Chapter 3: The Calming Trick

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Hi to all

So there has not been much buzz about this. I am bit disappointed but its fine

I am here with this chapter as I promised.

I will be updating every Friday , if not then Saturday for sure.

So here's the update for you



Chapter 3: The Calming Trick

I reached Café Coffee Day sharp at 12 o'clock as per my habit. If it is in my hands, I never get late. I knew Reyan wouldn't be here on time, boys never arrive on time at least no one I know is punctual enough. I decided that would wait for him inside the coffee shop.

As I entered, I saw Reyan sitting with his head downwards as he was looking at the menu on the table. I was certainly impressed, but skeptic, as I knew that Nikhil and Riya were setting me up before. I am sure Nikhil did not tell Reyan anything about my conversation with Riya, if Riya had told him that is. Reyan stood up as he saw me approaching and greeted me with a big warm smile astounding me again.

"Did I keep you waiting?" I asked him as I sat on the chair Reyan pulled for me.

"No, I just came in few minutes before you. I must say I am surprised you are on time. Girls aren't usually this punctual," he said still smiling. Is he always smiling? Instantly I envied him. How could he smile so much?

"I really don't like getting late. If it's in my hands I would never get late." I replied honestly, "How come you are early, boys aren't exactly this punctual as well, knowing the girl will be late." I asked him voicing my thoughts from before.

"Nikhil told me, he said I shouldn't be late, not that I was going to let you wait anyways, but he informed me." He said with a sheepish smile.

I knew it, it was a setup, seems Nikhil did not tell him about my outburst, I bet Riya didn't tell him either. However,the point is why is he honest with me? He could have easily lied to impress me. I'm glad he didn't. I should tell him what happened in the morning without letting him know the real reason.

"What would you like to drink?" Reyan asked me breaking my thoughts but still looking at the menu.

I bet he is confused, everything is so delicious over here I too get confused, or maybe he really isn't much a talker.

"Dark Passion" I said without looking at the menu. I came here too many times before and I know the menu by heart.

"I was thinking the same. It's nice isn't it?" He asked smiling.

"It's the best, really filling; I bet you can't eat a thing after it." I smiled.

"I'll get them then." He stood up to order.

"Wait, take some money from me." I stopped him.

"Don't bother; it's on me, my treat." He said and went to the counter.

I have to pay him back; I can't make him believe that it is some kind of date. This isn't a date or is it? Why am I questioning myself, it's not a date. Riya shouldn't have pushed me in this, stupid them.

"Ariana" Reyan's voice broke my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked, trying to find the courage to tell him, maybe break his heart, I am such a wimp.

"Are you okay?" He asked me looking concerned.

"Of course I am" I smiled.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked again.

"Yes sure." I said to quickly. I cringed internally, why am I nervous?

"You don't mind meeting by yourself, do you?" He asked with a frown. Wow, he could even pull out a frown and looks cute with it. Maybe he looks hot when he is angry. Did I just think that? I definitely need to stop watching those crappy shows with Riya.

"I wouldn't be here if I had a problem, plus it's a pleasure to help a classmate." I said, you are getting rude Ariana I tell myself and I smile to hide my rudeness.

"Okay then, the whole college thing is freaking me out, I am really nervous about it, I started late and I am sure I am lagging behind but I'll try to catch up.I am away from home for the first time, and it's horrible although Nikhil is my brother and he goes to the same college but he has no ideas about my course, he said only you can help me. I never wanted to be burden on you and I don't think I can fit in.I know it was not a good idea meeting you here because I am nervous and I am rambling and making a fool of myself in front of you...Oh god I am so stupid." He groaned putting his head in his hand and looking down.

I wanted to laugh so hard but I bit my lip to stop it. He totally made a fool of himself and it was funny when he rambled but still he looked cute throughout it. Did I again think cute? Ugh

I understood his nervousness and its obvious how he reacted. I placed my hand on his across from the table; he looked up in my eyes confused with my actions. What am I doing? I myself am confused with my actions.

"Don't worry Reyan" I said removing my hand away from his it's weird, as I don't want to, yet. You just met him, what are you thinking. I say to myself. "It was funny but I understand your nervousness. It's a new place and a new start; I am so sure you will fit in perfectly. Don't worry I didn't mind a thing.Chill and don't think so low of yourself." I said softly with an assuring smile.

He straightened himself and beamed "Thank you so much Ariana for understanding." He said as the sundaes arrived.

Dark Passion had everything I love 'chocolate'. A hot chocolate brownie on the lower layer and chocolate ice cream with chocolate sauce poured all over it.

I never liked the idea of coffee I preferred hot chocolate instead.

Some said I was obsessed with chocolate, or I am addicted to it, what no one knew was the fact that chocolate calmed my nerves it helped me cool down. I am short- tempered and chocolate is the only thing that helps me think straight.Stress reliever you can say.

