Chapter 46: We're a Family

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Hi guys!
We are back to Ariana's POV and this is the second last chapter of this story.
I liked this chapter because it makes Ariana realize the importance of her family.
So I am going to leave you guys to read.

Chapter 46: We're a Family

I was exhausted when I reached the Delhi airport. It was dark when I hired a cab to take me home.
I asked my dad not to come, I needed more time and I knew how much strong I pretend to be, I'll be bawling my eyes out when I see my parents. I was still contemplating on my decision of coming back home.
I could have waited till Reyan was out of the hospital, say goodbye to him and come back but I didn't. I don't know how but Reyan's mom's words affected me so much, maybe because they were true.

I reached home within an hour and rang the doorbell. The door opened and I was surprised to see my sister-in-law Jaycee, opening the door for me.

"Oh my god, Jaycee," I said as she hugged me. "So good to see you," I said.

"It's good to see you too Aru, come on. Everyone is waiting for you" She said pulling away.

"Who all?" I asked her.

"Your grandparents, parents, brother, niece and nephew," She said and I nodded. "And of course, Riya, Nikhil, and Samaira" She added and my eyes widened.

"What?" I asked her with surprise, "When did you guys come?" I asked her.

"Just yesterday. It's almost the end of summer vacations and we figured you'll be here soon," She said with a smile and pulled me inside towards our living room.

Everyone was sitting in the living room, looking at the television screen and I smiled at that. We used to sit together and watch T.V. when I was younger. Suddenly all my delimma about coming home was thrown out of the window. I was glad to be back.

"Guys, look who's here!" Jaycee said loudly to pull everyone's attention to us and it worked. The kids ran towards me, screaming 'Aloo'.
I laughed, it was Hridhan who told them to call me that, first it was just the childish lisp but slowly it became my name. Two of them hugged my knees and I bent down to greet them properly.

"Aloo, we missed you" Trisha, my 4-year-old niece said.

"Yes, Aloo. I mished you too" Samaira nodded.

"I missed you guys too, where is my little champ?" I asked them.

"He's sleeping upstairs. Did you get us gifts?" Trisha asked me and I felt bad for not getting them anything.

"No, sorry. I didn't know that you guys were here" I said and they looked down sadly. "But...what if I take you guys on a treat tomorrow? Candies, dolls and ice-cream?" I suggested and they beamed.

"Yes!!You are the best Aloo" They said in unison and hugged me as I laughed.

"We'll take Neal with us. He too likes ice-cream" Trisha said and I nodded.

"You just came and started spoiling my children already," A powerful voice said towering me and I saw Hridhan looking at me. I suddenly I felt nostalgic and stood up to greet my older brother.

He extended his arms and I immediately hugged him, feeling calm and safe in my brother's embrace. I missed him so much. Yup, definitely not a bad idea to return.

"I missed you Princess Aria," He said my childhood name and I chuckled.

"I missed you too Hridhy" I called him by his childhood name and we pulled away.

Suddenly I met with a bone crushing hug and I knew it was Riya.

"Riya, you are killing me" I choked and she released me.

"Aru, I missed you," She said hugging me again.

"I missed you too" I laughed.

"Hey! Stop ganging her up. It's my turn" Another familiar voice came from behind and I turned and saw a smiling Nikhil.

"Niks!" I shouted and hugged him and he laughed.

"I missed you, Aru," He said as he pulled away and kissed my forehead.

"I missed you too," I said ruffling his hair like I used to. He just laughed.

"You youngsters always have the advantage of speed. Let me see my granddaughter now" My grandmother said and I smiled at her and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you so much grandma," I said pulling away.

"I can see that" She taunted.

"I am sorry I don't come home so often" I apologized.

"You should be," She said sternly.

"Leave her be, she just came home," My grandfather said and I hugged him.

"I missed you Pops" I called him what I used to call him since childhood as he kissed my hair, I broke away and kissed his cheek.

