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had planned a double update but🙂

Do 🚿 your ❤⭐✨


As soon as I stepped out of the car, a flood of reporters swarmed around me shoving their mics on my face while thousands of camera flash, maybe blinding the entire city. Jimin was still at the driver's seat trying his best to get the car out of the crowd into the basement.

"Ma'am why is Mr. Hogue's secret revealed now?"

"Ma'am why have you been silent about this?"

"Ms. Ivy, this poses a completely different picture of yourself in front of us. Is this just another business strategy or another fabrication?"

"How can we believe this isn't another billionaire game?"

Questions were bombarded upon me again, this time right on the streets in front of the common public. People stopped and stared at the sudden gathering of the media. Children peeped from behind the legs of their parents, some eagerly wanting to show themselves to the camera. The crowd pushed against each other and as moments passed, more questions were thrown and more and more people gathered.

I had anticipated this would happen. And so I had told Jimin to take care of everything; that included telling him about everything over phone call (let's not talk about how pissed off he was). After all, Hogue's truth was out in the public. Just as people swarmed around me right now, his house was raided too. Strategically the video was posted right in the morning at seven am according to the Korean standard time. And that meant it was about ten in the night back in the US. Paying back for the nights I spent contemplating my fate.

As time passed, the news spread like a wildfire. Throughout every broadcasting channel, again all the humanitarian and environmental issues were suppressed down and the only thing that flashed was, 'Hogue's reality exposed: Was Kim Ivy right all along?'

The bodyguards surrounded the place, keeping a close eye everywhere. The reason being obvious, I didn't want history to repeat. Though chances were less, 'cause this was an outdoor as well as a live event and any movement would be directly recorded on camera, live on camera. He wouldn't be able to fool people into a closed room and bomb it before anything could be revealed, also killing every evidence that could possibly ruin him. No one knew of that day; as cruel as it sounds the death of many remained silenced under the debris of the fallen ceiling and broken cameras. All the witnesses were threatened for their life, and so they remained silent. It was for their own safety.

"Whatever is the truth is out there for all to see. Its amazing how y'all now think this is a game when earlier y'all were hell bent on believing a piece of media without any questions. Hogue was meant to be exposed; 'cause truth can never be suppressed. Now if you will excuse me-.." I prepare to walk off but they only layered themselves around me and throwing another set of useless, incoherent questions.

That's when Jimin decided to make his appearance, shutting the door close. He pushed himself in front of me, a scary aura radiating from him, shutting anyone close to him.

"She's said what she had to. It's a request to kindly vacate the place before y'all are made to do forcibly." He signalled the bodyguards who started pulling them off away, slowly causing the rabble of the broadcasters to dissipate away.

One of the guards escorted me and Jimin through the quiet path, leaving behind the curious horde of people outside.

It won't be long before they are shooed away.

I blew out a tired sigh as I entered the cool, air-conditioned environment of the office. Many of the employees had secretly gathered around the huge glass walls and windows, wanting to see the cause of the ruckus. Seeing us enter, they quickly gathered themselves and bowed, silently leaving the place, back to their work.

"You know you got a lot of explanation to do." Jimin muttered as our shoes clicked against the marble floors, as we walked through the corridors. We stopped by the private elevator, since I had some work with the technical department. The file which had an unknown password had opened. And as the Merkels had said the password was confidential; it was the death date of my parents. But there was nothing there. It was just blank. A blank yellowish white space. Even Jimin wasn't able to configure it out.

"I've told ya everything, haven't I?" I let out a tired sigh, rubbing the side of my forehead for the pressure had again triggered the ache in my wound.

"Well calling me at three in the fucking morning and rapping out such intricate details isn't something isn't fair for me. What the hell were you thinking when you decided to hold that conference? So many fucking people died and if not for the Merkels you could've been one of them too, maybe you could have been under the pieces of the broken glass if not for Lily saving you. Don't you dare tell me this was okay. Apart from this being cruel, it was extremely stupid and insensible of you! When you knew what he was capable of!" Jimin's voice dropped a few octaves lower as he tried his best to not shout. He was pissed.

"Don't worry, the bodies were sent safely to their families with the compensation. And the witnesses wouldn't open their mouth anytime soon. This is for their own safety, for we don't know what Alex could be planning for what they had witnessed. And as for me, I think it was worth the try. I mean, I am alive right?" Though a shudder passed my spine, I feigned indifference and crossed my arms, entering through the open doors of the elevator. The walls were painted black with the simplicity of grey and white at random corners for aesthetics. A red mark on the back of the elevator which looked painted, was actually a scanner. If it didn't recognise the person, an alarm would be set off.

"We both know that was injustice for them. They could be shut off temporarily, but truth cannot be suppressed. You should have discussed about this with me." He leaned against the wall of the elevator.

