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Arjun POV :

It's been 2 days since she has left . I have been searching every where for her without letting my eyes close for a second.... What if she passes on front of me and I couldn't catch her?....and also kept my man spread all around the city.

When the previous day my PA has bought me her phone which was broken , unknown fears crept within me... but it subsided knowing that she broke her own phone and these pieces were found near the Northwest region of the forest form where she escaped.

Is it because I would trace her ?
that I would find her?
Does she not want me anymore?
Ofc...why would she when all I gave her was pain...

I asked my PA to get the phone repaired and also to draw out all the information from her phone. I can't step back until I know what's wrong and as far as I know, I will hold onto all the things she left behind.
Including that phone first. But I want her first.... I want to know if she is safe.... She can't be safe anywhere except beside me....
Sure she was safe with you....
Mocked my heart....

The sun rays hit my face and naked torso. I haven't slept since past 2 days. I couldn't....
It's killing me inside...
I want to know what made her hide soo much from me. What made her run away from me, when she could have done that much before while I started torturing her....
Even saying that word has her images of pleading me to leave her pass through my mind...

I woke up from bed and went to washroom, cleaned up myself and got dressed up.

I went down the stairs and what I looked at, had me stuck to my ground.

" arjun..arjun
I'm soo sorry, I had only made Pulihora for breakfast. " she said and went to dining hall with a tray in her hand hurriedly. I followed behind her and sat on the chair. I didn't even let my eye lids close for a second.

" actually I have classes na,
I have to study a little more... yesterday I slept off.... If I won't study before class na, then everything will go above my head "
She laughed a little and served me food with her small hands. A strand of her hair fell in front of her face from the loose braid and she pushed it behind her ear with her tender fingers.....

She put her hand abruptly in my plate and threw a handful of rice on to the floor. She sat down and started eating it with her mouth.

I got up immediately from my seat and before I could hold onto her shoulders she lifted her head up sensing me.

No hair
Bleeding lips
Bruised skin
Torn clothes with blood
Lash marks on her back

She stared at me dead in the eyes.
I gulped and was about to touch her but she disappeared. I looked at the floor she sat and looked around for her. I couldn't see her anywhere...
No where.... My eyes were struggling to find her....with tears in the corner...

I went to my basement and looked at my PA and viraj who bowed at my presence and guided me to the room where everyone was assembled.

" sir, these clips were bugged in security cam in mam's room. " the head of team said and guided me towards the security computers that were placed in the whole room from one end to another.

He made me sit and showed me a clip in which lakshmi ate something and fell unconscious in a couple of minutes, ayesha raised her body and made her sleep on the bed. She covered her body with a sheet and removed her knee length frock.
So... Ayesha is involved in this.
I looked at one of my Men pointing at her and he nodded his head and left the room to get her.

I looked back at the screen and saw
That another man entered,
Wait... That's the same servant!
I looked down at the screen time and showed it as the same time when I entered the mansion after I got those video clips.

Lakshmi was just lying there and he removed his clothes.
I was burning in fire when I saw lust in his eyes . I fisted my hand and was about to break the screen when I saw him undressing himself. But he didn't approach her, he just stood near the door and kept nodding. Someone was talking to him. He looked out of the room and then went back to the mirror and started dressing slowly.

I could hear sounds....
"please.... Cum.... "
Those were not from my wife's mouth! They were from a recorder in his hand.!
As soon as the recorder stopped , a few seconds later I entered inside and put a bullet inside his head.

Then my PA stopped the footage and I kept staring at myself in the footage.
I remembered how I hit her after that... She wasn't even conscious and I slapped her hard. I used my belt on her....

" Boss , we have caught the one who was informing the servant in the ma'am's room at the time of your arrival, so he could put an act infront of you. " viraj said.

" but he didn't spit out any information " said my PA.

" Let's go and meet that one " I said and I went straight to the torture room with my eyes as Red as that of a bull.

" please please
I don't know anything
I was paid by that servant to do it. " he said as soon as I sat in front of me.
People have that affect of me on them in my presence. They wouldn't want to lie after seeing me... Because they know that the after math will be very painful... He was already punched very badly...

