Chapter 13: My Life, For My Family

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3rd POV

We always have those moments of agony.. Despair.. Hatred.. Anger. But as that subsides, eventually you'll forget about it and move on from your past and live happily ever after in the present.

Unfortunately... A certain Boss wasn't happy. Throughout his life he's been feeling the desperation of chasing down demons, and it will ultimately bring failure, no matter what solution he makes. First was from the three familiar Imps that had magically roamed earth, a female hellhound with them. They've captured the Imps but not without killing half of their reinforcements. Sadly, or you could say, miraculously, they escaped from their base with barely a scratch on them.

Since at the last minute, a furious and raging Demon Prince stormed their area as they feared for their lives. Scared to wits, and left them alone. Now another problem strikes back. A seemingly powerful Overlord decided to show up to the human world and got a freaking husband. Anyone would just leave the family alone but not his stubborn ass.

First they followed them to where they live, then they sent out a professional assassin to hunt them down until he heard it from the news for months that the one he sent out was mauled to death.

And now he sends his only close family relative to his death. It was absolutely pathetic, no wonder he's rotten to the core. Atleast Al is smart enough to back away from a fight. I mean, she wouldn't to be honest.

The scene cuts to the Boss sitting on his office chair, looking at the LED TV, news spreading fast that the amount of people heard massive gunshots and soldiers screaming were heard. These led to questions including the house that stood tall as the camera man pans it on the background for the newscaster to start.

But the man was smart enough to know that Alastor can just erase every living thing out of existence. She could've done that easily to his men but instead they felt real pain. She toyed the hell out of them, and it left a scar on his prideful heart.

He arrived to his brother's funeral hours ago and the sad thing is... No one even mourned to his death but himself. The rain poured down as he stared at his smiling brother on the picture. He was the only family he's ever had... And now he's gone.. Because of his stupid actions.

Nothing ever seems right to him. There's always someone close to him die then and there. He is a sinful man, but even Jesus himself will forgive him. But after all he's been through... He's had enough.

This time he'll kill that disgusting Demon once and for all. Cut to the present where the news has ended as he grabbed his family portrait.

Boss: I promised... To pay you back somehow.. Don't worry Axel... I'll finish her for you.


Meanwhile, the familiar family consisting of a very cute baby demon, a simple man and the Overlord herself was watching a great series called Breaking Bad. They decided to have a Netflix and Chill on a saturday night with their pet cat Sulky sleeping ever so soundly in their couch.

There was a box filled with sweet brownies on the table infront of them as they picked one themselves, occassionaly glancing at each other with loving eyes. The baby however was just sleeping right between them, dreaming about her future plans.

Good, to start things off.

But Alastor felt another presence, confusing her as she stood up on alert. Not knowing what the problem is, Y/N decided to carry their baby to a safe place, in fact, the bunker they have was the safest he could think off as the Mother and Father duo prepared.

Y/N: You're going to be safe babygirl. If anything happens, me and your mom will be there.

The baby was still at peace as she slept at her new comfy couch. And then she floated, being circled by her own protective aura. Like an automatic Demon-sphere.

Y/N was either dumbfounded or relieved but in this case scenario, he'll just accept what happened. He went back to the living room and finds Alastor staring outside the window with her permanent smile of amusement, the husband glanced outside beside her and was also disappointed.

The Boss has just arrived, putting on his bullet-proof armor, military helmet and soldier boots. The amount of weaponry he has is actually cringe. That much for a family?

Alastor: He just doesn't know how to stop, does he?

Y/N: I know he wants to capture you dead... But even I wouldn't be this extreme.

Alastor: Well! The show must go on!

Her demeanor hasn't changed since the two of them were just starting their relationship. What a messy but happy couple this is.

Y/N: But, the house will be rigged again.. I'm sure we have other plans.

Alastor: Tsk, tsk, tsk, Nonsense! You don't complain when we thrash the house full of cu-.


She laughed, the teasing womanizer she is as Y/N groaned in response. Alastor could feel the furious aura of the Boss as she gets ready.

Alastor: Better hang on tight daddy! Because this will be.. Fun~!

Y/N: I guess..

Outside the house, the Boss tried to simply turn the door knob open but unfortunately it was closed. So being the polite person he is, he chose-.


A shotgun blast ringed throughout the neighborhood, but lucky for him people were not out in the open. The door knob was destroyed followed up with him bashing the door down.

He's literally vandalizing a private property. This is supposed to be the person to "save" the world. Too bad he's just being a newborn criminal.

The house however was dead silent, as expected of it.

Boss: Come out you Demon! You can trick me all you want, just shove it up my face!

And as soon as he steps inside the house, his existence was transported to a very dark and underwhelming place. He was confused for a sec but reassured himself.

Step one is a go.

Boss: I know what you're planning you wench! You can summon your creepypastas at me if that's what your planning!

Well the Boss isn't as dumb as he is, I'll give him that. He already expected something would happen out of the ordinary, so in order to kill the Demon once and for all, he will bait himself in one of her traps and lure her out, suprising her with a blast. Ending it successfully.

One of the things he also minded was Alastor's summoning skills. But she has not been doing that for a solid five minutes and this left him very confused. He'd be expecting company right about now but it was still dead silent.

