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I woke up after my peaceful morning nap and washed my face...
Which I thought was morning nap until I saw the time which was 7:00pm !!!!
I went down the staircase into the hall and then into the kitchen...

" what are you preparing ayi " I asked  behind her ear and she jumped away holding her heart....

" never scare me like that gudiya " she said still taking in deep breaths...
" u slept like a Kumbhakaran " she said explaining me how she tried to wake me up by shaking me multiple times but I didn't wake up!!!
I gave her a sheepish smile...

" potato masala rice, your favourite, your attaiya told me " she said smiling ,when I asked her again what she was cooking and I gleamed with happiness.. Nothing can make you more happy than tasty food...
I thought about my attaiya... I don't know much about her...hell we didn't even talk to each other except for formal greetings... but now I can see that she cares about me...

" it's done, now come to dining hall " she said and went into the dining room with a tray....
I followed her or more precisely the vessel on the tray...

She put the hot pot on the dining table and made me sit on a chair.
She served me and stood aside behind me... I know that she is a maid in this house and they are instructed to behave infront of their masters but I can't see the only women who is looking after me like her child in this unknown place to stand behind me while I'm eating......
" ayi, come and have dinner with me " I said to her and she smiled nodding her a head in a 'no'...

I took a plate, served rice in it and put it in her hand... I made her sit down on the floor and I sat beside her with my plate...

" gudiya ! You shouldn't sit down! You are the owner of this house ! It will be a disgrace! Sir will be very angry! and I shouldn't eat along with you!...
get up....get up " she said scared...

" you are elder to me , you are the only one here for me and what is wrong if I sit on ground? It is goddess Bhudevi.... I do know how to handle people and behave with them now sit along with me and eat , as you are not allowed to eat on that posh table " I said to her sternly in the end and ate quitely along with her on the floor...

After the dinner I went back to my room and took bath... I changed into my blue satin pajamas and went to the backyard of the mansion....
Garden was beautiful beyond imagination with the scent of the night queen plant in the cool breeze..
I rubbed on my hands warming up myself and walked in rounds....
Ofcourse to digest what I have eaten like a pig...

I went back into the mansion , and while passing the dinning room I saw my husband eating his dinner... A smiled tugged at the corner of my lips... Of course at the end of the day he is my husband and I wish him a good health and prosperity as his wife....

I went back to my room and I slept hugging my pillows....


I woke up scratching my birds nest on the early morning , scolding the earth that why can't he stop revoluting around the sun for one day atleast and let me sleep.....

I stretched my body a little and got inside the washroom . I tried mimicking the pepsodent paste add.
That one was a hilarious flop .
I took bath and came out in my towel.
What should I wear today?? Again the same war.... Finally I settled with my blue suit....

I looked at time which was already 9:00am... At home by now I would have gotten chapat chapat for sleeping until this time.... I looked around my room and saw how plain it looked.... I should get some stuff and decorate it..

I went down the stairs to the pooja room and prayed to god for the well being of my family and my husband.... I took the vermilion and filled in my partition...

I went to the kitchen and ayi immediately served me food which I had on the kitchen island itself...

" sir didn't even have his breakfast " ayi said and I nodded my head as it is not good to skip the breakfast...

" maybe he will have it outside " I said to her and continued eating...

" he never eats breakfast outside , I guess he will skip his breakfast today too, his health ain't good now a days beacuse of constant work, he skips his meals " she complained and I nodded eating.... I can't do anything except for nodding....he has to know the value of meals....there are people who thrive to get a proper meal a day... May Allah bless them with food.
( no offence, I'm diverse , I pray all gods and believe in them)

Ding - Dong

I looked at ayi as she went to open the door... I took my plate and entered the hall after a couple of seconds... I looked at rahul bhaiya who put down his briefcase...

" namasthe bhaiya!! " I yelled at him with sarcasm from afar with a plate in my hand...expecting a greeting from him atleast this time....not that I care tho....