" why would I believe that you ain't lying " I said and took a knife from the set that viraj bought.

I let the knife slide through his arms and the blood started woozing out. Then I let it slide through his wrists...


" I didn't know him before, he gave me money and asked me to tell him when you enter the mansion.
Please sir, I have a family " he said and I looked at him.
Dark.... Cold....
I lifted my knife up till his neck and stabbed hard and blood spurted out.

I kept the knife aside and viraj handed me a cloth. I cleaned my hands and threw it away.

" ayesha was already found dead sir " PA said and I nodded my head.
A very good game but poorly played.
Now I will show that person how the game is to be played.

" what about all the photos and videos that were sent under unknown names? " I asked sitting on the couch.

" Boss,
Our speacialists who have approved them were killed. " viraj said.

" how many? " I ask .

" 5 members,
No clues found.
They have masked the attack to be seen as a local goons attack.
Their places were checked and nothing was found " viraj said.
Well we don't need to find the clues as it was already confirmed that they have been targeted and killed after the work was done.

My Men have taken oath.
And they know better that betrayal would accompany them to death.
Either way they would have died because they betrayed their master..

I came out of the basement with viraj and my PA on either sides. I remembered how she kept a slipper near the automated door to stop it from closing. An unknown smile etched on my face and the images of her bleeding near my foot came up.
I shut my eyes for a couple of seconds and went inside the mansion.

I sat on the couch in hall.

" boss
These pics, were morphed. " viraj said and showed me the pics of lakshmi and Vihaan in my room. I looked at my PA for answers.

" sir, u didn't ask me to get those pics verified. As soon as I have got them, I sent them to you " said my PA shivered, I was angry at myself... I didn't ask him to get these photos verified , I blindly trusted them as all the videos and pictures were true....
But they weren't too.

My recklessness has costed her to suffer....

" sir, these are the actual footages of the hotel room. We have found out the camera in the room "
Viraj said and I took the pen drive from him. Why would the person leave behind the camera? Is this to inflict pain in me or mock me?
Either way, I have understood that I am going to regret seeing another revelation maybe....

I said them to carry out their search and took her phone which is now repaired. As it used to be before. They told me that her phone was hacked too and the other person was keeping a tab on her all activities....

I went to my study and sat on my chair. I inserted the drive and clicked on the footage. The clip started where Vihaan was pulling a lady inside covering her mouth. He shut the door and pushed her back. Lakshmi?

" what do you want? " she asked angrily.

" oh common dear,
We all know that he dosen't treat you better. He dosent deserve you and you deserve much better " Vihaan said and I fisted my hand seeing my soo called best friend.

" oh hell yah I deserve the best " she said and smiled at him. I was shocked for a second. So she really was with him?

" but you are lower than him dude.
So fuck off " she said coming near him and smirking. Oh my girl has been stronger than ever.  I released a breath of sigh.

" I will treat you like the queen you deserve " that bastard said again and lakshmi went and sat back on the bed.

" really?
But I'm already a queen.
I don't need someone to crown me.
I don't need someone to pamper me.
I can do that all by myself " she said raising her eyebrow at him. I was proud of her words. She is uncrowned queen. She dosen't need a crown to be recognised a queen.
Everything about her secreams that she is a queen.
My queen...

He showed her something in his phone and I can't see what it is. I saw her eyes widening and before she could speak, he went near her and pulled her into a hug. I couldn't hear what he was whispering and she was whimpering nodding her head in the last.

She hugged him back and the kiss,
that kiss was shown in a angle where everyone would believe that they would be kissing...but no... She didn't kiss him...
After that he left her and went out.
She kept looking at the door and then she ran out.

That was why she was crying?
But she shouldn't cry... What did he say her to make her cry?!
What was the thing that made her to submit to him?

Was this all Vihaan's doing?
Did he appoint that servant and ayesha?  How many more traitors of mine are working for him under my nose?

This bloody bastard dared to touch what's mine! Now I will show him what I can be... He will ask for his death now... But I wouldn't give him..
I will drain blood out of his body drop by drop.... I will crush him under my foot....