Seeing the chocolate delicacy in front of me I wanted to gobble it up, Riya always scolded me about my wild eating habits telling me I eat chocolate very inhumanly and now when I have company other than my family I decided to be as subtle as possible and do what Riya told me. Believe me I am a total girl but I really can't control my eating habits especially chocolate eating habits. Therefore, I tried my best to not, humiliate myself and ate the sundae very carefully. When I looked up, I saw Reyan suppressing his laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Your face" He said still very amused.

"Huh? My face is funny?" I asked offended by what he said. Although I never cared about my looks, him telling me that my face is funny hurt a little.

His smile disappeared as he realized what he said "No, you are beautiful...I mean that you seem very...troubled while eating, which is funny." He stuttered a bit

"Oh" I say, damn he figured it out that I was trying to be subtle and I made a fool of myself again, I think sarcastically. Wait did he call me beautiful? At that instant, something tingled in my stomach.

"You know you can eat it however you like. Your expression tells you have trouble being subtle in your eating ways, well no need, you can be yourself and I'd like it, I'd rather like seeing you eat like you do." He said with an amusing expression.

I was surprised at what he said; he read me so well which was fine but it sounded so much like him, any girl would melt at Reyan's words but for me they sounded like somebody cut those freshly healed wounds, anger filled me as I remembered him.

"Mind your own business." I said a bit harshly and Reyan's amused look changed into a smirk.

"Aw don't be embarrassed, it's okay to be yourself with me, I'd like that." He said still smirking.

He was trying to be charming but I won't fall this time, I slapped the table not hard but hard enough for him to hear "What do you think of yourself? You don't tell me what I should do and how I should behave because you are no one to tell me that. Secondly, I came here to meet you not because I am interested in you or anything.I came here because you are my best friend's brother. I told it pretty clearly to Riya and I am sure she told Nikhil and I am telling it to you too that I am not interested in you so don't you dare try to charm me with all the 'I can be myself in front of you'." I whisper yelled at him, trying not to create a scene.

My outburst surprised me and from Reyan's expression, I could see he too didn't expect it.

God, He still had this effect on me even after so much time, maybe I never moved on. I was so angry that I fished my wallet and slapped the money on the table.

"You don't need to pay for me, I pay for myself. And I don't need to please you with anything, get that." I spat and stood up to leave the almost empty cafe, leaving my half-finished sundae there.

As I opened the door, in half way the cold breeze hit me making me calmer, I was about to leave when somebody caught my arm.

"Leave my arm Reyan." I said not looking at him, he didn't reply but he didn't leave my arm either

"I said let go of me." I said harshly still not facing him.

He pulled me outside the cafe and made me face him. He looked into my eyes as if reading my soul, his brown eyes piercing into my green ones.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

He kept quite still trying to read me, as if figuring me out, I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but it was too strong , gentle but strong. After seeing me fidgeting, he loosened his grip but not enough to let me escape

"What's the problem?" He asked still observing my actions; the expression on his face was unreadable.

"What problem?" I asked bewildered.

"Yes the problem, there is something which made you react this way, I wasn't trying to charm you and neither Riya or Nikhil pushed me into meeting you and I am sure you know it, still you reacted this way. There has to be a reason." He said calmly. I was surprised he didn't lose his cool, I surely did say rude things but he was still calm.

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it, wondering what to say, how did he knew? As far as I know I was good at masking emotions just like my mother, even she had difficulty reading me how did he figure out. How could he read me so easily?

"There is no reason you believe there is." I muttered unsure what to say now.

"You don't have to tell me. I didn't mean to pry." He said backing off still not leaving my hand as if I'll vanish once he left it. I looked at my hand and then him.

"Sorry" He said leaving my hand. "I am sorry," He continued when he saw I was not leaving "I never thought my words you. I never did that on purpose. I just thought you wanted to eat the whole thing at once from your expression, but the whole thing came out so wrong. I would never hurt you on purpose." He said apologetically, almost pleading with his eyes to forgive him.

He looked so adorable with that look that I purposely wanted to be mad at him but I couldn't, for some reason his words made all my anger vanish just like that, into the thin air. What calming trick did he use on me?

However,obviously, something was wrong with my brain, I was considering him adorable when I was mad at him. Something is definitely wrong.

"Its fine I guess." I sighed realizing what I just did. You don't shout at people that you just met Ariana.

His face lit up "So you are not mad at me?" He asked

"No, not now, I guess I overreacted." I shrugged obviously I do not want to tell him anything.

"Can we go inside I didn't finish my drink?" He asked with a sheepish smile scratching the back of his neck. I noticed he did that often.

"Yeah, I left mine too." I said and followed him inside.


So how how as the chapter?

I know the chapters are short but it adds to the drama more

Please tell me your views by commenting and do VOTE


Until next time...

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