"Jimin, my life doesn't revolve around your discretion. I did what I thought right. For months I stayed quiet and it was only reasonable that I stand for this now. Rick has and maybe is still suffering bad, and sadly he is the one paying for someone else's deeds. I couldn't possibly stay silent. Tell me, would you?"

He lets out an exasperated sigh. "Ivy that doesn't mean you can take such a big step without consultation with anyone. You could be attacked anytime by the victims. They will not sit quiet when they see one chance of striking against you. And they weren't small in number, a significant amount of people had died. There's a major threat to your life Ivy. Fuck that, even Symphony could be brought because of this." 

I stay silent. He was right. But what could I have done? It was the spur of emotions that forced me. And the actual proof in front of me was just igniting the fire of vengeance. I was hungry for revenge and I did what I wanted to do. Not thinking what it could mean to me or others.

"It was injustice to me too. Doesn't that count?" I lowly whisper and look up at Jimin. "Does it always have to be about others? Can it ever be about me?" His eyes softened at my words.

"Oh Ivy." He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. "I'm sorry. I, I just don't want to lose you too." I sigh and nod at his words. He placed a soft kiss on the side of my head and pulled back with a smile glorifying his features. "Don't worry, I've always got your back."

Just then, the elevator pinged and the door opened revealing him. His eyes widened momentarily but he regained his composure and wordlessly entered through the door, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Quietly the door closed, leaving the pregnant silence to prevail among us. I took my time in staring at him. His velvet black blazer shimmered under the ceiling lights, and his hairs perfectly gelled in its place. His broad back contrasted his narrow waist, but I was thrown back into reality when my own words echoed through my mind. He was to stay away from me. I must stay away too. I push myself away from Jimin and stand up straight, my back sticking to the wall of the elevator.

Jimin and Jungkook didn't exchange words nor did they look at each other. I felt Jimin's stare on me and shortly glance at him. I tear my eyes off him and fiddled nervously with my fingers. My heart had picked up its pace, his presence was enough to turn me jelly.

I flinched when Jimin suddenly took my hands in his and caressed it. I felt him leaning closer, his breath hitting my neck. "You know I love you." He whispered lowly. I glance at him confused. He just smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"You know, I realised one thing." He mused under his breath. "I don't love love you. Because now I realise, you're more like my sister to me, than a wife." I raise my brow at the last word.

"Wife? Brave of you to think that far."

"Oh you would be on your knees for this ass." He drawled as his hands inched lower towards my waist. I pinched his waist, causing him to retreat from me while groaning lowly.

"I'd rather stare at mine than yours." Jimin raised his brows and peeped behind, but looked back front when he saw me glaring at him.

The elevator pinged again, this time indicating that our floor had arrived. I had almost forgotten about Jungkook's existence until he sidelined to allow us out. He didn't glance at us for once, or maybe he did when Jimin eyed him. I simply scurried away before I could let myself be drawn to him.

The door closed behind us, the numbers thirty-seven written in artistic calligraphy welcoming us. Right under the numbers, a screener was placed. We had to type in the password while the screener scanned us, to enter the room.

"No lie there huh." Jimin drawled as he brushed his shoulder with mine, walking past me. He had a smirk on his face as he flipped his hair. Taking a moment, I realised what he meant. Passing him a bored look, I pinched him again at his waist.

He let out a faint 'ouch' and rubbed the side of his waist while scrunching his face in pain. "You're gonna leave marks there."

"Why baby, take them as my hickeys." I sarcastically comment whilst rolling my eyes.

"Weird fetish of giving hickeys on my waist." He grumbled catching up on me.

We come across another door which scanned our irises to allow entry. This was the most crucial and protected centre where the country's best hackers were stationed, in a part time job. There's always one such centre in every multi millionaire office; research and the prediction of the next moves require such people.

I stand in front of the bookshelf and look up at the small camera in the corner. A red light flashed indicating it had completed scanning me. It did the same with Jimin. Then the supposed bookshelf fell apart revealing another passageway. As we enter the door closes behind and the lights of the path light up, leading our way to the needed area.

Soon we were greeted by a robotic machine who bowed and welcomed in traditional korean words. Google Translate does that to them

"Yes Ms. Kim and Mr. Park. Please come in." An elderly woman escorted us. Her name tag said 'Kang Hyeonseo'. Jimin asked her something about receiving the files while I took my time in admiring the interior. There were millions of wires interconnecting a range of computers right from nano to super. An array of information could be brought out with a click. At the centre, a blue crystal floated and rotated about it's own axis with the words 'Euphoria' and the initials 'KJKooK' under it.

I stare at the initials rotating for a bit longer than usual, have a strange feeling about it.

