Chapter 47: My Version of Love

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So guys, this is the very last chapter of this story. It has been a great, great journey while writing this story. 

I am so grateful for your support with the votes and comments and I hope that you enjoyed the story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

This story is really really special to me, it is the first full fledged story I've ever thought about and I would really like to thank everyone who supported me though the time I wrote it and posted it. 

I want to dedicate this chapter to my mom. No, she hasn't been the inspiration for either Ariana or Reyan's mom. 

Let me tell you a secret, my mom is going to read this too and I'm taking up the chance to tell her that I secretly wanted to listen to her views about each and every chapter of mine. It's a good boost in the confidence part for an amateur like me. 

Love you Mom.



Chapter 47: My Version of Love

It was 7 in the evening when I finally left my room. I had locked myself in the room after Kai's call, telling Pops that I was tired and was going to sleep. He just nodded, he knew I was lying but didn't stop me. I tucked Neal with Sammy and Trish as they slept. It had been 3 hours and all I did was lie on my bed and stare the ceiling.

After my brief breakdown in front of my grandfather, I felt as if my tears dried. I couldn't cry, I wasn't feeling anything, my mind stopped working. All I did was stare the plain white ceiling of my room. Maybe I did sleep, but I didn't remember if I even closed my eyes for a second.

After 3 hours of not doing anything, I decided to get myself a cup of hot chocolate and a book to read. Without a word I entered the kitchen and started making hot chocolate for myself, my hands were working automatically. As I took a sip, I realized that it wasn't hot chocolate that I had made for myself, it was the same kind of coffee Reyan liked. I looked at the containers and saw that instead of cocoa powder, it was coffee that I used.

I put my cup down on the slab and held my head. What was I doing? I was unconsciously making coffee for myself. I sighed and poured all the coffee down the drain. I wasn't going to drink that, although my dislike for coffee decreased, but I was no way drinking that coffee which reminded me of Reyan.

As I washed the cup, I heard commotion in the living room. I walked to the living room and saw that everyone was back, and by everyone I meant Abhimanyu and Aditi too. As soon as she saw me, Aditi rushed towards me and hugged me.

"Aru!" She squealed excitedly.

"Aditi! Finally" I laughed as she pulled away.

"I have been dying to see you! Where is Reyan?" She asked and immediately covered her mouth realizing what she said. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." She started saying but I stopped her shaking my head.

"It's alright, he's fine I think, knowing the fact he's married, he must be very happy," I said without an expression.

Aditi's expression turned into a look of horror and so did everyone else's.

"What did you say?" Abhimanyu asked.

"He's married," I said with a shrug.

"That's not possible! You said he did the same things again..." Abhimanyu was saying but I stopped him.

"Abhi, he's married. I got a call from Kai, apparently the wedding took place on the day as fixed even after Reyan's accident and he's married" I told everybody.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Mom asked as she kept her hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, of course," I said, "Uh...I should go get the kids, they have been sleeping over 3 hours now" I said.

"Good idea, I'll make some chicken nuggets for them," Jaycee said.

"For me too!" Hridhaan piped in.

"Me three!" Nikhil said.

"Me four!" My dad said making me snicker.

"Come on I'll help you, Jay. These men are just like kids" My mom said and we all laughed as I went up to get the kids.

The kids were cranky and hard to wake up, but once I mentioned the nuggets, their eyes snapped open at once and they raced down the stairs. I laughed and followed them, taking Neal in my arms who was clapping and giggling.

We sat and joked together, reminiscing old days while we ate chicken nuggets and drank Coke. I could see how careful everyone was around me, they were avoiding the topic and him and I was grateful for that.

"Hey, Aria?" Hridhaan asked for my attention and I looked at him.

"Yeah?" I asked him.

"One of my friends wants to get married..." He was saying but I stopped him.

"I am not taking any assignments right now Hridhaan, I am on a break. Give him Kai's number" I said taking a bite of my nugget.

"Oh come on! I told him that you'll meet him, not Kai" He whined.

"No! I took a break practically after 4 years. Can you please not talk about work?" I groaned.

