why don't you tell me earlier??" Swara made crying face while biting her nails looking towards Sanskaar.

" I don't got dream that you will fight and that to with my brother" Laksh gulped his saliva.

" What the hell both are you talking and why the hell she romming here??" Sanskaar shout were other closed their ear listening roaring sound of devil.

" Bhai she is my PA and also friend as we both studing together in mumbai " Laksh finished her sentence in one go were Swara gave look to him.

" You little girl just come to my cabin collecting this paper" Sanskaar greeted his teeth and walked towards the cabin. Swara about to say but Kavita hold her hand.

To be continued.

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