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so i had planned a double update. but my wifi died yesterday and unfortunately there was some issue with the next part being saved. and like the dumbass i am, i forgot to keep another copy of it. anyway i'll try to update soon ;)

Do 🚿your ❤⭐✨

The deception.

"Caught in a lie
Find me when I was pure
I can’t be free from this lie
Give me back my smile
Caught in a lie
Pull me from this hell
I can’t be free from this pain
Save me, I am being punished."

Another week passed by. And many things happened. Maybe I could say things were better. Hogue was caught in the attempt of running off. His house was raided by the central bureau and tons of drugs, illegal money was found stuffed inside his house. Oh how people threw sticks and stones was commendable. The previous white vivaciously majestic mansion was converted into a stained dilapidated house with broken windows and doors.

Police had arrested him and his entire trial was shown on the television. Within a span of five minutes, proofs were presented and he had nothing to oppose with. He was destroyed, left with nothing. Fucking nothing. Like his own worth.

He couldn't show his face. He didn't have the balls to stand his ground. And as sadistic as it sounded, I enjoyed that. I laughed seeing his pitiful state. I celebrated it with a tub of ice cream.

But as it is known anything good doesn't last long.

Michael was shot. And Michelle was electrocuted. Not dead, but critical enough to say that Michael couldn't use his right hand ever again nor could Michael ever be back to a normal human. She would get random epileptic attacks and throw a major tantrum until she was injected. She had turned crazy and Michael had become handicapped. I couldn't do much other than giving them my good wishes and compensation. The Merkels didn't blame me, instead they kept quiet. Michael had lowly muttered that this was their fate anyway. They had had to face it sometime.

They bid adieu, and went into isolation into an unknown place. All this happened three days after the Hogue's revelation. And maybe that was to be a signal that Alexander wouldn't stay quiet. And I should have thought it out well.

My heels clinked against the wooden floor as I speedwalked through the dimly lit corridors. Tears fell down my eyes and my lips quivered as I try to keep my sobs to myself. Everything hurt. Nothing seemed as it was before. Nothing was the same as before. A fucking piece of paper fucking destroyed everything. Everything was a lie. Just a fucking lie. Right from the moment I was born. It was all a lie.

Fucking liars.

They all knew. Everyone knew. I was the one in the illusion. I remained to be the one under the presumptuous shadow that they had casted on me. Everything in my life was a sham. A deception.

Everything made sense now.

Every fucking thing was clear now. I cursed my naive dumb self to not realise it. I cursed my own stupid brain to connect the dots.

The picture with that girl in fringes. The sudden visit of that couple and the same girl I had remembered being shy and scared of meeting new people. The paper that I discarded thinking it to be one of my dad's failures. Oh he wasn't even my dad. No one was who they were said to be. No one remained the same.

Wish you knew..

Some things better remain untold.

He had written that. But he couldn't say it loud. No one could take me in. I was just in the middle. The void where there was nothing. I was just floating in the abyss.

My feet came into a halt as I stood in front of the carved The paper crumbled more under my grip as I force my eyes to land on it again.

'밝은면 놀이 그룹'

name: choi ivy (f)
age: 4

father: choi minhyeok
mother: choi seunghee

siblings (if any): choi sohyee (f)
age: 1

It was the old, crusty admission form that was filled for my playgroup. The paper had torn at the edges and crumbled even more under my grip. There was no trace of my existence. I had almost thrown it off until my childhood picture which was pasted right next to the written matter stared back at me.

That was all it took to crush every memory, every reality it held. It was enough to kill me inside.

For twenty nine years, I was caught in a lie. Another set of tears brimmed my eyes thinking about it. I was all alone yet no one came when I needed them. They didn't reach out when the people I called parents were dead. They didn't come for me when the relatives were ready to behead me for the company shares were tranferred in my name. Maybe they were never planning to tell me, they were just happy admiring me from afar. Eh? That disgusting was I in their eyes?

I angrily wipe off the pathetic tears that fell down my cheeks. I gathered my courage and pushed the door open, revealing the bright coloured cabin with a single desk set right at the centre of the room. Vases decorated every corner along with the sparkling crockery with aesthetics of one's love for music. She jerked up at the sudden sound, her wide hazel eyes meeting mine. I felt stupid. How could our strikingly similar features not click me? Was I that blind in my own illusion?

