Chapter 2: The Anger Issues

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So I received many views and I am quite happy to present the next chapter.

Please do vote and comment so I get to know what you guys think.

Thanks a ton for all the support

This chapter is dedicated to my other crazy sister from another mother. My lovely cousin akshmathur

She bears with me and corrects me every time the story loses itself. Love you babe.

Here's the next chapter. Enjoy!!


Chapter 2: The Anger Issues

I woke up the next morning remembering the to-do tasks. I had to go shopping today. I don't know why but, Reyan's thought crossed my mind and as if on the cue my phone beeped. It was a message from Reyan.

Maybe I said it a bit too loudly because the next thing I know was Riya, who was in my room searching for something, was jumping on my bed and snatching the phone with a mischievous smile on her face. Riya being the over dramatic one was always excited about anything.

"Messaging right in the morning, what do you think Aru, cute isn't it?" She said as I took back the phone from her, a frown appeared on my face.

Reyan: Good morning :)

"Aw it's a good morning" Riya said "Now reply fast. Don't keep him waiting." She ordered a playful smile on her face.

What's wrong with her, I chose not to ask her anything. I replied with a good morning and started to leave my bed when my phone beeped again. It was again from Reyan, this time before I could pick up my phone Riya picked it and read aloud the text.

Reyan: Sorry if disturbin bt can v meet 2day? I hav sum queries n Nik says no 1 can help betr than u. Riya shrieked in my ear.

"Go Aru he is asking for your help, go meet him." She said grinning widely.

I have to go to the market only so I can meet him; I don't know what the big deal it is.

"Okay, okay, I will meet him. I was going to the market anyways." I told Riya voicing my thoughts.

"You sure were." She murmured low enough for me to not hear but I heard it. What has gotten into her?

I ignored her childish tactics and replied.

Me: Sure. Meet me at central market at 12?

I sent the message, the reply came in seconds

Reyan: What place?

Me: Café coffee day, the 1 on the West side.

Me: Ok. C u.

I replied a see you and saw the time. It was already 10, so I quickly got up and went to my walk in closet.

Yes I had a walk in closet. I never wanted it but my mom and Riya forced. I took out my clothes placed them on the bed and went to bathe. When I stepped out of the bathroom I saw my blue jeans and plain yellow polo t-shirt replaced with black skinny jeans and a black sleeveless top Riya bought me. I never wore it as I found the neckline too revealing. The top was beautiful but I wasn't really comfortable with revealing clothes and Riya knew it perfectly.

"RIYAAAA!!" I shouted.

She came in immediately, but not running as if she was waiting outside knowing all about my outburst, a smirk on her face.

"What's this?" I ask her pointing towards the clothes.

"Clothes" She replied calmly with a smirk playing on her lips.

"But these are not the clothes I took out, why did you replace them?" I asked her angrily crossing my arms against my chest.

"Babe you are going out with a guy, you should look presentable and sexy." She says her smirk changes and she grins widely at me.

This got me.

"You are setting me up with Reyan, aren't you?" I asked her my voice louder with every word "I've told you before so many times whenever you pulled this topic that I am not interested in dating or relationships with ANY DAMN BODY!

You know what happened with him, with Shashank, what he did to me. You of all people know that very well." I stopped for a moment, Riya's face almost guilty; I continued my temper increasing with every word I was saying.

"How can you forget Riya? How can I forget the way those boys treated me, what they did to me, how to forget the reason I came here? How can I trust anyone? You can never understand the feeling Ri, I can never expect you to. You always had Nikhil by your side to protect you." I almost broke down but I somehow I calmed myself and sat down at the edge of my bed with my head in my hand.

I felt Riya's hand on my head, she patted my head lovingly and I looked up instead of shrugging of her hand, she sat beside me.

"I can never forget anything Aru, how can I?" She said and held my shoulders "I know you are scared of trusting anyone so easily. Those days were hard Aru and believe me I know. You know I would never set you up, but when I heard Reyan is coming I couldn't stop myself. I've known him for so long and he is a very nice person, I thought you two could be more than friends. I wanted to help you but I guess my way was wrong. I'll ask Nikhil to stop pushing Reyan too and let you decide for yourself. I am sorry I never realized that it can hurt you so much. Please forgive me?" she removed her hands from my shoulders and held her ears.

I could never get angry with Riya for long, no one can, not because she is pretty or she is sweet but because she makes the perfect puppy dog faces which melt you. Yeah that is one thing she does to make you forgive her. Anyone could melt seeing those big chocolate brown eyes and the adorable pout.

"You know Ri I am angry with you so stop making those puppy faces it's hard not to forgive you." I groaned putting my hands in the air. Riya smiled and hugged me

"Don't try anything like this now. Promise me" I said pulling back from the death grip of Riya, its hard believe me. She nodded with a smile.

"Now go and get my breakfast I have a meeting to attend." I winked at her and we both smiled.

She hugged me again and said "I love you Aru, I love your spirit." And left and I picked up the clothes she took out and wore them with a sigh. Things this girl makes me do.

I added a red shrug to the black jeans n top with my red pumps and tied my straight long brown hair in a neat ponytail and not a messy bun or I have to hear an earful from Riya about how 'unprepossessing' I look. Riya gave me my favorite cereal and toast which I devoured like I was hungry for years. Fighting always made me hungry. I finished my breakfast washed both our dishes and went out saying bye to Riya who was busy taking mushy with her boyfriend.

'Love' I thought and shook my head and left taking the keys of my beloved scooty Paris.

It was a gift and I loved it more than anything. Sometimes Riya too got jealous of her. Well what can I do, my Paris is the most beautiful thing ever. It was pink in color, not my favorite but I like the color.

I turned on the engine and sped off towards the market.


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Next chapter next Friday

Until next time...

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