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a/n: hey loves! the chapters 1-6 have been rewritten but don't worry, the story line is the same. just a few changes in the scenes. Happy reading :)
And don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts.


"Great escaping there." He commented as we were left alone in the room. "Good time with luck huh?" Leaning his hip against the desk, he bit the apple that was arranged in the basket, originally meant for Namjoon.

"You did that intentionally." I cross mg arms across my chest and look at him straight in the eye. He frowned and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

"If I were to do that, wouldn't it mean defaming my own name as well?" I could just see supressing a smirk when I didn't have anything to retort with. "Anyway, I received the mail at around eleven."

"Could've sent it before one am in the night."

"I sent it you at eleven thirty, to your precision purpose, the time was twenty three hours thirty minutes and seven point eight zero zero seconds." He pointed it out on his phone. It was on the personal mail, which I was to check. But after eleven, Jimin became a priority. I clench my jaw and look away. I couldn't question him too. He chuckled and put his phone away.

Without any notice, I feel his fingers on my collar slightly pushing it back where those finger marks were visible. I flinch when his thumb rubs over them and instantly swat his hand away. His tongue rolled over his cheek before a smirk forms on his lips.

"Maybe now I know the reason of you being late." He leaned back and took another bite of the apple in his hand. "Seems like a pretty wild night—"

"Excuse me?" I interrupt him but he was on.

"Got a whimpering sub—"

"Mr. Jeon, please."

"Oh of course that's just mere description of what I see—"

"Fucking stop." I lost it as I push myself forward and my hands grip onto the collar of his shirt. His lips sealed shut as his eyes widened. Our faces were inches apart, till our noses could touch. Adrenaline rushed in with the anger that surfaced. My chest heaved with the irritation and annoyance in his words.

"Stop." I whisper as I take deep breaths. I tried repeating the same words of being calm and breathe in. But nothing seemed to work. I was pissed. I was irate and..hurt. I was just done. I didn't know why but I didn't want him to see me like them. I didn't want him to see him as the woman he was painting.

I sucked my neck in and pulled back. My fists clenched as my nails dug into my palms.

"Don't I look like a woman to you? To anyone? Don't you think I should've that least dignity?" I whispered under my breath, my eyes softening as I gaze at him. His lips parted to say something but no words escaped his mouth.

"Be it California, be it Seoul. People are the same everywhere. No one fucking knows your viewpoint, but jump in like a fucking kangaroo whenever served with sour tea." I harden my features and step back from him. He looked on wordlessly, studying me. I move away from his scrutiny and turn around.

The fuck was I doing. The fuck why was my cover dropping? I couldn't know, but that felt lighter.

"Oh Jungkook, babe you know wh—" Jinae stopped short when her eyes locked with mine. Her long waves reached over her shoulders, trailing down to her waist and covering the front half of her blouse. Her lips reddened with gloss and makeup maturing her features.

Babe. She called him. Babe. He was craddling her in his arms that night. Babe. Half of the population in the building rooted and shipped them. Babe.

All my anger was suddenly channeled towards her. I look back at Jungkook who now stood straight on his feet and stared at Jinae. Not with that blank expression he has when with me, but with a soft expression.

"What happened?" He asked with interest.

I scoff inwardly and look back at her. She didn't look at Jungkook, she was still staring hopefully at me.

"You may go if you're done. Ms. Kim." It sounded like he wanted me gone, and it was more of an order. I bit the insides of my cheek at the disrespect and blinked my eyes, allowing it to roam around the ceiling before walking my way out.

I stopped near her and tilt my head to look at her. I took in her appearance, her skirt sticking tight onto her hourglass figure, her blouse hugging her upper frame allowing her curves to peek out to the world.

My arms bumped into hers as I lean in.

"You play great hun." I whisper though the hard edge was very much evident. "Stringing men's hearts like your fingers itch for a wood. So bored that you juggle onto another one that fast? Impressive bitch."

I spit out into her ears, enjoying how her frame trembled and her lips quivered.

Flipping my hair back, I walk out of the door and let the sound resonate throughout the corridors as I shut it close.

I bit my tongue and nodded. Bitch. I pull out my vibrating phone and plug it on with the bluetooth, letting the updates from our office in California sink in.

It was all quiet around as I sat in the cafeteria with my legs crossed, enjoying the view outside when a high pitched lady screamed into my ears. I flinch and take off my bluetooth to find a beautiful lady standing in front of me. She wore a pair of high waisted trousers complemented with broad waist belt and a tucked in shirt that bloomed out her frontal curves. Her pearly whites bloomed in full glory with her hazel brown eyes smiling along in crescents.

"Ex—the fucking—cuse me?" I say when she didn't utter a word, and kept on smiling like a maniac. Her grin faltered as I move back from her and then, nervously chuckled rubbing the back of her neck.

"Oh how rude of me." She cleared her throat and stepped back to bow deep. "Good morning Ms. Kim. My name's Choi Sohyee." I know this name. I remember Jimin talking about her. She was Jin's cousin. No wonder beauty ran in their genes.