He made her cry, he made me punish her, he made her helpless !
I will torture him and kill him mercilessly, let the world know

That their capo is back.
Black eagles.

Vihaan POV :

I was pacing in my room ,
My men in arjun's mansion has informed me that arjun has removed all the spy cams and the worse is that he found a footage of me and lakshmi. The original one from the hotel.


I pulled my hair in frustration. How did he get the original footage from hotel? All the cams were removed after I have threatened her....

I looked at few morphed photos and the other footages that I have received in a parcel and I was shocked!
I gulped looking at them...
Those clips were horrible...
I never thought that arjun would do something like this...

I saw him possessive over her and I thought that he would protect her... 
But what arjun did was something no women would be able to tolerate!
He has broken her...

I felt a lone tear looking at her blank eyes when he was shaving her head... She didn't even move or fight him while he was shaving her hair off...

I shouted in frustration and
The realization dawned on me , I took my bughati keys from the chauffeur and left from there driving on my own.

As soon as I reached Kaira's mansion, I barged inside but tried composing myself.

Authors POV :

" sir " the Butler said and bowed infront of Vihaan.

" call Kaira " Vihaan said trying to control his anger but the old Butler could make out from his expression thag ma'am has done something wrong.. 

The Butler knew her from when she was 5 years and raised her along the servants in the mansion. Kaira's parents were always busy with their business and they left behind their daughter who needs them the most while growing up... Having no one to look after her, the Butler and the head maid took up the job to look after her and teach her values and etiquette. She was lovely and bubbly child but after she crossed her teens she started behaving rudely as the little girl came to know the power and money struggles and what she has behind her..  She has everything what others could die for... She used this as her weapon and raised her ego.
Though they tried to mend her down, they found it impossible as they knew that genes couldn't be hindered. They will come out again....

" please have a seat sir " the Butler said and went to head maid , informed her about the guest.

The head maid went to Kaira's room and informed her.
" ma'am there are guests waiting for you " the old lady said looking at Kaira who was busy combing her hair.... She looked at her hair one more time and smirked.
She dosen't have this now....

" who? " she asked putting the comb down and turned to face the maid who was with her since she was small. She respects her and the buttler the most. They were with her when she was left alone....

" Vihaan sir " the head maid said.
" oh guide him to my room and bring us some snacks after half an hour " Kaira said and dismissed the maid.
She was expecting him to come, but she didn't expect him to come this late.... Tsk... Tsk...

Vihaan followed the Maid and reached Kaira's room, without knocking ,he barged inside and Kaira was shook to core at the intrusion. He came and held her neck directly lifting her up with his one hand in the air.

Kaira tried to get his hand off  from her neck but she couldn't. She was struggling for air but she was more scared looking at Vihaan's Red eyes..

" why
Why did you do this?" he asked and strangled her more in the air , Kaira was about to loose her consciousness and Vihaan left her. She collapsed on to the floor and looked up at him.
She smiled at him and he fisted his hands.

He pulled a chair and sat on it. She was sitting near his feet still looking at him.

" why did you morph our photos?
Why did you sent him a video of lakshmi giving me the file?
Why did you drug her? That servant could have taken advantage of her!
Why did you do all these!
You said me that you wouldn't let anyone lay their hands on her right? " he asked pulled her jaw with one hand and gripping her hair tightly with another. He wants to smash that face of hers onto a wall until he sees the blood with his own eyes.
He wants to crush it very badly.

" I wanted to
So I did
She should know her place vihaan
That is
Beneath my legs " she said grunting remembering how she was boosting about herself and behaving all mighty in front of others in the party beside arjun which should be her place!

She felt a tight slap on her face and looked at Vihaan in disbelief...she was never slapped. Never. She tried to stand up but he held her down my gripping her hair and bought her face close to him.

" how did you feel
Seeing arjun use belt on her ?
Seeing her eat from floor?
Seeing her being raped by him every other day?
Seeing him using her as a punching a bag?
Seeing her head being shaved?
Seeing her like a dog?
Ha? " Kaira asked slowly looking at Vihaan with her widened eyes and creepy smile.... Vihaan wasn't able to talk anything imagining all those arjun did to her....He could still listen to her cries and pleas and her battered body flashed infront of his eyes...