"Leave her alone, honey" Jaycee chided him but he ignored her.

"He told me he wanted the best wedding and I told him that my sister is the best. Please Aria, please" He said making a puppy face and I groaned.

"Alright, alright. When did you fix our meeting?" I asked him.

"Tomorrow" He shamelessly grinned at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, where?" I asked him with a sigh.

"Uh, our sports club, at 5 in the evening. He agreed" He said hesitantly and I nodded.

"I'll meet him. What's his name, how do I recognize him?" I asked him.

"Ad..." Hridhaan was saying but Jaycee cut him.

"Al, we call him Al. It's a short for...I don't remember his full name" Jaycee said thoughtfully and I nodded without a word.

"Do you have any details or anything?" I asked them.

"Nopes," Riya said and I looked at her furrowing my eyebrows.

"How do you know?" I asked her.

"Oh, that's because he's our friend too. We went to meet him today" Riya said motioning the four of them.

"Do I know him? I don't remember any Al?" I asked them.

"Maybe," Riya said with a knowing smile and I got even more confused.

"I don't think so Aru," Nikhil said, giving Riya a glare and she smiled sheepishly. "We all met after a long time" He added and I nodded.

"Oh...kay," I said, totally weirded out by their behavior. "Ask him to bring his fiancé too. I'd like to meet the couple together, it saves time and confusion" I told Hridhaan.

"Oh, that's not a problem. She'll be there if you are" Hridhaan said and Jaycee nudged him.

"What?" I asked him.

"He means, that if you are finalizing the meeting then they both would be there," Jaycee said and I nodded. I was starting to feel suspicious. Mom and dad were too quiet, even Pops and grandma were quiet. Riya was smiling over nothing and Nikhil was scratching the back of his head. Jaycee was picking her nails and Hridhaan was blurting weird things.

"Whatever you guys are planning, I don't really care. I'm just telling you that each one of you here are pathetic liars" I said and all the eyes fell on me and then looked at each other. I chuckled. "Just continue. I don't really want to spoil anything" I said with a smile leaving everybody bewildered.

"What are you saying?" Dad asked him, talking for the first time while we all sat together.

"Nothing Dad, chill. I am not going to act curious, I'm sure you are setting me up again with some guy like you did the last time. I don't really need anyone, but I won't stop you" I said and my dad's eyes went wide and so did my mom's.

"Aru..." Mom started but I stopped her.

"Don't mom. It's okay. I'll meet Hridhy's friend and the guy you all are trying to set me up with but for now, I am going upstairs. I want to sleep so no dinner for me" I said and they nodded.

"Aloo," Sammy said rushing to me.

"Yes, Sammy?" I asked her.

"Can we come too?" She said motioning to her siblings.

"Of course. I'll tell you all another princess story" I said with a smile and they cheered. "But, first finish your dinner like good girls. I'll wait" I said and they nodded.

I was stepping on the first stair when Aditi stopped me.

"Yeah, Aditi?" I asked her.

"Can I talk to you?" She asked me quietly and I nodded motioning her to come with me.

When we reached my room, I asked her to sit.

"Now tell me," I said, sitting beside her.

"Actually...I don't know how to say it. First I am so sorry for what happened earlier" She said and I nodded.

"It's okay Aditi. I know you had a habit of seeing us together, it didn't hurt me" I said and she gave me a worried look.

"Aru, it's not normal. You are not showing emotions, even your smile isn't reaching your eyes" Aditi said worriedly.

"I don't know what's normal anymore, I have my own way of dealing with this. I don't blame anyone, but unlike last time, I am not pushing everyone away nor letting them do that. I knew I had to move on since I got to know it was Reyan's wedding I was planning and now when the time has come, I have to do it" I said and she nodded understandingly.

"You are strong Ariana, I hope you get what you want," She said and I wanted to tell her that what I wanted was gone.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked her and she opened her mouth and closed it. "Aditi, you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" I asked her.

"I...I am pregnant," She said and my eyes widened and slowly a smile made way on my lips.