"Ah, and I didn't mean to scream into your ears. It's just that, you're kinda a celebrity and this is me, uhm, fangirling?" She chuckled awkwardly as she pulled back the chair in front of me.

I never invited her in for company though.

"So, uhm, anyway. Ms. Kim Ivy. I can't believe you're here in Korea." I gave her a blank look and plugged in the bluetooth again.

"Assuring you I ain't a doppelganger nor a ghost."

"Ah you joke too." She chuckled. I raise a brow at her. "Ah, I mean yeah, everyone jokes. You joke too, that's a proof you're real?" She herself grimaced at her poor humor quality but waved it off nonetheless.

Silence prevailed as she fiddled with her fingers while I leaned back comfortably looking outside.

"Uhm, I, I like you." She blurted out. I avert my eyes to look at her. She looked expenctantly at me with her hands clasped over the other. I raise both my brows.

"I am sorry, but I don't swing the other way."

She frowned for a second before franctically shaking her head in denial.

"I didn't mean that— I mean, I meant I like you as an artist. During our business school lectures, we had your company to study as for our research and since then, I have been a staunch follower of yours. I really like your business strategies and I am really grateful that I get to work with you. What I am saying is that I really, really admore, that means adore plus admire, I know that's creative right? Ya, so yes I..." She went on a full bullet speed to rant out whatever she wanted. I parted my lips to say something to stop her but she was more into saying that listening.

But somehow, I didn't want to stop her. It's not everyday you get such admirers who actually praise you, rather than stretch something which never happened. I hadn't realised she had stopped talking until her hands extended in front. I looked down at it and back at her. Her expression was comparable to that of a kitten begging for a bowl of milk.

Somehow, I couldn't say no.

My hands clasped into hers and a million dollar smile beamed on her face.

"Friends it is then!"



It was midnight. And here I stood. The place that used to be my second home. Where my parents would often spend their nights writing songs.

The recording house.

It looked like a dilapidated wooden house from the outside but trust me, the inside is as modern as old it looks. I pushed open the door. A loud creek sound echoed through the house. I saw the equipments kept as it was.

I took calculated steps towards the desk. The same desk where my dad used to write songs. I caressed the wooden table as a small smile crept on my face.

I looked up at the recording mic. I remembered my mum and dad recording for a music album, while I sat like a lil' kid bobbing my head as I adjusted my headphones. Once in a while, I even sang along or gave my own harmonics, which I assumed would not be recorded. But my mum secretly used them, keeping me in dark of this knowledge. I only came to know about this when I carefully sat listening to all the albums of my parents. Five years ago, when I finally made up my mind to follow their footsteps.

I look around. I smiled as my eyes landed on the polaroid picture which was pasted by the 'little me' on the wall. It was pic of me and my mysterious relative, who had happened to visit me at that time, along with mum and dad. Honestly, I never got to know about her. Even her name was a blur in my memory. The pic didn't clearly shown her face as she had covered her face completely from with her long trenches of hair and her glasses blocked her face completely. Her bangs didn't seem to help.

Some days were those. The nostalgia hit me like a truck when my eyes landed on the guitar which was gifted by him. Taehyung.

"Hey girl!"

"Oh my! Tae!" I engulfed him in a tight hug. He wrapped his arms around my waist, and placed a kiss on my forehead.

Then he weakened his hold around me but still kelt his grip intact. I looked at him curiously. That's when I was showered with sloppy yet gentle pecks by Taehyung all over my face.

"Nineteen." He kissed between my eyesbrows.

"Twenty.." He kissed my nose. I scrunched my nose in response, and let out a small chuckle.

"Twenty one." He stared intently at my lips, before kissing me passionately. Lost in his kisses, I couldn't be any more thankful to fate than I was. At that moment.

After what felt like an eternity, he pulled away.

"You want your gift?"

I smiled and just snuggled closer to his chest. "Having you is the greatest present I could've ever asked for."

I felt him tense, and pull away from the embrace. I looked at him in question. He simply chuckled and made me turn around. Only to be greeted with my dream guitar. The one I had always wanted.

I grinned widely as I gave him a tight hug, before rushing to the instrument. I looked at it as if it were an irreplaceable thing. And the most precious one, which it truely was.

I took the guitar and struck its strings. It still sounded the same. But things were not the same.

I had once told Taehyung about this place. The idea itself was so intriguing for him that I couldn't stop myself from bringing him here. And the first time he visited here, was the beginning of this place being our favorite hangout.
We would spend hours singing and writing songs, sometimes even shaking our bodies to the metal music.

It was all heaven. Till things qent downstream. And all the pics we had here, were burnt down and all the happy moments turned to a nightmare.

Talk about fate.

How funny it was to think. These memories now remained as a showpiece. There was no essence. Just bad experiences.

I hadn't known how long I was there. Until that bland voice boomed through the room.

"Didn't expect you to come here so soon."

Leaning against the doorframe, stood, Jinae.


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