He also has to be worried about the darkness of the area, it was so dark like the abyss from the ocean floor. But fortunately for him, he has mounted up a flashlight to his shotgun, pointing it at the floor.

Speaking of the floor, it's like there's nothing there at all. He was standing but he's standing at.. Nothing. Full of nothingness. Having enough of this, he decided to walk. Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turned to hours, hours turned to a full day.

And there was still nothing.

And one of the qualities of the Boss is having a very short temper. He could just basically kill himself and end his stressful day, but he's determined to catch her. He wants her dead and there's no one stopping him.

Boss: Once I get my hands on you... I swear that I will give you the amount of pain I've felt for years..

"Oh really?"

He stopped. Surprised.

Boss: What the-.

"I would love to see you try~."

Boss: So you're possessing my brain now huh?

"Not exactly. I also wonder why you're eager to hunt me down that it also gets me curious."

Boss: You wanna talk about my pain? How about the family you hellborns killed.. The people you killed that were innocent.. The children you threw out because of your own selfish desires? People like.. Me?

". . ."

Boss: Answer me!

"I genuinely feel your pain. But that's what you think. The people I kill were also my enemies. It's every man for themselves.. Including yours~. Hehe~! HAHAHAHA!"

Her laugh echoed through his brain giving him a headache and also left the world of nothing to hear the screams.

It eventually lead to a stop. This then felt another full blown confusion to him. Was that really her?

Boss: It sounded.. Like someone else..

But he didn't stop there. He wanted answers and continued on his journey. For another five to six hours of non-stop walking, he felt exhausted but somehow finds himself on red ruins. There were pentagrams etched into it and he'll be lying if he said he wasn't that scared.

He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder, earning a defensive posture instinctively. But the familiar face.. Or if he has any, was recognized by the Boss.

Boss: Captain Delta...?

The Captain of the Delta group's face was horrific. His mouth split open, eyes were no longer there and his skull was cracked. He wanted to cry for help but it's no use speaking since his mouth isn't even glued to his face.

The Boss tried to reach for him but he was suddenly yanked from the dark, as his muffled screams terrified him.

The plan to lure Alastor and kill her is starting to become bleak.. Because she's not trap there with him...

...He's trapped there with her...

Various murmurs and cries of agony were surrounding him as his past soldiers that were decimated wanted to reach for him, but as the Captain tried to do before, they were also yanked away.

This was too much, even for him. He has a new objective to find out.


But as soon as he stepped out of the red ruins, he was transported to another dimension. This time it wasn't so dark but it's every humanities worse nightmare.

"Welcome.. To Hell!"

The place was unpleasant, especially the smell. The scent is filled with blood and rotten corpses, smoking lava, and even the terror of Demons is smelled. He had no choice... But to continue on this wretched place.

As he started walking, screams of pain and agony were mixed in the way that if a simple human heard it, they would cry in mercy. The Boss still has some emotion in him and it puts him to not but two tears.

"You cry on these sinners? How cute.. They're just like you! It'll be a shame if you somehow put yourself in this situation.. Oh wait, you already are!"

Boss: You... You're so horrid. You're the definition of the Devil! A spawn! What kind of being are you?!

"Me...? Well. I thought you never ask.."

The peaceful yet untrusting melody didn't seem right. Was he hearing things? He turns around, everywhere, but he can't seem to find the source of it. He also forgot that the once murderous place of Hell was no longer there.

And it's replaced by... Nothing. He's back to square one.

Then, two pair of red irises popped out in the distance. Followed up by pink ones.

???: So. You're the human that's been terrorizing my aquaintance and her family. How impolite of you.

Alastor: He's better off dead. But who's the best when reaping souls they say?

The Boss can't see it but the male that was talking felt himself grinning.


Everything has gone out of control. And as the three of them stood there, fire started ablaze. Now he's literally stuck with the both of them.

Death: What are you waiting for? Shoot your shot!

The Boss did just that and blasted round after round of his magazine. But the bullets never penetrated the both of them, they just stood there smiling menacingly.

He's only left with one final mag. This time his emotions rushed him as he cried, kneeling.

Alastor: If only you were smart enough to know you can't fight. But humans these days are.. Really curious.

Death: And they shall die, like the cat he is!

He ran full speed ahead as the Boss stood up and fired blasting shots. But it was all deflected. To the point he heard a clicking sound, signalling that he's out of ammo.

He does have a pistol with him but it's all futile. The shotgun didn't even work, so there's no doubt the pistol will be no exception.

Boss: It's fun... While it lasted...

Death jumped and swiped him down with the two of his sickles... But he didn't feel pain. Instead he felt himself in shallow. His soul was captured.

Death: Don't you worry good man. You'll be a fine play thing with my best friend~.

He glanced at Alastor as she smirks at his way, leaving him with a very rare frown.

Death: Now why don't you pesker off Alastor. I helped already.

Alastor: Thanks for that old friend. Now if you'll excuse me.. My man is waiting~.

She spun around, magically vanishing out of this world of nothing making Death smile a little bit.

Death: What a girl. I have my utmost respect to your husband.

"Y/N L/N"

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