"They've got something." Jimin lowly said, making sure no one heard us. I nod and allow him to lead the way.

Soon we found ourselves in a small cubicle located in the corner among the many. A bald guy with tattoos on his arms and multiple piercings on his body, was sitting on the chair with one leg over the other, staring at the screen in front of him. Seeing us, he stood up and straightened himself, bowing. We gave a short bow in return.

He turned back to the computer screen and clicked a few buttons. We waited as the black screen showed white dots revolving until the familiar yellowish white space appeared.

But this time, there was a change. Instead of a blank page, there was something inscribed at the right bottom part of the page.

|  KJKooK |


The initials. The same that was inscribed on the blue crystal. I frown as I lean closer to peer through the page again. There was nothing else. Only these words were written.

Which was strange. Because the file contained some fifth megabytes of data when I had first tried opening it.

"This was all I could find. Else there's nothing here. And moreover, when Mr. Park sent the file it was about twenty kilobytes. There's no way it could contain any major graphics or document." The guy reasoned.

I looked at Jimin who frowned too. We had both seen the file size being far larger than what he mentioned. And we hadn't compressed it in anyway.

I looked back at the guy who stood sincerely with his hands held together in front. He looked genuine, and didn't seem like he would lie. But who knew what lies under the pretence.

I cross my arms, walk around the chair and stand right in front of him. He wasn't really tall, maybe an inch or more taller than me. He lowered his head seeing me staring at him with such a grim expression.

"Truth." I say, waiting for him to spill the beans.

He looked confused. "I told what I knew. I have nothing to hide from you ma'am." He firmly said though his fingers were shaking.

I raise my brow. "Uh huh? Then why don't your facts match ours?" He again looked lost.

"The file we sent was of fifty megabytes, and it flashed so too. How does it suddenly get reduced to twenty kilobytes?" Jimin pointed out.

The guy parted his lips to say something, looking back and forth between me and Jimin.

"I, I don't-.., I said what I-.." He tried saying. I took hold of his arm and twisted it in an unnatural angle, making him gasp out loud. Good thing this was a closed cubicle.

"Why does it have the same initials flashed here as it does on your central globe? It isn't a fucking coincidence." I grit through my teeth while twisting his arm further. He tried his best to not shout, he knew he could get into further trouble for it.

"I, I s-swear in the n-name of Buddha! I d-don't know anything. I just told what m-my screen says. I-I have the p-proof too." He stammered out. I pushed him towards the computer.

"Show us." He rubbed his arm in pain. "Quick." I prompt. With shaky fingers he clicked and pressed some buttons, flashing the details of the file.

He was telling the truth. It really showed twenty kilobytes. Jimin and I exchanged looks and back at the screen. The poor guy stood shook visibly, as he stood with his head lowered on the floor.

"If this file was deleted and it flashes your centre's name, it means that the file must have been deleted here itself." I mused. "What details do you have on its delete history?"

The guy nodded and nervously glided the mouse clicking options and opened another pop-up that showed the date and time history. It was sent at four in the morning and deleted at five.

"How do I believe it wasn't you who has deleted this?"

"In the name of Buddha I would never lie. I-I have my iD which says when I come and when I leave. W-we aren't allowed before or after that alloted time." He shakily removed off his card and held it out for me. I snatched it off his hands and peered through his card.

The guy wasn't lying. His alloted time was from eight in the morning till two in the afternoon.

I throw his iD back to him and run my fingers through my hair.

"Who even comes here at fucking five in the morning?" I mutter looking at the guy for an answer.

"The f-first one to come here is always Hyeonseo ma'am. And if I-I am not wrong, the earliest she could come here is at six. The office doesn't open for all before that time. Except it is anyone from the Jeon family." He added the last line quietly.

I froze at the mention of Jeon.


The last part has to indicate towards Jungkook.

If Jungkook did this, but there's no way he knows anything about this. However, the evidences say otherwise. Or what if it was someone else who might have hacked in here? I glance around. It had a highly security, no way could one get away from here.

"In the name of Buddha I-..."

"Please in the name of Buddha, stop talking." I snap at the guy. He braced himself inwards, his lips moving in continuous motion, maybe cause he was chanting mantras for his safety.

"You know what, thank you for your contribution. We'll take our leave now." Jimin spoke up, much to the relief of the terrified guy.

Jimin pulled me out even though I remain stuck in my thoughts. I mindlessly follow him out, not caring about the people who bowed in greeting. I was too lost into thinking about the possibility of Jungkook deleting this file. Maybe he did this because it was an unknown file? But he couldn't have opened the file without the password which wasn't told until Jimin and I arrived.

