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I woke up yawning and rubbed my eyes. I looked to my side seeing my ibbu sleeping peacefully.
I smiled seeing his face.
He is my lucky potato.

I took him in my arms and rubbed his cheeks. Don't expect me to do it softly... I squeezed them a little and he woke up immediately. I rubbed my nose to his and he sneezed on my face, droplets fell on me.
Why can't I have a small beautiful moment as they do in TV? I groaned.

I got him bathed in warm water and played with him for a little while....
' should I get him those yellow quack quack ducks? '

I went to washroom and cleaned up myself. I stepped out of the shower and was about to take a robe but my eyes fell on the one standing infront of the mirror.

She is

I went more towards the mirror and tried touching the one standing infront of me... Glass...
I touched the cut marks on my front and my back , traced them with my index finger slowly. I want to touch all the marks on my body... I want to feel it's touch and remeber them...

I got out of my weird thinking and took my robe. I went outside the washroom and entered the closet. As this was a guest room, there are men's  and women's clothes.
Soo rich of them.
I rolled my eyes.

I looked around as tiffany said me yesterday night that the wardrobe has been reset according to office wear.

I wore all black suit.
I love almost all colors but black is something which I die for. I put a black hijab around my head.

I applied MAC Red lipstick and applied black kajal, liner and what ever I found for my eyes. I just wanna make myself look unapproachable... Maybe like Alexander uncle.

I basically either dress up like I'm going for a ramp walk or dress up like a beggar. No in between them.

I took a black Gucci bag and kept a pair of slippers in it. As I know that this overaction of mine will only stay for few hours and later I will be walking like a granny on those pointed heels and trip on them until I break my nose.

I stepped out of my closet and I looked at my son who is still in his towel looking at me with wide eyes.

I must be looking very beautiful now.'

I went to him and kept my bag aside on the bed. I cleaned his body and made sure to clean his ears too.
Later, I went inside the closet and bought him clothes to wear.

After we both were ready, I picked him up and put him on my hip and took my bag in the other hand.

I descended the steps carefully as :

1. I'm wearing these stupid heels and I'm already regretting it.

2. My son is getting heavy.

3. The flooring is marble.
All in all.

I guess it was my day to fall.

I safely grounded from the stairs and let out a sigh of relaxation.

I kept my son down and let him walk holding my hand. Atleast he will be spared from the fall if I slip. After we reached to the main hall, almost every freaking member of the family were sitting there and looking at me in shock.


Do I look like a scarecrow?

(  like I give a fuck.
Inspiration: Alexander uncle. )

Author POV :

The models were swinging their bodies and dancing in their skimpy dresses. Pole dancing under the spot lights. The rich men were selecting their girl for the night by seeing the number on their dress and booking them with a hefty amount.

But in the glass chamber, above everyone, there is a man dressed up in black suit who is seeing everyone from the top but no one could see him. He is seeing everyone keenly having a sip from his glass and then turns back to his friend Valero Rigaso who was immersed in enjoying his woman.

" drugs have reached the port " valero said and the man nods.

" I will be leaving " said the man but valero didn't want his best friend to leave without getting drunk for tonight. He knows that he is free for tonight.

" stay Man,
It's been a long
Let's enjoy a couple of girls " valero said and the man nodded. It's not like he is very busy now and his best pal asked him to stay.

" Alexander
The new batch of girl have arrived.
Fresh or experts? " he asked smirking at Alexander and Alexander looked at him for a second before saying "experts". He doesn't like those fresh ones who scream when getting fucked. He hates those screams and he did kill many of those girls who screamed by putting a bullet in between their eyes.

After he and valero were done for night, Alexander went back to his car and said " Mansion " to his driver...
He was drunk but can handle himself.

He is the one running the Russian mafia.
He is the most feared one.
He has his claws dipped in whatever he wants. He never wanted to rule all over the continents.
But it doesn't indicate that he has less power. The mafia leaders shiver at his name. Because they knew that if Alexander Rodriguez lays his eyes , that person's fate is bound to hell. His cruelty has no bounds.
He is psychotic, sadistic
And referred to as Lucifer....

As soon as he reached the mansion, his driver opened the door and he went towards the door. The guard opened the main door for him and he went towards the stairs. Alcohol has already took over his system and he entered inside his room. He removed his shoes, tie and shirt as soon as he entered inside and layed on his bed.

As soon as the morning rays fell on his body, he groaned with the heaviness he is feeling in his head because of alcohol. He felt something soft under his arm and he pulled it more towards him and he snuggled more into it.

The fragrance was addicting.
The thing was soft...

He felt as if his hand was moved but he didn't pay heed and kept more force. But then again his hand was moved away. He felt something moving beside him and he opened his eyes.