I felt my nails dig on my palm. The paper was now balled up. I felt a gush of fury and betrayal as I stared at her innocent face. She unsteadily stood up, bracing herself to face me. Her blond streaked hair waved up beautifully as the light from the window reflected from behind her. She was so beautiful. She was my own sister. She was my So. But didn't she realise her unnie needed her?

"Hey sister! How have you been?" A groggy unusual voice sounded through my lips. I couldn't recognise my own voice. I couldn't even recognise myself now.

Sohyee gulped as she stared at me dumbfounded. Sweat glistened her forehead as she nervously fiddled her fingers. She shifted unbalanced, her gaze wavered as her eyes slowly travelled to my fisted hand. I was shaking. I was trembling when her eyes widened recognizing the paper.

I felt an ache take over my heart. She knew it. I snort out loud as my nails digged harder into my palm. She took baby steps towards me, not looking away from the crusty form.

"W-where, h-how...where did you get that from? W-who gave y-you-.." She stammered incoherent words. Her lips parted and closed, but no more words came out.

"What happened sis? Didn't know you got the stammering habit. I thought confidence ran in our blood." I choked out, trying not to let the tears flow down my eyes. She couldn't say a word. She tried coming near me but I stepped back.

"Unnie-.." Sohyee called out. I could hear So calling out for me. One day and the impact she had. No one could give that feeling other than someone of your own.

"Oh this is the time when you remember your unnie?" My strained voice sounded meek. Sohyee gulped. Her window was kept open, allowing the cool breeze to sweep through the room. The perfect way of calming oneself, instilled in our blood for I do this too. The breeze whistled louder as time passed and we stared at each other. Relationships were redrawn and torn just by the flick of time. Unknown yet blissful and known yet miserable. Oh the mysterious ways of fate.

A few days ago. She was just another annoying woman who was extremely talented and didn't leave the chance of spending time with me. Maybe you could call someone I could laugh with? And now. She stood here as someone who shared the same dna as mine. Our families were intertwined and we were meant to be similar in every way.

"I, I was there..for you." She rubbed her arms, shifting her gaze elsewhere.

"Where were you fourteen years ago when I was all alone? Where were you when I was weeping in isolation for there was no one to comfort me? Where were you when I desperately needed someone to take care of me? Huh? Was I that horrible to be remembered?" Flashes of those times came back. "I spent fourteen years being an orphan, blaming myself for being that unlucky but all this was just an illusion? Is this some sick joke? If it is, it isn't funny." My voice cracked as a suppressed sob escaped my lips.

Her eyes glistened, flinching at my words. She gulped as she returned my gaze. I was feeling sick. Betrayed and lied to.

I hadn't noticed her coming closer to me until her fingers wiped a lone tear that I allowed to fall off my eyes.

"Unnie mustn't cry. So also cries then." She whispered. I closed my eyes. I felt the way it feels when someone of your own gene touches you. The feeling of being touched by family.

"Chois don't cry. But maybe they're cowards." She commented as she held my wrist and stroked my fisted palm, taking the paper away from me. I open my eyes and look at her. Her eyes saddened as she gazed at the piece of paper. "We're cowards. One scare and we're ready to back off."

"Cowards is a polite way of describing. Betrayers and liars sound more appropriate to me. Leaving behind a daughter for another, having the audacity of visiting her once and never again and then cutting off every ties forever and always. I don't know what to think of you and the Chois." I bite back the venom that rose up my throat. Sohyee looked taken aback, but she had expected that.

I glance at the crumbled paper in her hand. "If it wasn't for it, would you have told me ever? Did you have the guts? Or would you have continued lying?"

"Some things are better unknown." She mused under her breath. "But sadly they have to be told. The Kims...passed away before they could tell. And after that, things, things took a drastic turn. I, I'm sorry, I, I can't tell you." She stuttered and tried to take my hands in hers. I stepped away from her. I had heard enough.

