Final Chapter: Home Sweet Home

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3rd POV

The D.H.O.R.K.S agency has completely fallen with their loss Boss creating massive chaos within their perimeter, they tried electing a newer president for the job but unfortunately they weren't really experienced and sociable like he was. Not even the Ex-Captains dare to agree from it since they quit as fast as possible, just not to mess with the family.

Eventually, the agency has been completely broke and were forced to wreck the environment, ending the years of pain and suffering from the people inside. Some of them however denied the request of the government to shut it down since all the hard work they've put through was all for nothing, it's because of just one family. But the government were superior and immediately renewed it for a super mall.

Some were grateful while some in hatred. The smart ones gladly changed their lives and got back to normal, enjoying the life they always wanted. But for the dumbasses, things really went too far for them.

They planned to take down the family themselves and they were met with their permanent deaths, as expected. This goes on and on until Alastor has had enough and tried to think of a plan herself on how to stop this madness.

She can't have her daughter seeing these people wanting to kill her everytime, so, she decided the perfect idea for this to stop.

It was currently 3:33 in the morning and Y/N was fast asleep, his light snores are heard until a bang from the door shot open including his suprised yelp. At the door, Alastor has her usual grin as she shoved the blanket away from her husband.

Alastor: Wake up sleepy head! We're leaving.

Y/N: T-To where...?

Y/N is too sleepy to even think right now but Al simply levitates him to the bathroom gently.

Alastor: Just trust me darling.

Y/N, thinking this was just another one of her crappy schemes, sighs and lazily follows her demonic wife. For good measure, he brushes his teeth first since he saw his toothbrush floating in mid-air. Alastor must've gave it to him.

Their baby, who was also floating inside her pink bubble, telekinetically and cutely moves towards her daddy. He smiled warmly at his daughter and didn't hesitate to grab the pink-shielded toddler.

Alastor: Darling, if you're done brushing please wear something formal.

Y/N: Why's that?

Alastor: I told you, it's a suprise~.

He didn't mind that at all since pestering Alastor isn't really a great idea. Sure Y/N knows Al wouldn't really hurt her husband.. But maybe, just maybe do something even worse. So when he's done brushing his teeth, he covered himself up with a double white suit including a red tie.

Y/N: Do I really need to wear this?

Alastor: Mmh! Now for the final touch~.

Y/N: What's that?

She went infront of him with a bright and cunning grin as a piece of light pink blinds Y/N, covering his eyes he suddenly felt his body shake. It wasn't a natural feeling but it hurt like hell, his eyes radiating steam while Alastor held him up close. All the while Y/N was groaning in pain, he holds it for the sake of Alastor's trust.

Just a few minutes after, Y/N felt himself stop but he completely realize his body was much lighter than it used to be. Sure, he's pretty fit but this time he can feel every ounce of his muscles pulsing.

He gently grabs his wife's waist and opened his eyes. It's not the eyes of a human being but someone so powerful. Y/N looks around his soon to old home then finally to Alastor.

Y/N: What happened?

Alastor: Why don't you see for yourself?

She magically summoned a mirror beside her and he can finally asses the situation. He looks different than his human form before. His eyes were slit in the middle as it occasionally opens up his irises. He watches his hands pulse weirdly then after a few seconds turn into normal.

But there was still something off about him so he tried to do the unthinkable. Y/N extends his right arm towards his wife, gently and slowly stretching her upwards. The next thing he knew is that his wife was covered in a F/C orb as it floats.

Alastor: You're so attractive when you do that~.

Y/N: T-Thanks but.. Am I really a-.

Alastor: Demon? Yes. I made you one because the place we're going is not like Earth.

Y/N: ..I think I know where this going.

Alastor: Hehe~. Clever aren't you~.

Unfortunately Alastor is still stronger as she just taps the orb he incased her with and it completely shattered to pieces. Y/N felt the powers die down meaning he still has alot to learn from his extraodinary wife.

Their daughter watching the spectacle from her parents giggled cutely in amazement. She's awed at the display as she also wants to be like them.

Alastor: Come on. We're going home.

He felt a little regretful since he'll be leaving this home they bought. It was a special house and it held alot of memories with his family. Not to mention he'll be leaving his family and the worse part is.. He might not see them again.

Alastor: Doubting yourself darling?

He felt the arms of his lover hugging him as he sighs. Al reminded him that he can still visit them anyday, but this is for the greater good of the family. And he knows that.

Alastor: You ready?

Y/N: Ready as I'll ever be.

Once again, a bright pink light glowed inside their house for a couple of minutes as it finally died down. Meanwhile outside of their lawn was a rent sign that was magically spawned, indicating that the house is ready for a new owner.


Two pair of eyes opened, both of his irises see red ceiling and it confused him. Turning around he finds out that he's in a completely different place like last time. He sees his baby girl beside him on the bed and... Wait, the bed has eyes and razor sharp teeth!

This suprised him as it followed Y/N's every movement. It was creepy as shit but he seemingly payed no mind to it. However what really confused him is that the world outside was filled with buildings. The one noticable was the sky as it completely blinds red with a large pentagram for good measure.

Pentagram.. What in the world is even going on? He thinks for a minute as the sound of the door was heard, turning his head to the sound.

Alastor: Darling? You here?

Y/N: Alastor?