"I missed you too. But I know how busy you must be, unlike your grandma" He said and grandma nudged him and I laughed at the exchange.

"Aru" My dad's voice made me turn and I saw him looking at me with a worried expression.

Tears threatened to fall from my eyes and I hugged him and he hugged me back tightly.

"How are you?" He asked me softly.

"Fine. I'm sorry dad," I said into his chest making him pull away.

"Why are you saying sorry?" He asked me

"For not calling you frequently" I smiled and he gave out a small smile.

"Where's mom?" I asked him, looking everywhere.

"Mom's here," Mom said coming into the living room in her apron and I knew she was in the kitchen making something for me.

"Mom!" I exclaimed and hugged her, she hugged me and kissed my forehead. I pulled away and kissed her cheek. "I missed you, Mom," I said and she caressed my face lovingly.

"I know. I missed you too and you know, I missed the sound of your growling stomach too. Come on, dinner is ready" She said to everyone and we cheered.

The dinner was full of chatter and noise. It was a perfect situation to distract me from my state of mind, I needed that and I was glad that I decided to come home and not to Bangalore where I would be lonely and miserable again.

"Hey everyone!" Nikhil called for attention and everyone silenced and looked at him. "Abhimanyu called, they'll be here by tomorrow evening," He said and I looked at him with surprise while the others cheered.

Maybe someone told him I was coming back. It would be refreshing to see them too. I was so lonely, pushing everyone away. I didn't realize that they were the only ones I always needed to heal.
Family stands by you when the world is against you and my extraordinary family forgave me the second I came back home. Maybe that is the power of love, you forgive and accept.

After eating each and every of my favorite dishes, mom brought her special mouth watering chocolate cake too which I really love. I guess 8 hours is enough for my mom to make a feast for the whole reunion we had here.

"It's amazing, as usual, mom" I complemented her as I devoured the cake on my plate and she smiled at me.

"You must be tired, Aru. Go sleep in your room. We will talk tomorrow" Mom said after my cake was finished and I nodded.

When I reached upstairs in my room, I felt a wave of nostalgia hit me. My room was exactly the way I left it before leaving for Bangalore. I remember reading and studying on the same bed in front of me and how Hridhan and I use to pillow fight when he would tease me or watch his matches when his T.V wasn't working. I recall crying myself to sleep after Hridhan rescued me. I remember screaming in the dreams and Hridhan, Mom and Dad would come and calm me down. The memories of sleepless nights before going to Bangalore comes rushing back and comes back the happy memories of the day when Reyan came to our house for the first time, he watched an action movie while I read an e-book on my phone. I didn't like movies then also, I watched them because Reyan liked it. When he saw what I was doing, he snatched my phone and kept it with him. I tickled him to take my phone. He fell on the bed while I was on top of him, tickling until he surrendered and gave me back my phone, I took it but he pulled me so that I was lying on him and he kissed me.

I felt like crying remembering everything but I stopped myself. I unpacked my clothes and opened my closet to put them inside. I suddenly saw something familiar in my closet. I picked it and pulled it out. It was a familiar t-shirt, it was the same dragon print, black t-shirt Reyan wore when he came home and what he wore the first time I saw him.

I then remembered that he poured curry all over his t-shirt and I gave him Hridhan's t-shirt to wear. Mom must have washed it and kept in my closet. I forgot about the t-shirt until now.

I clutched the t-shirt close to my chest and inhaled the scent, it didn't smell anything like him. His scent was gone just like he was from my life. A small tear escaped my eyes and all my attempts to stop those tears were vain. A sob escaped my mouth and I clutched the t-shirt tighter. Reyan was gone, he was finally gone. I left him, I left him back there, I left him for his own good. I was harming him, I almost killed him twice and his mother was right. If I stayed there any longer, I could have harmed him even more, god forbids if anything happened to him in that accident, I would have never forgiven myself.