"So you would rather have me living an illusion for the rest of my life. I know I was a nuisance. But the least I could have had was one of you telling me the truth. Not some random piece of paper, proving my identity and changing every fucking thing that exists in my life." I grit through my teeth, trying not to raise my voice. "The years I spent as an orphan, bullied in the school and made fun of now. Is whatever truth you're trying to protect worth it? Is it worth the time I spent fighting against the so-called uncles and aunts who were ready to kill me for money and power? Is it worth the time I spent in loneliness and desolation? Is it?" 

"Ivy, I, I can't tell you but-.."

"Shut the fuck up." I snap at her. She flinched at my harsh tone and stepped back nervously. My vision blurred as my emotions overwhelmed me again, flowing down in the form of tears. My knees became unsteady as I stumble back, hitting the door which was open. Sohyee tried to reach out for me again, but I raised my palm to stop her. "Just...stop."

"Stop everything." I mumble as I stumble back another step away from her.

"You're all selfish cowards." I take my grip on the door not looking away from her. She was my own sister. I had my own parents somewhere. They were all alive. They were happy in their life.

But they stole my smile.

They kept in the dark.

"Fuck y'all." I whisper into the oblivion and turn away from her. I didn't want to face her. I didn't want to stay here. I didn't want to do anything with this illusional life of mine. I didn't want anything.

They weren't there when I needed them.

I felt a heavy feeling rest on my chest, pulling me down pressing me into the dark. I didn't know where I was walking to. I was just somwhere. Just somewhere.

"Ms. Kim?" A faint voice could be heard from somewhere, forcing me to look up at the janitor who called. I snorted out loud.

Ms. Kim? I wasn't a Kim.

I was Choi Ivy. Not Kim Ivy.

I was a Choi.

Choi Ivy.


Another guffaw escaped my lips. Which turned into tears again. Into silent sobs wanting to be heard. But who would?

My feet carried me away, clanking through the floors. I didn't notice anyone around me. I didn't care about anyone around me. I was just running away. The thing I always did. The only thing I was good at.

Not aware of the pair of worried eyes following behind me.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

I lay curled up on the bed. Vie kept on circling around me, yelping and barking at times to gain my attention.

But I was more lost in my own thoughts. It's been hours. A few hours since everything changed. Everything was the same, but so different. Different in ways I could never have thought of. My fists and maybe there were a little too many cuts and injuries in my knuckles; along with a bursted punching bag and a few glasses which were knocked out for being too heavy.

I felt Vie climb up on me and lick my cheeks continually. He wanted to cheer me up somehow. Little did he know I could never be cheered up anymore. I was meant to be so.

I grabbed my phone and painfully dialled Jimin's number. He picked it up at one ring. And why wouldn't he? The way I had left abruptly was concerning. As soon as the call connected he bombarded with millions of questions. The first being 'am I fine?'. I wasn't. I had never been. Did anyone care? Nope. I felt my lips move and produce an unrecognizable voice telling him to pick Vie up and take care of him for a while.

A dull ache spread through my limbs as I picked vie up. Even his small, fragile body felt heavy in my arms. It had a wide grin on his face thinking we were finally gonna get out. Oh boy he was so innocent with nothing to worry. I place a kiss on his forehead and keep him on the doorstep of the house. It was dusk. A few minutes till darkness engulfed the sky. I heard the loud parking sound of the car, indicating Jimin had arrived. Before he could witness my pitiful self I had fled off and closed the door behind me.

The silence of the house welcomed me. But this silence couldn't silence the storm in my mind.

As much as I hated them, I couldn't brush off the rational fact that they had a reason. And which had to be related to me. Or atleast to us. There had to be some connection between the two families, in the midst of whom I was brought up.

My head ached as I force my thoughts more, causing me to leave them untended. I wanted a distraction. I needed it.

Unsteadily I walked towards the couch and switch on the fifty-inch wide television. The blank screen glew up and my image flashed large and bright on the television.

With the headlines,

'Mass killing: 'killing' stunt of Kim Ivy.'

"Two weeks ago, our source says there was a planned press conference conducted by Symphony for clarification of Ms. Ivy's actions against Mr. Christian Hogue. Around 11 am, few men in black had surrounded and blocked the major entrances of the room. At 11.05 am, a grenade was blasted into the room. At this point, we find Ms. Ivy safely seated in her glass cubicle. The ruthless of the young billionaire has cost the lives of many; 15 are reported to have died while 69 have reported injuries ranging from mild to severe.