Y/N's wife smiles bright as it was the only great sign that he's seen right now, including their child. Although he has so many questions.

Y/N: Al, where are we? It feels so.. Dead here.

Alastor: Hehe, well dear it's quite simple. We're in Hell.

The word coming out of her mouth seemed to unrealistic for Y/N but he's met with a vision of Hell as Demons and Devils alike murderously slaughtered sinners for their punishment. It was horrifying but Y/N was... Actually holding up pretty well.

Usually when a human sees these things they get traumatized and prayed to whoever God they worship. But he now knows that this isn't the Y/N he once knew. This is... A Demon.

Alastor: Had enough yet daddy~?

Her distorted but beautiful voice sounded so intoxicating to Y/N as he faces Alastor with the same cunning experience.

Y/N: I'm just getting started!

Alastor: Good. Don't you dare disappoint me~.

Y/N: I see.. So this is what you folks in Hell feel like. Such dominating aura.. I want it. I need it!

Alastor: That's right daddy.. Show them! SHOW EVERYONE WHAT A L/N CAN DO!

Y/N expressed his determination with a loud and powerful roar as it waves around all of Hell, every sinner, demon, devil and Overlord heard the rage coming from a known and distant place.

The radiating roar even got audible to the Queen of Hell herself.

A/N: Note. Since Alastor is genderbend, you already know that every man is also Genderbent. Thank you.

???: I sense.. Trouble and... Familiarity.

She rose up from throne as every guard formally stood up straight.

???: Find this creature. And bring him to me.

Hell's Guards: Yes, Your Majesty!

It then cuts to a naked neon-signed succubus as a towering Moth was on her phone talking to an endorser, she's on a heated argument when the roar was heard throughout her studio. Her spine shivered from the power it held and moaned pretty loudly, wetting herself.

???: W-What the f-fuck...?

Her cheeks were bright as red, to say that she got embarassed was an understatement because right now she was heavily stressed and needed to change.

???: Okay, who the fuck did that arousing scream?!

Suddenly, a woman who has a TV for a head also wanted to ask that question since she freaking experienced the high of a lifetime.

Pimp: I-I don't think it was someone here..

???: Tsk. Who could that inspiring freak be?

While all of the Overlords expressed their opinions, the Princess of Hell also experienced the raging scream from the top of their company. In fact, let's just say everyone heard him.

???: W-Who was that..?

???: That can't be another perra Alastor brought!

???: That one feels different Ms. Vaggie.

???: Yes.. Very different~.

???: There goes this horny fuck again. Can't you keep you spider-mones by yourself?

???: Oh shut up. You can't deny that made you feel something great right~?

???: ...I have no idea what you're talking about..

???: We have to search for it!

???: Charlie wait!

The Princess of Hell now known as Charlie proceeds to run upstairs, where she heard the direction of the scream. Her one-eyed friend following close behind with a blessed-tip spear.

Meanhwile, the little maid went back to buisness as the only ones left were an Emo Cat demon and a rather lewd Spider demon.

???: You finna go up there kitty?

???: Leave me out of this shit.

???: That's a yes for me!

???: Wai-!

The enthusiastic spider grabs hold of her non-enthusiastic cat as they begun to their journey up top.

Minutes passed by, and in those past minutes were them finally at Alastor's room. Charlie knocked on the door with the woman beside her holding the spear just in case.

The door knob opens and what they see was Alastor wearing a see-through wardrobe, her pink hair a little messy but her smile did not fade.

Alastor: Ah Charlie dear, what brings you here?

Charlie: U-Umm.. Could you-.

???: Grab some clothes first you idiota!

Alastor: Okay, jeez.

She closed the door and once again they have to wait.

Charlie: Grab the words out of my mouth, thanks Vaggie.

Vaggie: Don't mention it.

???: It's weird Alastor wearing something like that. Usually she would wear formal clothing.

Charlie: ..Wait! I just got this weird idea!

Vaggie: What is it?

Charlie: You don't think.. Alastor's husband is inside there?!

Every woman that was with Charlie looked in suprise.

???: That human who married her? Not a chance.

???: But it can also be a possibility, Dusk.

The cat-sinner now known as Dusk scoffs.

Dusk: You wanna make a bet Angel?

And finally the spider-like woman now known as Angel persisted.

Angel: Fifty souls!

Dusk: Make it a hundred!

Charlie: Guys, keep it down!

The door finally opens once more ending the two's argument, this time Alastor finally wore her signature clothing.

Alastor: Right. So what brings you here again?

Charlie: Yes, um. If it's not much to ask for, is there someone else inside? We kinda-.

Y/N: Heard me?

The demonic but all too familiar voice of Alastor's husband was heard behind them, turning around ever so slowly, they see and noticed how different he was.

Angel: Yes! I win!

Dusk: Fuck...

Charlie: Mr. L/N!

Y/N: Oh, is that the young Charlie I hear?

She immediately went for a hug as the both of them were happy they met again, Vaggie questioned for a moment on how Y/N got here since he's only human and he answered that Alastor changed him.

Dusk: Why are you guys here anyways?

Alastor: I'll explain later. Right now, how about we eat dinner, Y/N and I can cook for everyone.

Charlie: Sounds great!

Vaggie: As long as Angel doesn't cook.

Angel: Fuck you too Vaggie.

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