Suddenly I bump into something, my head hitting the bony blades. It was Jimin who had stopped walking, his back hitting my head. I wince at the impact but nonetheless come back into reality.

"What are you so lost in?" He asked as he turned around, looking down at me with his arms crossed across his chest.

"According to what that guy said, if anyone could have deleted it, it could only be Jungkook. Because no way in hell his parents would come up here at five in the morning nor is their relationship that pretty." I look up at Jimin. "All this means Jungkook has done it. But he, he didn't know the password. No one knows the password except us. Unless you told-.."

"I didn't. I didn't talk to him." He muttered as he walked alongside. I didn't question further about it, not that I was even listening to him.

"Then how the fuck did he manage to open the file? The Merkels couldn't hack that shit! And it's obvious the file was opened, because only the inner contents were deleted, not the entire file." I let out an exasperated sigh. "He obviously knows something. And I fuck don't know how."

I had no choice but to ask him. I had to ask him. If he had deleted it, he must have known what it stored. And I had a sick feeling of it being something related to me, that could have an effect on me. I just had the nagging feeling. Or maybe it was my pessimistic side. I fuck don't know.

I had to ask him about this.

And with that thought, I sprinted off towards the elevator which had opened, leaving a panting Jimin who tried hard to catch up on me. I didn't care much about anything and quickly pressed the button of the floor.

I paced around the elevator impatiently, bitting my nails. I was overwhelmed and impatient. And maybe shocked too. I just didn't know what to expect. I didn't what to think of this. I didn't know how he was involved in this. There was no logic of him being involved here.

It made no sense.

To my utter relief, the elevator pinged and the doors slid open. On the way, Jin had looked up through his cubicle and raised his hand to greet me but of course he went unnoticed.

I was more busy running to Jungkook's cubicle. The walls were drawn, I couldn't see if there was anyone. The time suggested that he must be there now. It wasn't even time for most of his employees to enter the office.

I reached in front of his door, which was kept slightly ajar. Maybe because he had forgotten to close it.

I pushed open the door and immediately regretted.

For there was Jungkook and Jinae, flushed against each other, inches away from devouring each other. Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open, they stopped and gasped as they saw me standing and panting while gripping the door handle a little too tight. Jungkook immediately stood up as Jinae stepped aside while fixing her hair. Tints of red tainted their cheeks as Jungkook stared at me aghast while Jinae looked elsewhere embarrassed.

I had the sudden urge of throwing up. An ache spread through my chest constricting it as I digest the reality. I mentally calm myself, repeating how illogical it was of me to feel betrayed or jealous in anyway.

They are gonna marry. It's fair for them. Completely fine.

I let my gaze waver to Jinae who fiddled with her fingers and shifted her weight from one leg to the other, her hairs covering the side of her face. Her dress wasn't hiked up nor were her hairs tousled. She was very much in her comparatively conservative uniform, her skirt reaching her knees. Feeling my gaze she rubbed her fingers, my eyes unconsciously lingering on the morganite platinum ring again mocking me right on my face. I avert my eyes quickly.

"You, you wanted something, Ivy?" The way my name rolled off his lips only angered me, because of the effect he had. Even when everything was in front of me, he still wouldn't fade away, would he?

I feign an emotionless facade, and cross my arms across my chest.

"Well, first of all, it's Ms. Kim. I don't think we are that amicable to be addressed by our first names. Secondly, I sure had work." I glance at Jinae. "But you seem busy at the moment." He fixed his tie nervously and cleared his throat. "It's okay, don't sweat it Mr. Jeon. I understand your priorities." I took a step back.

Though I had to clear my doubts with him. Though I had a lot of questions to ask him, though I had to get an understanding of his possible or maybe confirmed involvement. I knew I couldn't ask him in front of someone else. Especially not her. It was just a feeling saying it wasn't right to ask in front of her.

"Fuck Ivy! You're too fast." Jimin shortly called out my name, his heavy breaths slowly toning down as he took in the situation he barged into. If I wasn't mistaken, Jungkook's jaw ticked at Jimin presence, unknowingly irritated as Jimin placed his hand on my shoulder while trying to catch his breath. Jinae on the other hand was lost in another world, her eyes wandering somewhere else as we stand.

"I'll take my leave then." I shrug off Jimin's hand and turn around. "And please lock the door the next time in order to keep away unwanted guests." I walk away towards my cabin with Jimin following close behind. Again Seokjin raised his hand up to wave, but I was too engrossed in my thoughts to acknowledge him again.

As I push open the door, I heard Seokjin let out an exasperated shout. "Yah! Y'all can't ignore this handsome face twice in a row?!"

Well we did.


Fucking liars.

I angrily wipe off my disgusting tears that fell down my cheeks. I gathered my courage and pushed the door open.

"Hey sister! How have you been?"



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