I sat on my bed holding the t-shirt in my hands and cried. The person I was in love with was in the hospital because of me, the only person who made me love myself was not the person for me. The only person whom I needed the most was the only person I couldn't be near to. As I cried, I felt stupid for leaving him like that again, but I feared Natasha De la Cruz's words, what if she was right?

My thoughts came to a halt when the door of my room creaked open and I looked at it with panic. I sighed with relief as it was only Sammy.

"Aloo," She said running to me and frowned.

"What happened, Sammy?" I asked her.

"Why are you crying?" She asked me.

"I got a boo-boo, Sammy. It hurts" I told her and her frown changed into a look of horror.

"Don't cry, Aloo. I'll kiss it and the boo-boo will go away" She said innocently and I smiled as she wiped my tears away. "Where did you get a boo-boo?" She asked and I pointed towards my ankle and she winkled her face and I laughed. "I am not going to kiss your feet. Feet are dirty" She said and I picked her up and made her sit on my lap.

"It's alright sweetie, you already made it better," I said and kissed her cheek and she giggled. "Want to sleep here, with me tonight?" I asked her and her beautiful brown eyes gleamed with happiness.

"Yesh!" She exclaimed. "Will you tell me a story?" She asked

"Of course, now go get changed and brush your teeth" I smiled.

"Okay!" She exclaimed before jumping from my lap and skipped out of my room.

I smiled, Sammy was the only person who made me smile for the first time in the last 2 years. She was my little angel, the only person who could make me smile whenever I was sad. I wasn't attached to Trish and Neal as much I was to Sammy, but I loved those three with all my heart.

I changed into my night clothes and was clearing the bed when Trisha, Sammy came with little Neal with them. Neal was Hridhan and Jaycee's 1 year old son. He didn't talk much but I heard him say Aloo once or twice.

I took Neal in my arms and he laughed. "Good morning champ," I said rubbing my nose with his and he giggled.

"Aloo," He said touching my face and I smiled.

"Aloo, can we sleep here too?" Trisha asked, she carried her tiny pink teddy bear, I remember I sent for her. She loved that little thing.

"You don't even have to ask that, Trish. Now come on, pick your sides" I said and they both cheered and jumped on my bed.

I made them sleep horizontally so that nobody would fall in their sleep and took the farthest place from the board of the bed. Trisha was on the farthermost side while Sammy besides her and Neal was in between us.

"Whose story do you want to hear?" I asked them.

"Zoom!" Neal said in his own language and I understood he meant cars.

"No, princess!" Trisha suggested.

"Yesh, a pretty princess" Sammy second her.

"Alright, so it's a story about a brave princess and a prince," I said and Neal giggled. I didn't know if he actually understood me or not.

"Once upon a time, in a beautiful kingdom, ruled a kind king with his beautiful and smart queen. They had a son and a daughter" I started.

"Was she pretty?" Sammy asked.

"Yes, she was. She was a pretty kid. Once while she was playing in the woods with her beautiful pink ball by herself, her ball dropped from her hand and went deep inside the woods. She decided to go and find it as she loved the ball very much. She found the ball after a while, but then realized that she was lost" I paused and they both gasped while Neal was already drooping, I stroked his head and he smiled.

"She was lost and it was dark, she tried to find the way out but it was very difficult without any light. Suddenly she heard growling and she was scared. She had heard from everyone in the castle that there were wolves and other dangerous animals in the woods. She didn't move from her place, clutching her ball in her hands. Then suddenly wolves appeared from behind the trees and they growled at the princess" I paused and looked at the horror stricken faces of the kids.

"They were going to attack the princess when her brother came and rescued her and scared away the wolves," I said and they cheered.

"The princess was so scared from the incident that her parents decided to send her off to another kingdom where the princess's cousin lived. The princess was happy there, she forgot her fears and used to play with her sister and her friends. One day there was a party in the kingdom and the princess was told to dress nicely" I was cut when Sammy clapped.

"Party! I love parties. Was it a tea party?" She asked.

"No silly, it was a ball. Right Aloo?" Trisha said and I smiled.