" what did you call me? " he asked and I rolled my eyes as he didn't greet me back this time too... I guess all these rich people don't greet back poor people... I was about to enter kitchen when I again heard him ask in his deep voice
" repeat what u called me "
" greet me back first " I said and turned....
" hello bhabi " he said after a few seconds and I jumped with happiness one has called me that still and he did the inauguration to that word....

" Rahul bhaiyaaaa " I said sweetly smiling at him and he showed me his 32 shining teeth as in Colgate add...

Ayi served him breakfast and I sat on the island stool, he sat beside me....
" I don't have a sister, I always wanted one though but I was the only son of my parents....
You are soo cute you know? " he said and pinched my cheeks soo hardly and I hit on his hands....

" don't tell me there are no girls other than me to be your sisters " I said to him drinking my milk...

" I'm too handsome for them to accept me as their brother " he said while eating sandwich...

" yah.... Sure " I said to him and he looked at me accusingly... I raised my eyebrow at him and he asked
" are you saying that I'm not too handsome for you so you are accepting me as your brother? "

" u said it all " I said to him and continued drinking milk....
He looked at me for a couple of seconds and ate his food silently...

Did I hurt him with my words? Oh no
I don't want to hurt him....he is such a lovely guy and I truly get brotherly vibes from him...
Cmmon Lakshmi, a single sorry won't hurt your ego much....tell it out....

" sorry " I said slowly and put my glass down wiping my mouth with the back of my hand...

" for what?...... Oh!..... I didn't even feel bad for the come back Lil sis because you are married and your husband is most handsome man in your dream world " he said genuinely smiling to me.....
Handsome in dream world.... ha !....
My foot!.... He doesn't even have an entrance ticket into my world....

' Rahul speaking.......... Yah..............
okay............... "
he cut the call...damn he was strict and arrogant while he was talking on the phone... Was the sweet side of him only to me? Beacuse I'm his sister? Aww then I'm going to be his sister forever......

" lakshmi, Arjun is hospitalised " he said and I went out fast along with him and sat in the car in backseat along with him...

After praying to 101 god's and biting my fingers, the car haulted...
I got down immediately.... My tension is getting into peaks... I looked up at the building which had Royale on it...
Big glass building...wait...this ain't a hospital.... I looked at rahul bhaiya who already has opened the door and entered inside....he again came out and pulled my hand.... I went along with him and we entered elevator...

He handed me his kerchief and I understood that I was a crying mess already... I wiped it off immediately and put it in my Kurta pocket....
We reached the 21st floor and I followed rahul bhaiya as he entered an office room and then guided me into another room inside it....

There was my husband lying with his crumpled white shirt and black pant.
My heart pained seeing him in such a situation... My husband.....

" what happened to him ? " I asked the Doctor who was talking to rahul bhaiya.

" you are miss? " doctor asked and before I could say " Mrs. Arjun " Rahul bhaiya said and the doctor nodded...

" Mrs. Arjun, your husband has not been having proper nutrition from past few months and he vomited blood due to gut irritation, so it's better if you attend a nutritionist and take care of his diet strictly, prohibit him from drinking alcohol on empty stomach " doctor said and I nodded to him... My husband drinks.....that too on empty stomach....

" is this case of early erosion of the mucosal layer of the stomach or ulcers might have been formed by now, why don't we conduct a barium meal test ? " I asked him and the doctor looked at me skeptically for a few seconds....

" medical student? " doctor asked and I nodded my head looking at my husband's pale face...

" initial stage, you don't have to worry child, he's safe if he takes care of his diet " doctor said and left the room....

I sat on the edge of the bed and touched his head.... Febrile....
I asked rahul bhaiya to arrange for water pack and I kept it on his head...
I pressed his legs lightly for better circulation as he was administered with medication....

We all stayed for half an hour until he opened his eyes . I got up to stand beside his head near bed post but Kaira pushed me and rushed to his side.... Bitch....

" baby are you alright? I was scared " she said and let her crocodile tears fall.... I huffed in annoyance...
Wait a minute...
Whose husband is he ?