"Ohmigosh!" I squealed and Aditi smiled. "That's amazing news!" I said excitedly, "I am going to be an Aunt!" I fist pumped in the air with excitement. "Does Abhi know?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"I found out yesterday and I was so freaked out that I didn't know what to do. You are the first person I told" She said looking down and I happy that she trusted me that much.

"Thanks, Aditi, but you have to tell him soon. I mean he's going to be a Dad and I'm sure he'd be ecstatic" I told her.

"Are you sure? I mean I just came back from the coma. I don't know if he wants a kid so soon" She told me her dilemma and I nodded in understanding. In her mind, they didn't even complete a year together, even though it had been 4 years.

"I think you should discuss it with him. How long has it been?" I asked her.

"4 weeks," She said and I nodded.

"I think you should tell Abhi. Assuming is not a good thing, I've learned it" I told her with a smile and she returned it and hugged me.

"Thank you so much, Aru. You're the best!" She said and I laughed and pulled away.

"I know, now go. Rush and tell him and get a picture of him. It would be priceless!" I suggested her.

"Good idea!" She agreed.

After Aditi left my room, I changed into the new pair of night clothes I bought for myself and sat on my bed and continued reading 'A Dance with the Dragons' the book I was reading earlier, until the time I waited for the kids to come.

I knew they weren't going to sleep, they had already slept enough and now those hyperactive children were going to jump around.

I was right. It took me 2 stories and a lullaby and 3 hours of hard work to finally make them sleep. I was so tired that I slept with the kids cuddled to my side.


The next morning Riya, Jaycee and Mom took me to the salon. Aditi didn't come with us and I figured that she wanted to be with Abhimanyu, she might have told him last night or maybe this morning. I too didn't want to go, I explained that I just went to the salon on my birthday, but nobody listened to me. Riya said I badly needed a wax which I disagreed, Jaycee recommended a change in hair color which I strongly opposed and my Mom was adamant that I get a facial and hair spa done which I was not looking forward to but I was made to keep my mouth shut and follow them.

The day at the salon was fun, though. I missed everything if it would be in my hand I would never leave all this. But I had to, Riya and Nikhil would go back to London, Jaycee and Hridhaan will leave for L.A and I assumed that Abhimanyu and Aditi will relocate to Ahmedabad, where Abhi's dad was, leaving me alone in Bangalore.

Then I realized something, I could always shift my office or better. I could always spread out, it was the time when I could take RMA some other place and branch out. Ruth was already taking care of the London office and I was taking care of the Bangalore one. What if we branch out to other places? Kai could use a new environment and we had clients everywhere. That was a good thought, I made a mental note of talking about it in the next team meeting.

It was 4 when we came back, which meant I had half an hour for the meeting. My facial was done, my hair loosely curled. I refused for the hair color but Jaycee made me agree to have highlights in near future. I had no idea why everyone was pushing me into looking good, but I decided to go with the flow. Whether this was a blind date or a business meeting, I had to dress up for sure. I decided to go safe with a multi-colored sheath dress that came down to my knees. The bodice was white in color and the skirt area was bright red with a black belt looking middle. I opted for black heels and minimal makeup as usual. I applied eyeliner and mascara and a similar colored bright red lipstick and tied my hair back in an Italian bun.

I looked like what I usually did in business meetings. I didn't go anywhere out of the way and dress up except the lipstick, but going to a social club for a meeting and going to the office for a meeting were two different things.

When I came down to the living room, all the eyes shifted to me and a weird look was shared between everyone sitting there.

"I'll see you guys later," I told them, "Maybe in an hour or so," I said looking at my watch.

"Why is your hair up in a bun?" Riya asked me standing up from her place and walking towards me and I looked at her with confusion.

"What? I always keep them like this" I told her.

"You are not leaving this house until you untie it," She said crossing her arms over her chest, blocking my way.

"Riya we are not 18, I always make a bun. Always" I said emphasizing on 'always'.

"And you look like 30, when you make a bun," She said and I sighed, she was right but I felt more powerful like that.

"Riya, I know. I am going out for serious work, and this look is serious" I countered.