"Yes, it was a ball. Kings, queens, princes, princesses, dukes, duchesses from faraway lands were invited. The princess wore a pretty blue..." I was cut again.

"No, make her wear pink," Sammy said and I chuckled.

"Alright, the princess wore a pretty pink colored ball gown but she didn't dance. Her cousin sister danced with her friends but the princess stood at the corner, nobody asked her to dance. The princess decided to roam around, she was walking when she collided with someone and slipped. The person was a handsome prince who caught the princess and saved her from falling" I said and they both cheered, I shushed them and pointed at a sleeping Neal and they quietly cheered.

"The prince asked the princess to dance, they danced all evening. They talked and laughed, the princess liked the prince very much. She had heard about his bravery from her friends. She was surprised when he asked her to dance. When it was time to go, the prince promised the princess that he would come soon and take her with him" I told them.

"Did he kiss her?" Trisha asked.

"If you want him to," I said.

"Yes, prince kisses the princess and they get married" Trisha said with excitement.

"Okay, so before going, the prince kissed the princess..." I was cut again.

"On the lips?" Trisha asked me and I thought for a while before answering her.

"Yes, he kissed her on her lips and promised to come back. But years passed by and he didn't. The princess was heartbroken. She had fallen in love with the prince, she was so sad that she decided to leave find the prince" I told them.

"Did he lie, Aloo?" Sammy asked.

"No, my baby, the prince did not lie. His kingdom was attacked by enemies and he had to fight them. The princess did not know that. She went out searching for the prince she was in love with. She searched for years but she didn't find him. One day, she got an invitation of a wedding. Tired and sad, she decided to go to the wedding. When she reached there, she found out the prince she loved was getting married to someone else, she was heartbroken" I told them and a pang of hurt stuck me.

"Oh no!" Trisha and Sammy cried in unison.

"One day when she was roaming around the kingdom, she heard an old witch saying that she did the magic on the prince so he would marry the other princess, forgetting her. She decided to meet the prince and break the spell. The prince did not recognize her, she was sad but she tried to break the spell but she couldn't" I told them.

"What did she do?" Trisha asked.

"The princess kissed the prince and the magic spell was broken. The prince recognized the princess and married her. And they lived happily ever after" I said finishing the story.

"Yayy!!" They both cheered loudly making Neal wake up and he started crying.

"Oh no!" Trisha said covering her mouth with her hands and Sammy looked guilty.

I took Neal in my arms and shushed him, he stopped crying after a while.

"Alright you both, story is over. The prince and princess are asleep now, you two also sleep" I told them placing Neal on the bed again and stoking his head to make him sleep.

"Will I find a prince too, Aloo?" Trisha asked.

"Yes, you will Trish, pretty princesses always get their prince," I told her.

"And me?" Sammy asked.

"You too will Sammy. But remember, just like the princess, you too should be brave and kind hearted. Be your prince charming first and only then you will find your prince" I told them. "Now sleep you two, no giggling," I said and they obeyed and lied down as I covered the trio with a blanket.

"Aloo?" Trisha asked after a while Sammy and Neal were asleep.

"Yes, Trish?" I asked her.

"Dad calls you princess, so did you get your prince too?" She asked me quietly.

"I couldn't, but maybe he'll find me one day," I told her and she smiled."Now sleep princess" I kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I sighed as they slept peacefully. I lied on my back and closed my eyes. I wasn't sure if those dreams would haunt me anymore or not. I did not want the children to wake up because of me but I did need sleep. After half an hour of contemplating I decided to shift to the couch in my room and sleep there. My voice won't wake them up if I shouted, the effect would be less. Finally, I slept after adjusting myself on the couch.


It was 6 in the morning when I woke up. I didn't want to wake up but I was so used to waking up early that my eyes automatically opened. I took my blanket and lied back on my bed and closed my eyes. For the first time in four years, I wanted to laze around and do nothing. I made myself so busy, even on Sundays that I never lazed around in my house. I was home, I didn't have any work to go to and hence I decided to laze with the kids and everyone else.