A gaurd entered the room after knocking and she received the food...
She opened the cabinets and took out plates... she was arranging the food while I just sat on a chair beside rahul and Vihaan bhaiya looking at their PDA.... It's good to watch a live show... I'm a little hurt but it's okay... Our marriage ain't based on our interests....

She bought the plate near him and he was looking at her with unknown expressions maybe love....yuck ! I can't see my husband doing that infront of his friends and in presence of his wife... I stood up to leave but when my eyes fell on the food in the plate she was holding....
" what the duck! " I said and pulled out the almost half eaten plate !!! A little curry spilled on her white dress...

" you stupid ignorant nuts! Do you know that this dress costs more than your whole family's pay for their whole lives! Bloody Idiot!! " she said and that was my last thread...

I spilled the whole plate on her dress and put the plate down....
She stood up immediately and raised her hand to hit me but I held it back...
How dare this woman raise a hand on me! Who the fuck does she thinks she whole body shook with anger..

" who the hell asked you to feed them to my husband " I asked her holding her hand in a painful grip... She whimpered in pain...
" who the fuck asked you idiot!!!! " I screamed on her face and she stood still with shock written on her face..
" ah...ah...the doctor said " she said and released her hand from my grip..
" I didn't hear him saying the diet nor u did get out of the room to ask him, don't lie " I said to her gritting my teeth, ready to attack my prey...
" so what if the doctor didn't tell me? My boyfriend needs energy so I ordered high calorie food for him " she said proudly defending herself...
" yah you sure did chipmunk... U just fed him what you shouldn't "I said back holding my anger....there was steak and citrus fruits salad in his plate before I spilled the contents in her....

My mum always told me that anger is isn't good for me.... I inhaled a large breath and cooled myseld for a couple of seconds...

There was another knock and the guard came inside with the food on rahul bhaiya's name...
I thanked him politely and took the cover... I placed the food on plate and went near him... He is raging with anger and looking at me through his blood shot eyes like a bull...

" can you gag yourself and vomit the food ? " I asked him though I'm scared a little....
No response...

" eat it or die " I said putting the plate near him and was about to leave the room when I heard a crashing sound of the plate... I don't even have to turn back to understand that he threw it...

" come here " was all he said and I waited for few seconds contemplating whether I should even turn back or not.... I took another step towards the door and he yelled
"COME HERE I SAID" I shut my eyes tightly and turned to face him...
I bit my lip hardly... I'm scared now...
Lords please help me....

I stood near his legs on the bed.
" clean her shoes " he said and my eyes popped out... I gulped audibily...
Tears were waiting to fall....
"CLEAN IT!! " he shouted and I whimpered at his tone... I can't do it!
How can he ask me such a thing?
I'm his wife for god's sake!!!!

" i....i.....won't " I said back trembling with fear for the outcome looking at the monster in front of me...

Within in a second he came infront of me and slapped me soo hardly on my left cheek that I fell down with the impact.... Rahul bhaiya came to me immediately and helped me to stand up inspecting my bruised face....
It pains like hell and I felt metallic taste in my mouth... I opened my lips a little to only have the blood splur out of the corner of my lips...

" don't come in between us " he said harshly to rahul...

" this ain't a way to behave with a girl arjun! How can you ask her to clean her shoes! She's your god damn wife!
How can you slap her!? Where have you ethics gone you moron ! " he said bringing me to the body is still shivering thinking about the animal that I have married....

I felt a hand gripping my hair and pulled me down with a jerk pushing me onto the foot of Kaira.... I looked upto see my husband who should be protecting me , is actually humiliating me..... All the tears that I have controlled have rolled down my cheeks..... I muffled my sobs....
I felt hands raising me up and I looked at Kaira who held me up with a tight painful grip on my arms...
" don't cry.... He loves me too much to let the person who inflicted pain on me to get away.... " she said looking at me with fake concern...

" baby don't be soo harsh on her... She is just a little girl... Control your temper for my sake " she said sweetly hugging him and I turned my face away unable to look at them....

