I'm Ugly And Everyone Avoids Me

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Disclaimer : I tend to exaggerate and say hypothetical things when I vent. Just keep that in mind.

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I've posted a Chapter in this Vent Book. Almost 2 years to be exact. The reason I haven't added any new Chapters to this Book in so long is either because most of the times when I'm depressed, I either don't have enough motivation or enough time to write in this Book since my depression dies off really quickly. On top of the fact I've been less depressed than I was when I was 15 and 16, but today's reason for why I'm depressed is one that I experience quite often. Body Dysmorphic Disorder.

Whenever I'm at School, I sometimes see girls hugging boys mostly in a platonic way, but no one ever hugs me at all and I feel like that's because of the way I look. Everyone probably thinks I look ugly and avoid me because of the way I look. I know I'm ugly, but I at least try to make other people happy. If I'm ugly, all you have to do is just tell me...

"If you're pretty, you find out instantly. But if you're ugly, you have to figure that shit out for yourself."

Lol, that's a quote from Dave Chappelle.

Or maybe everyone avoids me because of how shy and quiet I am. I don't know. I just wish I knew how to socialise better and I wish I looked better...

I'm sure I'll feel better about this and forget it in half an hour or so, but I wanted to vent about how I felt when I left school today. Especially because yesterday was also a stressful day where I made the stupidest mistakes, and I made an ass of myself in front of my family and friends multiple times. I freaked out over a ladybug in one of my classrooms because my Uncle told me they bite people. My brother tattled on me eating sweet foods, even though he eats just as much sweet foods as I do, and my Instagram account likely got hacked and I've been trying to log back in for a week without any success. I hope the rest of the week is better for me. This just goes to show that even though I try my hardest at life, I always fail. Meanwhile, there's people who don't even try in life at all, but they never get any consequences when they fail... Life is never fair...

Thank you for reading this because I feel better already knowing that you actually care about how I feel and being there for me when I need someone. I'll see you later. Have a good day, and I'm sure I'll feel better in an instant.

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