A girl not more than 17 is clutching a baby and looking at him horrified. She has a small cute nose and dark brown orbs with a plump lips. She is gawking at him and checking out his body openly , especially tattoos.
She looks like Asian Muslim.

He was staring at her for her next action but she ran away as if she saw a ghost. He slept on his bed again and started thinking of the little girl.
This dream was realistic.

He opened his eyes as soon as he felt that someone entered his room. It was his brother. He was about to sleep again but then he stopped as soon as he looked around the room. Wait, this wasn't his room. It's a guest room.

He stood up and his brother looked at him in the eye
" Alex, why are you sleeping in our guest's room? " Adrian asked. He was surprised to find his elder brother in a guest room and not to mention sleeping with a women, he always fucks them and never let's them sleep beside him... But what made him sleep with lakshmi?

" I was drunk " he stated and was about to leave but stopped as soon as he saw the little girl.

So she is for real? It wasn't a dream?

Behind her Phenolpe was standing with the expression same as his younger brother.

He looked back the girl who was holding her baby on her hip and giving him murderous looks. He laughed internally looking at her face but he kept his cold mask externally. Never had he thought that a little girl would stare straight in his face with those expressions as, as far he knows all of them fled away scared of him or they succumb for devilish looks.
He was amused by himself that he still didn't put a bullet in her for looking at him in that disrespectful way.
Maybe the alcohol is still infiltrated in his system.

He left the room and went back to his room on the third floor. He took a shower and dressed up in casuals.
Though he wouldn't stay at home for the Sunday but he has to today as his father has asked him to.

He went down the stairs and stopped near the window, he looked at that girl playing with the baby.
Is that baby her baby?
She looks too young to have a baby.

He had a protein shake and talked to his PA about the recent deals that are to be dealt with. Though he is in mafia, he knows that in future he has to take up his father's business along with the title of 'capo'. He is already 30 and his father has been talking about it when ever possible... But he wasn't interested in his father's position. He wants to make one by himself and he did.

He went out of the mansion and looked around, he heard giggles and conversation . He reached the backyard and looked at the mother and son duo.
He heard their pep talk . He seriously had no words to describe how amused as well as awkward it was for him to listen to her talking about not having a girl friends and his son blabbering as if he was opposing her ideas. Rubbish.

He went back inside and the buttler informed him that his father wants him in his study. He went up the stairs of the first floor , corner room.

He knocked on the door and entered inside. His father kept down his spects and as expected his son was standing infront of him.

" yes father " he said and sat infront of him .

" I have appointed a new secretory for you. U must have already met her " Mr. Stephano Rodriguez said looking at his son. He is proud of him but not of his too much of darkness that he has in him.

" the little girl down there?
She barely looks 16 " Alexander said looking at his father in the eyes. No way he can take in that girl. His business can't have inexperienced and noneducated ones. Not to forget she is also underage.

" she is 20 son,
Why is my son now talking about laws when he is the one who bends them according to him " Stephano said smirking at his son.

Alex didn't speak out another word as he could see the determination in his father's eyes to take in that girl anyway. Though he can disagree but he respects his father.Only father it is.

" of course father
As you say " he said and swiftly got up from the chair and left the cabin.

He called his PA and inforned him to dig out this girl's information.

He took his car keys from the Butler and reached the entrance of the mansion. He heard someone talking, he went and looked at the same little girl in scarf. She was talking about the dog to get married? Seriously!? And she tried to taste the dog food too!.
She is a retard for sure.

He sighed and got into his car. He reached his location. He went to his condo. He promised his baby that he would spend his time with her today.

As soon as he reached there, he went up the elevator and reached his condo. He entered a passcode and kept a card. As soon as the door opened a little girl jumped up and held onto his leg.

The rest of the passed by with father and daughter spending their time together.

The next day, he left after the babysitter arrived, and reached his mansion as his father has ordered him to take that little girl with him to the office together.

As soon as he reached the mansion, he entered inside and sat in the hall way. His father and brother too came down followed by Phenolpe. His two Neices has already left for their college. They were talking about business and suddenly they heard sounds of heels on the floor.

They all looked up and saw lakshmi descending the stair with a baby on her hip. All were intrigued by the way she looked. Especially Alexander,
he couldn't take his eyes off her,
black is favourite color and she looked perfect in that suit.

As soon as she came infront of them, Alexander looked at the whole new different woman who was lousy yesterday and transformed into a woman on mission overnight.

The next chapter will be published only if the previous chapter and the present chapter add up to
1000 votes.

This book gets minimum a minimum of 3k reads each chap, so why not 500 votes each for 30th and 31st chap.?
Think about it


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