" how does it feel Vihaan?
Tell me... Common...
U tried to control me and my love for arjun and tried to take advantage of me to gain lakshmi right?
Now she ran away
Go Go.
Go Get her " she said looking at his face acting innocently with psychotic expressions...

Vihaan controlled himself and asked
" how did you get a video of us both having sex? " he asked controlling himself alot. He just needs few more answers and he sweared to god that he would break her after this.

" that was all morphed.
Walking till the bed, it was her only.
In the bed, it was me and arjun who had sex in the past and I morphed it into your face and hers.
I have spent quite alot of money on that.
Is it good?
Are you turned on? " Kaira asked smirking at Vihaan.

" where is she " he asked. No one could find them and he was sure that Kaira has them. Except for her, no one can make her disappear.

" why would I know?
I said her that she could leave and she left " she said and Vihaan fisted his hands.... She was soo desperate to run away and she did run away now... All the times I met her, I said her how much I loved her....

Flash back : ( Vihaan POV)

Kaira has instructed lakshmi to get the file of recent tender and she did bring it to the location that is behind the mansion in the forest.

This was all a plan and I'm also a part of it. But lakshmi doesn't know of it, the first time I met her , I said her that I loved her.... Truthfully.... In the hotel but she didn't accept me...
So I hugged her and told her in her ear " I really do love you but that's not for what I have come here. I have received a clip of your baby " I said with concern and showed her the video in which ayesha was placing a micro capsule as she was trained.

Lakshmi's eyes bawled out and I hugged her again and told her that I would take care of everything, even Kaira too as she was the one who is doing this..... Yes.... I lied to her.... I was the one behind this along with Kaira.... But I wanted lakshmi to love me... So I put the whole thing on Kaira.... And as I was whispering... Kaira didn't know about our little chat that we are having while hugging....

I hugged her tightly and felt her small body in my large ones... I was taking advantage of the situation to get the work done. That is, we being close enough and the cameras were place in an angle in which it would be like I would be kissing her . So I lifted her face and rubbed my thumb on her cheeks removing those tears. My rest of the fingers were on her hair and I lowered my head and bit . Perfect.
We sent this video to arjun, to make him fall apart from her.

Later the file in the forest was also planned, the words she said were morphed from the cameras that were fitted in her room. We picked up her daily life sentences and cut them, got them modulated into a sentence.

" I feel violated with those cameras in my room " she said and Vihaan nodded. This was the first ever she talked to him normally.. In the forest...

" it's okay, you have to bear for some more time and I would do something as soon as possible. Be careful, she is watching your every moment. She has the controller of the capsule "I warned her and she nodded looking down.

I have shown her the pre-planned message which I will be receiving in any second. As soon as I heard a ping sound, I acted like it was important and opened my phone. My eyes widened at what was written on the text and showed her.
This was all an act.

As asked in the phone, she hugged me and I felt her small body in my arms again.... The fragrance of her body was too soothing and I didn't want to leave her. After few seconds, I raise her head up and kissed her forehead. She moved back and looked at me angrily....

" listen lakshmi.
I love you alot,
Soo much that I couldn't even describe in words...
But I know that you are already married and I don't have a chance...
I can't dream of my best frnd's wife.

But I will not stop loving you, I will always be there for you.
Even when there is no one, I will be there for you.
Now too, I will fight for you and along with you.... Because I love you....

We are in this together " I said,
those were my true words and lakshmi believed that I love her... Yes I do....
But I was along with Kaira in this to break her apart from arjun so that we could get what we want...


Author POV :

Vihaan recollected everything and he understood onething.... She must have felt betrayed... Betrayed of him too... Because he said that he would protect her....

He looked at Kaira, the one who accepted to be his ally. The one whom he thought he could play over to get his lakshmi,
has actually played him over....

His anger rised and he held her hair.

Now he knows what to do to Kaira.
He will....

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