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a/n: since it's 17th June here, so it's still my birthday today.

And as a small token of gratitude Roopsa264, here's your update ;))

Let me go.

The table was silent, the only sounds heard were of spoons clanking against the plate while we devoured the absolutely delicious spaghetti that Areum had prepared.

I would occasionally peak at Jimin, who would not pay the slightest attention to me sitting right there, beside him. He had his airpods stuffed in his ears, slightly bopping his head from time to timetime to the music he was probably listening to.

I swoop in the last strand of spaghetti, and kept the chopsticks beside my plate. I peeped into Jimin's plate again, only to find it the same as if was two minutes ago. I look up at him, who was now busy swirling another noodle around his chopstick while scrolling down his phone again.

"Jimin." I called out for him but it fell to deaf ears.

Sighing I picked up my own plate and went to the kitchen sink to wash it. I turned on the tap allowing the water to flow over the dirty plate and took the dish-washing soap in my hand to rub over it. I peeped through my hair, and almost caught Jimin looking back at me, but immediately turned around.

I breathed out, thinking about the earlier times when dinner used to be so lively. It would mostly consist of Jimin ranting out random shit of people he saw that day, interrupted by my curses. Honestly, it felt really good, just like how it used to be when my family was alive. Chit chatting, laughing, enjoying even after an extremely exhaustive day. But now, silence was louder than our voices. It was deafening now.

Wiping the dish with the cloth kept neatly hanging on the kitchen slab, I arranged it back in the drawer.

As I came back, I glanced again at Jimin, only to find his food untouched. Having had enough of his silent treatment, I decided to speak up. It was now or never. 

"Jimin." I called him in a stern voice, but he pretended to not hear me and continued scrolling down through his phone.

I sighed and approached him. Taking the chopstick from his hand, I twirled the strand myself and held it up to his mouth. Jimin's eyes followed every movement of mine in confusion and shock. He glanced at my extended hand, then to my face and back to the plate. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, finally keeping his phone on the table and turning his attention to me. 

"Since you ain't eating on your own, thought I might help you out." I gestured with my eyes towards the noodle strand wrapped around the chopstick. He eyed me again, and then turned around to his phone.

"I am full." He waved off at me, and stood up from his chair.

"You haven't eaten anything! How can you be full?" I rolled my eyes and raised up my hand to his face level. "Now eat."

"I don't wanna." He grumbled and stalked off towards the living room. 

"No you have to. You got no options." I blocked his way.

"Well, I create my own." He challenged back.

"I don't allow you to." 

"And who are you to say that again? You're not the boss of my life." He shrugged, giving me his bitchy attitude.  I stay silent for a minute, biting my tongue to stop myself from saying anything hurtful.

"Come on. It's food after all. If not for you, for me?" I said in a rather softer tone, giving him a small tight lipped smile.

He looked at me for a while, studying my face. Then, averting his face to the side, he scoffed, which turned into a series of mocking laughs. "If it were a few days ago, I would prolly have. But now, I would rather not." He rolled his eyes and walked past me.

The words he said, sliced too deep in my heart. It felt as if a sword was pierced in through my chest. I looked at the strand still wrapped around the chopstick and then glanced at his retreating figure.

Swirling around, I grabbed him by his arm and turned him to face me. His eyes almost popped out of his sockets, but regained back his composure.

"Okay so, atleast for Areum? She made this so lovingly for you, didn't she?" I tried convincing him again.

He rolled his eyes, and pulled his arm harshly from my grip. "I said I don't wanna eat." He said in a serious tone, which clearly indicated how impatient and irritated he was getting.

But well, even I was stubborn.

I forcefully pushed the chopsticks towards his mouth, but he had his lips pursed tight. He stepped backwards and turned his face away. Being impulsive, I again forced it towards him, and he again turned his face away; and backed away even more. I again stepped forward and tried shoving it into his mouth, but each time he would step back and I would fail. At times, I would mutter 'eat' to him, but he would grumble a "stop it' and shove me away. Gradually, I started finding fun in it. I had a soft smile on my face while I tried feeding him. I remember, how he would fill in my mouth with delicacies whenever I wouldn't want to eat. I had a small hope, that maybe he was enjoying that too and that he would ultimately comply; like he always did.

But maybe, I failed to notice that he wasn't liking it even a bit. His occasional groans weren't playful, but out of pure irritation.

When we had almost encircled the entire living room, Jimin abruptly stopped and pushed me, causing the chopstick carrying the noodle to fall on my dress and staining it; and had me stumble back a bit.

"I told you to stop it! Can't you fucking understand!?" Jimin raised his voice at me, his chest heaving up and down. He looked really pissed. I stared at him wide eyed since he had never, never raised his voice at me. He might have been mad at me at times, but he was never this mad.