"I am the fashion designer here and everyone does what I say. Plus I'm older" She said with a smirk.

"Ri, I don't want to be late. Let me go" I whined.

"It would take a second, your hair were already curled!" She said and I threw my arms in the air allowing her to do to what she wants.

She pulled out the pins from my hair, setting my waist length hair cascade down. She then combed my hair from her hands and took a section from one side and pinning them in a half puff. She grinned, satisfied with her work.

"This is much better," She said, looking pleased.

"Great, now I am going to look like a newbie. Thanks, let me go now" I said sarcastically and she shifted aside, giving me space to leave. I rolled my eyes and went out of the door.

I drove to the familiar place where all the functions, kitty parties, birthday parties used to take place. I remembered the way by heart as it was a place we went regularly to while I was young.

When I reached there, I asked the receptionist if someone was waiting for me and she directed me towards a room, I thanked her and went towards the way she directed.

It was long ago that I came here and a lot had changed, the club was renovated and made into a whole new place. When I reached, I found out that the room was dark inside. My heart beat quickened and I shuffled my hands along the wall to find a light switch, but it was all futile.

"Hello?" I called as panic struck me. I was still afraid of darkness, even though I stopped having the nightmares, the fear of darkness still remained. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I asked again moving slowly. "Can anyone please switch on the lights? I can't see a thing" I said while I shuffled my bag to find my phone and tried to figure out the way to the lights. A flashlight would be very helpful.

"Shit" I cursed when I couldn't even find my phone, "Is anyone here?" I asked but still there was no answer. I was already in the middle of the room, or I thought so and I was shit scared.

Suddenly light fell on me, making me cover my eyes. "What the..." I was saying as I removed my hand but my voice was caught in the throat when I saw what was happening.

I was standing in the middle of the room with a spotlight on me while another was just in front of me.

"Ariana" Somebody said softly and I felt my heartbeat quicken, faster than it was already beating.

"Who's there?" I called out.

"Ariana...this name has overpowered me," The voice said and my breath hitched in my throat. This can't be happening, this was a dream. It had to be, I pinched myself and cried when it hurt.

"It's not a dream Ariana, although it is something I have dreamt of since I met you," The voice said.

"Th...This...This can't be" I said with disbelief as tears started appearing in my eyes.

"Anna," He said before coming into the spotlight right in front of me and I gasped. It was him, really him. He looked the same like I left him. He had a plaster in his left hand and a small bandage on his head and a shadow of a beard which made him look even more gorgeous. I started to speak but he stopped me.

"Let me talk please, I love it when you talk but I have to tell you something first," He said and I nodded, too shocked to speak. "Did you know, Anna, that normally a heart beats 72 times a minute that means 4,320 times an hour and 103,680 times a day? Maybe you do, but what you don't know that my heart was just beating 103,680 times those 1,463 days before I met you. Because after I met you, it started beating 10 times those 103,680 times and with what force and what conviction that even I was surprised to hear it. Four years ago, when I saw you, you were always there in my thoughts and when I saw you after four years, you did the same thing to me. Call it love at first sight or attraction, I felt that pull towards you from the day you fainted in my arms and it grew even stronger each and every time I saw you. I never considered liking a girl four years before and I didn't even after four years. Though I was a casanova back then, but I couldn't just go to a girl and flirt with her without feeling that I was cheating on someone, cheating on you. And believe me, Anna, I never cheated on you, knowing or unknowingly.

Meeting you changed my perspective twice and I don't know what I'll do if I lost you again. You, my love, are most amazing, sweetest, kindest and strongest person. To describe you, even a novel would be less, but I am willing to do that if you understand how much I love you. You are unpredictable, one second you are angry and the other second you are laughing. I love it, I love how unpredictable you are. I love the sound of your laugh, it lightens up my life. But I hate how I feel when I can't hear it, I hate it when I am not near you, I hate the feeling of jealously when I see you with other men, I hate it when you are not talking to me. I hate it that I was the reason for your tears for so long, I hate it that I broke your heart so many times. But it amazes me that you still forgave me, you gave me another chance to be your friend, to be near you. I can't live without you Anna, but I can't call you my girlfriend either" He paused and my breathing stopped. What is he saying?

