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Vihaan POV

I still don't understand why my friend who was always adamant on enjoying bachelor hood has got married on such a short notice that we couldn't even attend his wedding... How could we when we're poles apart and he informed us on the day of his wedding... From my sources I have come to know that the girl is too young...

I got ready to visit them..
I went down the stairs in my mansion and informed the Butler to not to prepare breakfast...

Rahul informed me that he has already reached there...
I remembered the conversation we had earlier...

" rahul, I'm gonna pick you up on the way " I said on my phone wearing my black blazer..
" nah man , I have already reached " he said...
" already reached? What got you on wheels man " I asked him in amusement... He was never the one to come fast...atleast among the three of us...
" bhabi looks soo short and cute yaar, I wanna meet her so I came up early" he said with hidden excitement...
Who would believe the devil of business world is behaving like a girl..
I smirked and cut the call...

On my way to the estate I couldn't help but think what made him to accept for this marriage... This alliance is not even based on business relations as far concerned beacuse they are a middle class family .
All the three of us are multi billionaires... We have inherited our business from our family and raised them to the present state where all our branches are wide spread across the globe...
But how did that middle class family have contact with arjun's parents? As far as I know aunty and uncle would have definitely bought a well educated girl and hope she ain't a masked gold digger bitch or has any other plans...if she is caught then she is going to face the worst consequences , she would prefer hell.....

I reached Arjun's estate and handed keys to the security ....

" Hello brother " I said to him as soon as I entered the hall... We hugged and went into the garden at the back of the mansion...

" his wife still didn't come down to greet his friends " groaned rahul sitting down on chair beside me..
I guess he is much interested in meeting her and of course I am till certain extent but not as much as the sulking man beside me...

" why did you marry in haste? " I asked trying to analyse his cold facial expressions.

" my parents wanted it " he said disnterested in talking about this particular matter... There's something bothering him....

I was about to ask him more but suddenly I heard a shrilling voice of
Kaira from behind us.... She is too damn talkative... I can't stay in a place where she is.... I wish that my ears don't bleed with her over sweet talks..
otherwise I don't have a problem with her....

" arjun!!!  Oh my gosh! How are you baby? I heard that you were forced into marrying a town girl... How could your parents do that? Even after knowing about us....what about us ? Is it over? " she said within a single breath and sat beside him with teary eyes....
I was waiting for his response..
Thinking whether he would stand up for his newly wedded wife....or not...

" she is nothing to me baby , just someone who is tied to me by a paper.... No more discussion about this " he said sternly in the last...
I still don't understand if this is the way he behaves if he loves anyone...
As far as I know, Kaira is no saint either....

We were talking when I heard the sounds of anklets....soothing.... I followed the sounds and looked at a girl who is wearing a white saree adorned in gold and small bindi in between her dough like eyes with a button nose,milky cheeks..
Few hairstrands were blowing through the wind as if teasing her cheeks....

I didn't knew that I was staring at her until she said 'namasthe' awkwardly and got no response from us....
Is she for real? She is not a great beauty but she is epitome of graceful beauty with innocence together....

She served us breakfast and sat back..
She said us to eat before it rots and I smiled.... Wait... I smiled !!?...
Nope... I have to maintain distance...
She is my bestfriends wife and I shouldn't have any kind of thoughts
on her....

She started praying to god before eating,  sooo innocent and child like..

Rahul introduced himself and me.
The way she answered back was savage..... In the middle of our peaceful breakfast, Kaira opened her mouth and showed off her wealth....never have I hated this women's presence before but now she made me to hate her.. We are tolerating her only because of arjun or else by now I would have broke her neck ....
But when my doll opened her mouth I was blown away....
"why should I ? Am I obliged to tell you?but then as you are a guest and all the guests are gods, I won't disrespect you . I'm lakshmi, wife of your 7yrs boyfriend and I'm in medicine 2nd year .... I got it on my own merits "
I felt proud of my doll.... Wait why am I referring to her as 'my doll' ? I'm becoming insane... No women had ever affected me this much and this little girl infront of me is tying knots in my heart.... I shouldn't meet her anymore..
She is toxic....