"When I say I don't want to eat, I don't. You don't have the right to say anything. You're no one to tell. No one." He almost yelled, making me unconsciously step back from him.

"All you do is thirst around handsome men. Like, right now you do to Jungkook." He accused me with his finger pointing at me. I stared at his finger and then back at his angry eyes.

"I don't." I quietly say, yet manage to keep a firm tone.

"Oh you do! You absolutely do. Otherwise, why would you hate Jinae so much huh? All you can do is break hearts." He inched closer to me with every word of his, his tone low and dangerous.

"You broke my heart. And now you're upto doing something with Jungkook too huh? You think I don't get it? I was naive, but I am not now." His orbs had darkened with anger, and if looks could kill, I would have been burnt to ashes by the pools of hatred that he carried. I felt a pang of guilt and hurt clenching my chest tighter, making it hard for me to breath. The one whom I thought, would believe in me, was also now talking at the same wavelength as others.

He just proved, that he was no different. Though I knew it wasn't true since he was the kindest angel one could have, but that's what he was portraying to me at this moment. He wasn't even trying to see my viewpoint, as to why the hell was I doing what I was doing. He was drowning me in his own pool of hatred which I didn't know would surface so badly in him.

All these years, I thought he would never turn his back on me, or atleast would never see me as others see. But well, maybe I wasn't right in my judgement. Maybe he was only 'in love' with me because of the physical and materialistic matters? Well, atleast it was good that he was over a douche bag like me then.

"So this is what you really think?" I asked, with my lips tugged upward slightly.

"If you knew me well, then you should have known that, I don't want anything from Jungkook." A sigh escaped my lips. "Okay maybe I am attracted to him, but that doesn't imply that I would fucking ruin him." I gave him a hard eye.

"And oh. You also quoted the very media you once used to despise. 'Thirsting  around handsome men' huh." I let out a laugh. "So this is what you actually thought of me right?"

I stepped back from him, distancing myself far away. I didn't look at him. I couldn't look at him. I trusted him to trust  in me. But now, I don't see any glimpse of that person whom I had trusted. Here stood some other person, or maybe the real one.

I bent down to pick up the fallen chopsticks, and managed to find a rough paper to clean up the food on the ground and threw them away in the dustbin, which was always kept handy in the living room, right beside the stairs. I felt Jimin's eyes on me the entire time, following every action of mine.

"You...All these years, when you were 'comforting' me with your 'sweet' words, you were surely laughing at my back right? You were probably mocking me whenever I was down or whenever the media shit about me. Right? Because that's what you think too." I sighed out, not looking at him even once. I walked up to the dining table and picked up the cloth to rub off the stain. I glued my eyes down, because I knew if I look up, my glistening eyes would be visible.

"You just pitied me right? You thought it would be just fair, since I was atleast paying you. Right? It was always a purpose huh." I scoffed.

"Then when you said, you loved me. That was a joke too? Since you thought I was an easy go, I would just sell off to anybody huh." I felt the bitter feeling clog up my throat.

"Ivy I-" He tried to say something, but I was long deaf to everyone.

"You then, tried to convince me that I was worth loving. And I, almost convinced myself. I forgot I was a shit. That no one could love." I finally willed myself to look up at him.

I almost gasped when I saw him standing right behind me.

"You know I meant every word I said to you that day." He barely whispered, almost inaudible to human ears.

I scoffed and backed away again. "And I also know that you meant every word you said just now." I turned around and walked away, only to stop at a considerable distance from him.

"Since you hate me so much, I assure you, I'll be gone by tomorrow. You bought this house, by your own sense of aesthetics and design. I am just being a burden." I sigh, taking a glance around the house.

I felt my throat clog up, but I willed myself to keep my voice straight.

"You said, I was no one right? I am happy for the fact that you are over me, if you were ever into me though. I...I would thank you for giving me the illusion of having a person who didn't see me as the world saw."

I finally turn around to face him, looking at him straight in the eye.

"By tomorrow morning, I'll leave. You won't be bothered by me....if you want you can even give your resignation tomorrow, since you won't like me to rule over you right?"

"And also, about Jungkook. Yes, I am very much attracted to him. But, I know myself too. Don't worry. I am used to letting go of people now. If he wouldn't want me even after I try my best....I would let him go....too."

With that, I turned my back away from him and stalked to my room, not giving a glance to Jimin anymore. Because if I did, I knew I would break down. No matter however strong I try to be, I am very vulnerable to the people I think I can trust my life with.

And sadly, Jimin became one of them too, who let go of me as soon as I started to catch up to them.



Okay so short chap.😬 otherwise it would have been too long and monotone.

I promise there ll be loads of Jungkook in the upcoming chaps.

And please vote👉👈✨ since it's my b'day haha-

*nervously backs out*


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