"I don't like the word girlfriend anymore, Anna. But if you would then..." He paused and bent down on one knee and looked at me and then extended his hand and opened his palm making me gasp. In his palm was the same emerald pendant he gave me on my birthday. "Will you give me the honor of being called your husband?" He asked me.

I was speechless, I didn't know what to say so that's what I told him.

"I don't know what to say" I voiced out my thoughts.

"Just say a simple yes or no" He smiled nervously.

"Can you please get up?" I asked him and he nodded, still extending his palm towards me.

As he got up, I held his hand in which he had the necklace and he smiled at me. I looked up at him and tip toed to reach his level which was easier in the heels, he bent down a bit to make it easier for me. He leaned in and closed his eyes and I did what I wanted to for so long.

I slapped him, hard, making the sound echo through the room. Reyan's eyes went open and he looked at me with surprise.

"Anna..." He took my name, his voice was full of surprise at my actions.

"You think that tricking me is a good idea?" I asked him but he was stunned as he held his cheek.

"Anna..." He started to say.

"You think making me cry by tricking me is a fabulous idea?" I asked him again. "You think playing with my feelings is a good idea? Kai told me that you got fucking married and here you are proposing me to be your wife and that too with the help of my family!" I shouted.

"I didn't..." He started to say but I stopped him again. Tears were dancing in my eyes, ready to leave them.

"It's my turn to speak now. What did you think, before saying all this? That repeating everything would make me realize that you got your memory back?" I asked him. "That's an awesome news, congratulations. But if you thought that saying all this will make me run into your arms. I'm sorry Reyan. You have been thoroughly mistaken" I said. "Explain yourself Reyan, why did Kai tell me that you were married?" I asked angrily.

"Kai...Kai never told you that I was married" He said and I looked at him with confusion. "He told you that the bride and groom were happy, he told you I was happy and Esme looked gorgeous. He didn't tell you that I married Esme" He said and a smirk appeared on his face.

"You..." I said angrily. "You tricked me twice!" I said hitting his chest, "You tricked me again and I fell for it!" I hit him again and again but he didn't even wince. "You always do this to me" I kept hitting him as tears escaped my eyes. "I hate you," I said as I hit him continuously. "I hate you" I cried.

He held my hands with his good hand but I looked down and cried. He used his plastered hand to lift my chin up and make him look at me.

"You really hate me?" He asked me calmly and I nodded.

"You really, really hate me?" He asked again and I nodded.

"How much do you hate me?" He asked me.

"I hate you" I cried.

"Yes, I got that part, but how much do you hate me?" He asked me softly.

"I hate you," I said releasing myself from his grip and wrapped my arms around him and cried. "I hate you" I mumbled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"I know, Anna. I know" He said into my hair.

"I really, really hate you," I said with a sob as the familiar warmth of his arms surrounded me.

"I love you too, Anna," He said as he held me and I cried.

"You tricked me, you tricked me twice. You left me alone for four years, I missed you. I thought you used me, I hate you for making me feel used. I hate you for making me deal with those nightmares. I hate you for making me a cold hearted bitch. I hate you for hiring me to plan your fake wedding. I hate you for being a jerk to me and I hate you for not being able to hate you" I cried and he soothed my hair.

"I'm sorry Anna. I'm so sorry" He said and I pulled away from him and he let me.

"You really remember me?" I asked looking up at him.

"No, I remember Jennifer Aniston as my girlfriend and you are not her. I should leave" He said sarcastically rolling his eyes and I hit him again and he laughed.

"I remember you, Anna. More clearly than anything else" He said and I hugged him again.

Suddenly the lights came out and we broke apart. I saw my family, my team, Esme, Theo and Reyan's mom standing and looking at us with a smile. I looked at Reyan who smiled at me and I cursed myself for hitting him in front of them.

In a flash, everyone came up to us and congratulated us, my parents were very happy, although my Dad warned Reyan that if he tried to trick me again, then he is going to break his teeth and Reyan agreed.