I got frustrated while lying on the bed after half an hour and so I decided to take a shower. It was a Sunday and I knew no one would be awake this early. I took out my clothes from the closet and realized those were my work clothes. I kept them inside and shuffled my closet to see my older clothes. I picked up my old shorts and a loose fitted t-shirt and went to bathe.

My old clothes were too lose for me and I realized how much weight I lost in the past years. I wasn't even taking care of myself. I pulled out the pins out of my hair and set the bun I made, loose. I combed my hair and pulled them up in a ponytail. I took out my glasses and wore them and looked myself in the mirror.

I didn't look like the usual me, instead I looked like the old, more carefree me. When I saw myself like this, I realized how much I missed the old me. I looked at the clock and it showed that it was just 8 and nobody in this house, I mean nobody left their beds before 10am, not even the staff would be there before 9:30.

I took out my running shoes and decided to go on a run in the park nearby. I came downstairs and as I predicted, nobody was awake, the house was as silent as if nobody lived here. I walked out of the house with my phone, earplugs and some money, in case I need it. The park was nearby, Hridhaan and I used to come with Pops to play when we were younger. I plugged earplugs in my phone and started my normal running music. I took around 10 rounds of the park before sitting on the park bench. There were very few people who were in the park and I figured it was because of the weekend.

I took a couple of rounds more before leaving for home. It was a good run, I cleared most of my head and it was almost 9:30 which meant the staff would be here. I was in no mood of making myself anything.

"You went out, like that?" A voice questioned me and I rolled my eyes and turned to my over protective brother.

"Yeah, you got a problem?" I asked him. He was sitting on the sofa and was reading a newspaper. I didn't realize he was there before he stopped me.

"Of course, I do, those are really short shorts you know," He said keeping his newspaper down.

"They are called shorts for a reason," I said rolling my eyes and sitting beside him.

"Ughh, keep your sweaty self away from me" He crinkled his nose and I scooted closer to him and he shifted away from me.

"Really? But I want to hug you Hridhy" I teased him, spreading my arms and he scrunched up his nose and leaned farther into the sofa and I laughed, shifting away from him.

"You are such a pig," He said and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"You are the one to say. You sweat more than me, and I ran. You do that without running. I wonder how Jaycee tolerates you" I mocked him.

"Jaycee doesn't have to tolerate me. She loves me, even when I am sweaty. More when I am sweaty" He said wiggling his eyebrows and I made a disgusted face.

"TMI! Dude keep your life to yourself!" I exclaimed and he laughed.

"Oh, who was interested in my private life when I ba..." He was saying but I kept my hand on his mouth.

"Shut up, you are such a pervert. Have some decency, you have kids!" I said and he rolled his eyes and swatted my hand away from his mouth.

"Having kids doesn't mean that we don't have a private life" He smirked and I groaned.

"Shut up before I have mental images," I said keeping a hand on my ears.

"You already have them when you asked me..." He said loudly and I immediately kept both m hands on his mouth.

"Shut up. I was young and curious!" I said with frustration. Hridhan licked my palm and I snatched my hand away with a disgusted look.

"Did you just lick my palm," I said wrinkling my face.

"Yep," He said with a grin and I rubbed my hand on his t-shirt while laughed.

"Disgusting pig" I mumbled and Hridhaan just laughed.

"I've missed you Aria," He said sobering up.

"I know, me too," I said quietly.

"No. I mean, this laughing, playful Aria. I've missed it" He said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you all away. I was so angry at everything that I forgot there were people who really cared for me. I am so sorry for hurting you all for so long" I apologized.

"No, Aria. There is no need to say sorry. You pushed us and we left, we were so scared that you will know the truth and hate us that we too left you. We shouldn't have done that, we were supposed to stay together. We are a family and family always stays by each other" He said and I hugged him, feeling nostalgic. We stayed like that for a while and after so many years I felt like I was home. Home wasn't that empty house back there. Home was here.