She soon left after having her breakfast and I wanted her to stay for some more time... I continued eating distracting myself by thinking about the contracts that have to be evaluated for today's meeting...

" baby she is still a child... the way she talks tells about her nurture and how she was brought up.... She will be a disgrace to your name...think about it baby.... I'm still here for you and I will accept whatever decisions you take " Kaira said in her soft voice.... she is already planning on breaking up these two...
I smirked at her....
She is a snake....
A venomous one......


I came back after a tiring day of hectic work.... I removed my blazer and threw it on the couch in my bedroom... I let the warm water relax my system.... I pushed my hair back under the shower and I saw her walking towards me with her hair strands moving with the air....

I immediately shook my head to erase her from my memory as if it is possible.. She is affecting me... How can Arjun not like someone like her...
He is keeping a beautiful swan at home and still not praise it's worth...

Ah....only if she could be here... I would have shown her real worth...

I remembered what he spoke to me and rahul after the share holders meeting earlier...

" hope I can get rid of this girl, I don't want her to stay in my home " he said rubbing his stuble over his chin...he is surely hiding something from us ...

" she ain't disturbing you arjun and as far as I came to know from suma ayi , you gave her the smallest room in the mansion which cannot even be considered as a room.... c'mmon man, she is your wife... She has your name attached at the end.... You ought to give her some privilidges " rahul said.
I fisted my hands knowing that she was his......

" I'm letting her stay in my mansion , is more than enough for her..ugly face
I don't even want her any where near me... " he said gritting his teeth, his voice laced with disgust and malaise....

They both had a fight while I sat there seeing them fight for someone who just entered our lives today..... Arjun was never affected this way... He never expressed his expressions and thoughts...
Is it a good sign or a bad one?

I slept in my dark room....everything is dark except for her in my mind which keeps on replaying like a broken tape recorder....

I smiled again....

Shit!  What have I been doing and thinking! For god's sake Vihaan she is equal to your sister in law ! Get these thoughts out of your brain! Your bro is her can't think in such absurd ways.... Control....control..
She is just a simple , plain looking Indian girl...don't let your infactuation ruin your friendship.
Get yourself an Indian chick for a night and get her out of your system.....

I called the broker who deals with my needs and asked him to get me a young virgin Indian girl...
We are no saints.
we 3 had a fair share of girls to satisfy our needs... by the end of the night who wouldn't want to have a good fuck?


Arjuns POV :

I have never expected to get married to young girl or should I call her a child? I never preferred my image to get spoiled by these cheap reasons but now it has....

'The business monster Arjun Singh rajput marries a 19 year girl..'

These lines are making havoc in my empire... I pulled out my hair in frustration... My stocks have fell but I have managed to pull them back to their original state again...

It was night and I laid back on my chair looking out at the world below me from the glass wall of my office building... The power is all I thrive and desire for... I live on it....
I live on fear..... Fear in the eyes of the people who shiver in my presence, soothens my heart.....

but she dosen't fear you...

I crushed the Champaign glass in my hand.... I lifted my hand and let the blood drip through my fingers....
Why wouldn't she fear when I give her fear? I asked myself.... My eyes gleamed with the things I have in store for that ugly thing in my mansion....

My brain flew to the morning incidents...the way she spoke back to my baby wanted me to strangle her then and there , later break her bones and burn her body....
How dare she talks back to my girl!
I will teach her very much how to speak to us.....

Rahul and Vihaan were smitten by her... What does she have that rahul started supporting her and he called her bhabi too... He didn't for once call Kaira that... He fought with his sworn brother for a girl who came just a few hours ago...

My nose flared with anger and my veins popped out with rage... I can feel my eyes getting red with anger... First my parents now my brothers...

    ......I will show the slut her place....

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