I ran out of the room and out of the building.... It's hell!.... People are freaking sadists and psychos there!
I controlled my breath and tried to control the never ending tears... I just want to go back to my old life...

Suddenly a car stopped infront of me and I jumped back in shock...

Vihaan stepped out of the car and lead me to sit in the front seat... I sat quitely... He was there when the whole incident has happened but he never spoke up once....
He started the car and we are in streets of New York....

I was looking out of the window, looking at people, shops, roads, buildings but all I could think was what happened there....

" sorry that I couldn't help you " he meant it and I could understand by his tone....

" it's okay.... It's better u didn't involve, otherwise you would have had to choose a side in the WWW fight there " I said to him , making the situation light....

He chuckled " have any plans for today? " he asked and I nodded a 'no'.

" how about home decor stores?
I need things from there... If you don't mind " I said him and he said
" ofcourse not " ....

We entered this big French themed store for home decor.... Everything looked untouchable here... It would cost me livers and kidneys to buy 2 or 3 items from here!!....

" Vihaan....stuff over here are too costly let's go to some whole sale stores " I whispered to him and he chuckled....

" the bill is on me " he said and I looked at him with 'are you for real' look....

" it's not about who pays , I know that you people could afford much more costly and lavish stuff if possible even dinosaur coated couch sheets even if those animals are extinct, but I don't, because I can't spend much money and thats in my blood , now let's get out of here before the saleswomen forces us to buy " I said and took him to the parkinglot.

He stopped near a decor store which was small and cute...
I got out of the car and saw him removing his blazer, I immediately turned away as it's inappropriate...
I went inside the store and he followed me.... The rates were reasonable...

After 1 hour of gruesome shopping, I went to the billing counter....

" 480 $ ma'am " the old lady said...
" newly wedded? " she asked and I nodded my head without any emotions.......
" u have got a very charming husband dear " she said and I understood that she misunderstood Vihaan as my husband... I was about to deny but he gave his card for swiping...

I pulled out his card immediately
" what are you doing? I can pay for myself " I whispered...

" hey..hey I'm being a gentleman here"
he said....

" nope, show it somewhere else...
I can pay for myself " I said sternly and I guess I sounded harsh....

" sorry, I didn't mean in such a way... I don't like people paying for my stuff when I can afford it...not that I will make them pay for costly stuff tho...except for my parents...but then still I don't buy costly stuff even when I am with them... Ahhhhhhhhh leave it now!! I'm paying...
End of discussion " I said to him.... I have blabbered soo much that he must have thought that he is accompanying a nut case....sooner or later people will know about it... So why fear...hehehe....

After shopping we went to a cozy restaurant named
'' mom & son's restaurant "
which I have Googled out.. As soon as we entered, the smell of freshly baked pastries and buns hit my nostrils.....
The wooden decor was beautiful with homely vibes....
We ordered pasta and pizza.... We talked a little about our education and as soon as the food came.... My whole concentration shifted to the aromatic mouth watering food....

I ate the food disconnecting myself from the world....

He dropped me back at home and left.
He was such a good friend...I smiled at his retreating car and went indside the mansion with the buttler who carried the decor stuff to my room...

" where were you? " I heard a sound and looked at my husband who is in a disheveled state...

I took a few steps back and looked at the angry man infront of me
" I.... I.... Went out " I said him the truth....

He looked at me for a couple of seconds and I sweated like naigra falls under his analyzing gaze.... I can even feel it when I'm looking at my feet...

After a couple of seconds I raised my head to look at him nowhere... I let out a breath which I didn't knew that I held back...
I sighed in tiredness...

I went back to my room and took shower... Directly changed into my pj's and slept on bed... Today was most scaring and tiring day....

I hugged my pillow tightly and his angry face came in my mind... I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling.... Why does he have to behave in such a way? I mean he can just avoid me.... Oh godddddd
Plz don't think about it Lakshmi!
Your husband is too dangerous...he has got serious temper issues...don't care....dont care....dont think.... forget...forget.....
I chanted in my mind for 101 times....
The day ended with my empty stomach.....

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