"Aria, I love you and all but you smell, so please..." Hridhaan commented and I chuckled and pulled away, hitting his arm while he just smiled.

I sat there for a few minutes before I heard the children crying. "Oh shit! The kids!" I cursed and Hridhan too got up as we ran towards my room. The kids must be scared because they didn't find me.

I entered my room and saw Neal, Samaira and Trisha crying. I ran towards then and took Neal in my arms as they both hugged me.

"'I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you" I said and the girls hiccupped.

Hridhaan took Trisha in his lap as she sniffled and I soothed Sammy's hair and cradled Neal.

"What happened Trish, you don't cry like that?" Hridhan asked his daughter.

"Neal woke up and started crying, I tried to make him smile but he cried harder and Sammy woke up with the cries and started crying and I was so scared" She sniffled and I felt bad for the poor kid, she was just trying to play a big sister to her younger siblings.

"Hush, hush sweetheart. It's fine" Hridhaan soothed Trisha and she stopped crying, suddenly Riya came into my room and seeing her daughter crying she came to her and took Sammy in her arms.

Sammy stopped crying and so did Neal.

"I am so sorry I left the kids" I apologized.

"It's not your fault, Aru. Sammy is sensitive to loud noises and she's usually cranky in the mornings" Riya told me.

"Yeah and Trish was just scared seeing them cry and Neal cries when he doesn't see his mother when he wakes up" Hridhaan explained.

"Aru, not everything is always your fault you know," Riya said quietly and I fell into thought all over again. Was there a signal in her words?

I nodded. "Sammy, Trish?" I called for their attention. "Go and get ready, we are going out," I told them happily.

"Really?" Trish asked me and I nodded. "Yay!" She and Sammy cheered and jumped on their parents' lap and Neal giggled and clapped his hand.

"Daddy, let me go. I have to get ready!" Trish said and Hridhaan sighed but let her go.

"Let's go Mommy. I have to find clothes" Sammy said making us chuckle and Riya took her baby out.

Hridhaan took Neal from me and went out of my room, leaving me alone. I sighed and fell back on my bed. It was just 10 in morning and I was already exhausted.

I stood up and went to my closet again, it was stupid to shower first and then go for a run but I anyway took out a pair of jeans and a top and went to shower again.

The kids were too excited to go out, I decided to take them to the nearby mall mom told me about. It had a play area for kids and I decided to buy some clothes for myself too. Although Jaycee offered to come but I refused. She was weak and unwell and I could see that plus they received a phone call and the four of them, Hridhaan, Jaycee, Riya and Nikhil had to leave. They didn't tell me what but they said they would meet us at home with Abhimanyu and Aditi, I thought they were planning something but I was too distracted to ask them. Mom and Dad had an immediate meeting with a client, leaving me, the kids and my grandparents home and as grandpa was getting bored while grandma watched her soap operas, he tagged along.

I didn't mind, I always loved my grandfather's company. He might be in his 80's but he was an amazing company, I took his wheelchair so he doesn't have to walk much, so as grandpa sat on the wheel chair, he took Neal and Sammy and Trish followed on foot while I pushed his wheelchair.

First we stopped at the play area. Sammy and Trish ran to the girl's dress up and makeup game corner while I took Neal to the toddler section and grandpa came along.

"Ariana, are you alright?" Grandpa asked me as we saw Neal and the girls having a good time.

"Of course yes Pops," I said with a smile.

"Don't lie child. It's clear you are not. You are laughing but your eyes lost the glow, your eyes are tired and sad. Tell me, what's wrong?" He asked me and I felt like crying once again.

"I met him Pops," I told him but he didn't look surprised.

"I know, Aryan and Naina explained us the situation. What happened?" He asked me and I told him everything from meeting him to leaving him, excluding the kissing and making love part. Grandpa didn't need to know that and I was too ashamed to accept that I lost control over myself.