Hridhaan mocked Reyan getting beaten by a girl and told him that he deserved the slap and Reyan agreed. He too warned him as I laughed seeing Reyan's expression.

Nikhil and Reyan were a different story, they had their own reunion. I smiled as they hugged, Nikhil missed Reyan and Reyan too missed his older brother. Riya warned Reyan that she would skin him alive if he makes me cry as Reyan gulped and hid behind me making everyone laugh.

Reyan apologized to Abhimanyu for being rude to him and Abhi forgave him and they both shared their manly hug. Aditi and Abhimanyu were the only ones who didn't threaten him to break his bones or teeth or skin him alive.

My grandparents gave us their blessings and Pops looked so happy that I thought he would start dancing.

I congratulated Esme as she returned the greeting to me. Theo hugged me and told me that it was because of me that they were married. Although when I saw Esme's wedding dress I face palmed, it was the same dress she chose when we chose wedding outfits, against the dress I selected. They both were here too because they wanted to spend their honeymoon in India and I promised them to show them the whole Delhi before they went elsewhere.

After being congratulated by my team, it was only Reyan's mom who was left. Reyan came by my side as I reached his mother.

"I am sorry Ariana," She said and I gaped at her.

"Why are you saying sorry?" I asked her.

"For everything I did, for everything I said. You are not a bad luck for my son, Ariana. You are the love of his life, his good luck charm" She said with a smiled and I looked at Reyan who shrugged.

"I don't know why you did all that and I don't want to know until you tell me, but I know one thing. That if you hadn't asked for my version of love, then I maybe would have gotten over Reyan and never met him again and for that, I am forever grateful to you Ms. De la Cruz" I told her and she looked surprised at my answer.

"Call me Ma, Ariana," She said and I hugged her happily which she returned back.

"So, you didn't tell me," Reyan asked me as we walked towards our cars.

"What?" I asked him.

"That will you marry me or not," He said and I stopped facing him and raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was crying and hugging you like a mad woman and you tell me that I didn't answer your question?" I asked him and he nodded. "You are unbelievable. No, I'm not marrying you" I said and turned to walk towards the car.

"Hey!" Reyan exclaimed as followed me.

"What? You got your answer right?" I said, not looking back at him, which was a mistake as he caught my hand and pulled me closer to him so that our faces were inches apart.

"I want a yes," He said huskily, making butterflies dance in my belly.

"You gave me a choice," I said copying his voice and his grip on me tightened.

"I want a yes" He repeated as his breath hit my face. We were too close for my liking and I loved it.

"Yes," I whispered.

"What yes?" He asked me, his shifting from my eyes to my lips.

"I will..." I started to say.

"You will what, Anna?" He said pulling me closer.

"I will...honor be my driver for whole my life" I said playfully, before kissing his nose and pulled out of his grip and ran.

"You're so dead" He shouted and ran after me.

"You can't catch me" I challenged him.

"What if I did," He said, trying to catch me.

"Then, we'll see," I said, running fast. I stopped for a second and took out my heels and ran towards the garden area as Reyan ran after me.

We ran for 5 minutes more before Reyan caught me and we both fell on the grass.

"Now what?" He asked looking at me, catching his breath.

"Now what?" I repeated, catching my breath as I looked at him. I shifted closer to him so that our faces were leveled. "Now, you will give me back my necklace because I agree to be your wife," I said as I caressed his face with one hand.

"You just want the necklace," He snorted as he sat up and I copied him. He took the necklace out of his suit pocket. I parted my hair to one side so he had an easy access to my neck. He used both his hands to lock the necklace as I helped him. "Now what?" He asked me, resting his forehead against mine.

"Now we write our version of love," I said as I leaned in to kiss my to-be husband.



Finally! I am done!

But, but but! There is an epilogue too which I will post by this weekend. 

I felt so nostalgic as I wrote 'The End' here. I am finally done with this story

Do tell me if you liked this last chapter of this story. 

Your precious views are always welcome guys!



Until next time...

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