My Embarrassment Haunts Me

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Disclaimer : I tend to exaggerate and say a lot of hypothetical things when I vent. Just keep that in mind.

Hey everyone. How are you guys doing? I'm a little upset right now. I was just playing video games when I just randomly started reminding myself of embarrassing moments I've had through out my life such as me losing a competition in front of the whole school last year, the mental breakdowns I had in front of the whole class in Elementary School, or getting caught reading articles with strong language in Elementary School. There's also this girl in my horticulture class who talks a lot about me and her being together in front of everyone even though I've told her repeatedly that I'm not into her (at least for now). But when other kids tease her for talking about romance around me, she says SHE gets embarrassed even though she started everything in the first place. Now she does have a few mental disorders and she is a really nice friend, she just puts more weight on my shoulders since she embarrasses me and makes a lot of other people feel awkward around her because she can't fully grasp what she does a lot of the time.

Honestly, all this makes me question my sanity. Because you shouldn't be so down on yourself just because of a few embarrassing moments in your life, but I must have obsessive compulsive disorder. I also keep empty cardboard boxes from my collectible toys and I'm sure a lot of you will believe I suffer from schizophrenia since I'm the only one who does that and my family themselves think I'm insane for doing that. Maybe I belong in a psychiatric hospital...

That's pretty much all I have to say. I'm not really that depressed, but all of these thought just came to haunt me tonight and I just wanted to vent about it. Again, you reading this makes me feel better already and I'm sure I'll move on and forget about this in half an hour or something since my depression never lasts too long. I'm gonna go listen to Charlie White AKA "Penguinz0" to feel better. See you later. Bye. Love you all. Thanks for reading and caring about me. Because I love and care about you just as much. ❤️

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