"I hate that woman" Grandpa mumbled and I snickered.

"She is right Pops, no matter how much you hate her," I said sadly.

"No, of course, she's not right. How in the world can you think you caused those accidents?" He asked me and for the first time, I thought about it.

"I am bad luck for him Pops" I reasoned out.

"Ariana, I know I am old and we have all those superstitions but listen to me very carefully. There is no such thing that makes you a bad luck in his life. He has his own fate and so do you, anyone could be in those accidents but it was Reyan. Why don't you see that he survived, maybe you were the good luck charm who brought him back. Did you know Reyan started responding the time you entered the hospital for the first time?" He asked and when I didn't say anything he continued. "Ariana, Natasha brainwashed you and you listened to her. I don't say it's your fault, you were put through a lot but leaving Reyan unconscious and coming back was not a smart choice" He said sadly and hearing him say all that made me realize how Natasha manipulated me again. I wanted to slap myself for being so naïve again.

We talked for a while when Sammy and Trisha came running that they were hungry. So we all went to the food court where the kids ordered pizza and I and grandpa were happy having our pav bhaji. We went to the new Forever 21 store. I wanted to get something other than pencil skirts and pant suits.

The shopping trip was cut short because the kids were too tired and slept while I tried clothes along with their great grandpa who snored soundly sitting in his chair.

As we reached home, I woke up Sammy and Trisha who rushed inside while I took a sleeping Neal in my arms as grandpa and I walked inside. I reached the living room when my phone started ringing and grandpa took Neal from me so I could take the call. It was Kai

"Hello?" I called into the phone.

"Ariana, how is your grandma?" He asked me and I wrinkled my forehead in confusion when I realized the lie I told them.

"Uh...She's fine, just resting. She's home now" I said smoothly.

"Oh, that's great news. I have a good news too!" He said excitedly and my heart started beating faster.

"Wh...Is it something related to the wedding?" I asked him.

"Yes, you read my mind. The wedding didn't get postponed, it was held, we just returned" Kai said cheerfully and I felt my heart stop beating.

"What do you mean? Re...Mr. Valdez was hurt, wasn't he?" I asked quickly.

"Oh no, it was just a minor accident, some scratches and a minor fracture in his thumb, he's fine otherwise," He told me and I felt like everything in my body turn numb.

"The wedding, you were saying about the wedding, how did it go?" I asked robotically.

"Oh it was amazing, you set up everything so perfectly that I didn't actually need to do much. The guests were happy, the parents were happy and the bride and groom were super-duper happy. It was magical" Kai gushed.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Of course and Mr. Valdez wanted to give your grandmom his regards. Even Esme and others, she wanted you there" He said.

"Oh, tell them I am sorry I had to go like that" I said curtly.

"Sure. I wanted to tell you that we'll be returning day after and report to work the next day" He informed me.

"Uh, okay. Listen, Kai. I am not in Bangalore right now, I'm here in Delhi with my family and will be here at least for a week or two so when you return, take care of the work. I know it would be a lot of work, but I need to be here" I said.

"I get you. Listen, I'll talk to you later. They are leaving for their honeymoon" Kai said and I felt tears stinging in my eyes.

"One more thing, Kai" I managed.

"Yeah?" He asked in his casual cheerful voice.

"Were Mr. Valdez and Esme happy?" I asked him.

"Of course, they were. Esme looked beautiful and angry robot didn't even look anything like angry. He even gave a speech. Such love I swear" He said and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"Alright, thanks, Kai," I said with false cheerfulness.

"You're welcome. Bye" He said and we hung up.

I sat down on the sofa numbly, besides grandpa who looked at me with worry.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The wedding wasn't postponed Pops, I lost him forever," I said as the tears finally started flowing.


What did just happen ?? Did I confuse you guys again?
If so, then my job is done : p
1 chapter left plus the epilogue.
My Version of Love is finally ending and I really want to thank you guys for so much love and support.
Do Vote and Comment.
Until next time...

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