Just a few days later, she has been reported to have come back to Seoul, South Korea. Her head injury is a major proof of her presence and the displayed media being completely original proves the entire scandal as true.

Witnesses have claimed to have received a lumpsum amount to keep this undisclosed. The CEO of Symphony Inc has proved yet again the little value she has for humanity."

I stared as the images and videos played on repeat. The journalist's voice echoed through the silent room. Until a chorus of hoots and shouts could be heard along with the whistles and sirens of the security guards.

I was thoughtless.

All I saw was blood splattered on the floor when the grenade had went off. I could still hear the hues and cries of the people when they laid down dead. The grey smoke engulfing the scene. It was right in front of me. I remembered me being thrown forward and losing my consciousness but Lily saved me. She shouldn't have right?

What was the purpose of being saved? I had no reason to be saved.

I had no sympathy for humanity. I was a selfish bitch who can't handle her emotions and pathetically seeks for vengeance from someone she shouldn't have been involved with in the first place. I was being punished. I was just being punished for my existence. Illusional existence.

I slowly turn my head towards the large window that was attached to the kitchen. I could see white banners, lights and cameras with riled up people shouting and protesting. The room was soundproof, I could just feel the agitation outside.

My feet carried me towards the window. My fingers worked on their own accord, pulling it open, a little. Enough to hear the echoes of the victims. Them chanting for my punishment. The family members woes and cried reached my ears, wishing for justice. For me to pay. With my life.


two warnings down. unfortunately, i don't give third chances ivy.

pay for it :)

Again the words were smeared right on the surface of the window. This time with a red paint. Bright and clear in the night sky.


That was all I could hear.

"They want me to die." The words escaped my lips.

"No one wants me here." Another choked whisper found its way as I close the window shut and turn away from the crowd. I lean against the wall, a sheet of tears again filling up my eyes.

"I was neglected right from the moment I was born wasn't I?" I mused under my breath. A forced guffaw rumbled through my hoarse throat.

"What was the point in living? For whom was I living?" My life flashed right in front of my eyes. The moments where I used to smile genuinely. I remember laughing and irritating the people around me, annoying them for my own selfish needs. I was annoying eh? A nuisance? I shouldn't be here. Should I?

As these thoughts occupy my mind, I hear the faint shouts of two males arguing amongst each other.

"Sir you cannot barge in! Sir please we have orders-"

"Fuck your orders. Where's she?"

The voice was demanding for me. I pulled my knees closer to my chest, hoping to hide in the small corner. My breath fastened. It was suffocating. Too many thoughts swirled 'round my mind. I couldn't digest anything. I was overwhelmed. I was shocked. I was in misery. Goosebumps rose on my skin. The coldness surrounded me. I was shivering. My cheeks were drenched. I was tired.

I was succumbing to them. I was done.

I tightened my hands around my knees. My chest contricted in pain, my head ached further more, lumps formed in my throat being hard to swallow.

"Ivy!" The voice echoed. But my ears were numbed. "Ivy! Oh God Ivy, what-...can you hear me?"

I forced my eyes up. I saw the silhouette of the person I could recognize anywhere.

"G-go away. Y-you shouldn't be h-here. No one wants me here." I stammer trying to push myself further away from him. From Jungkook.

But he didn't go.

He knelt down. I look away, trying to force myself deeper into the hole I was creating for myself. But he stretched his hand. His fingers touch my arms. His touch sending reassurances as I was losing my senses.

I didn't have the strength to push away anymore as he pulled me and crashed my body into his warm embrace.

He did that again. He kissed my tears away, his lips lingering its midas touch on my skin. His arms tightened around me, pressing me more into his warmth. I felt myself melting. My numbness succumbed to him. And I lost my consciousness, peacefully drifted into the blank void.

"You aren't unwanted. Even if the heavens fall down."


Okay I personally feel this is the saddest chapter yet. Poor girl almost gave up🥺.

But well, she's Ivy.
She fights till the last.

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