Chapter 16: Lullaby

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"So how was your first lesson, Myrr?" Romy has also begun to shorten my name. It seems that Glacia's nickname will end up being how most people will call me, since Myrrdraeyal is a bit unwieldy, even for the people of this world. Now I see why Mephis never used his first name. But didn't he say that it was a good name amongst his people? I don't understand...

"It was great. Glacia taught me a lot about magic." I say while shoving broccoli and bread down my throat. Mark gives me an odd look when I don't even bother tasting the food, but I guess he just chalks it up to me being a growing boy. In truth, I'm on a mission. If I'm going to get stronger faster, I need to spend every minute training. Today, the power output of my Disguised Casting fluctuated a lot and I even failed the cast once. That's unacceptable. If assassins came again, then 1/10 times, I'd be killed. And if there's ten assassins, it would be game over. It's fine though, I still have some mana left to practice with. Now that I understand some of this world's magic theorems, maybe I can up the success rate!

"And Glacia? What do you think? Is Myrr a good student?" Romy turns to the white-haired girl who is picking at her food. "You look glum, I hope he didn't cause you any trouble! If he did, I'll be sure to discipline him!"

"N-No! Myrr is an amazing kid. I'm just...thinking. That's all." She's probably still hung up on my Disguised Casting. However, I don't think it will bother her for long. By the end of the day, Glacia was already formulating several incredibly hard to understand theories as to how I was doing what I was doing. Though no matter how I described the process of silently casting a spell to her, she wasn't able to do it, I have a feeling she won't let it get her too down. "Um, I was wondering, is it really okay for me to stay here while I teach him? Without paying rent or anything..."

"What? That's what you were worried about?" Immediately Romy tuts and shakes her head. "Mark, put a better expression on your face, you're making Glacia feel unwelcome with that ugly mug of yours!" The poor man clearly does not wear the pants in this relationship. "Glacia, Dear, you're teaching Myrr magic, and at such a low price too, stay as long as you'd like! It's the least we can do!"

"Auntie Romy, what about giving her a raise then?" To be honest, I'm just playing around, although Glacia is an excellent teacher. Immediately, it feels like I'm being stared at by a poisonous viper. Romy gets like that when you mention money. I thought she was the generous type, and she is when it comes to my magical education, but I'm starting to think it's because she really does see me as an investment...

"Well, I suppose I could consider..."

"No, no! What you've given me is already plenty!" Unfortunately for her, Glacia has absolutely no sense of self-preservation. It really doesn't surprise me that the professors at her school are exploiting her for cheap labor. The girl doesn't know how to say no. "As a matter of fact, I don't even need pay!"

"We are giving you free room and food..." Romy smells an opportunity to get a bargain, but then Mark puts his hand on her sleeve. The man has been unusually quiet lately after being beaten. The boisterous Mark I met when I first arrived may never return at this rate.

"Honey, take it easy. She's just a girl." I'm surprised when Mark is the one to stop his wife. For once, his face actually looks a bit reliable and Romy stops talking sheepishly, realizing that she might have taken it too far. "Glacia, Myrr likes you, and we are willing to pay for the best tutors so don't worry about it. When you leave, we'll give you a bonus too."

"Wow, that's not necessary, but if you want to...thank you, Mark! And you too, Romy!" Glacia bows her head and peace is restored. However, I can't help but get an ominous feeling from Romy who hasn't looked up from her plate in a while. Wow, Mark? I thought you didn't want to spend the big bucks on me, but now you're on my side too, huh? These two...what a weird couple. I can't quite understand the dynamic here. Still, they're helping me. Maybe I should give back to them a bit? If I fiddle around, I can probably help Mark seem like more of a man and improve their relationship...

"Well, I suppose it's time for bed." Mark clears away the dishes. Suddenly, a problem I never even considered appears.

"Uhm, could one of you tell me where I should sleep?" Glacia's soft question causes me to turn my head just slightly. Wait a minute...this house is small...I'm already in the only guest room. Don't tell me I'm going to have to sleep on the couch from now on? "I'm pretty small so I can sleep pretty much anywhere."

"Oh, that's a good point. Myrr, do you mind sleeping in the living room for now? Your room is the only guesthouse, and since you're still little, you'll be able to fit better on the couch." Romy, who usually helps me get what I want, crushes any hope I have of getting a good night's rest. When I look up at her, she has an innocent expression as if this is all perfectly natural, but something about the way she's sitting, all straight and proper, tells me that she's feeling smug. Is this payback for trying to give Glacia a raise? Have I angered the lioness of the household? Crap, I shouldn't have messed around!

"W-Wait there's only one extra room? And it's Myrr's room? I couldn't take that!" My teacher protests like the angel that she is, but Romy's mouth is already moving.

"Oh no, no, it's like Myrr said, we're already taking advantage of you for his education! How can we make you sleep on the couch! That won't do...right, Myrr?" She hits the last note with just a little bit too much satisfaction. Damnit, if I had known you cared that much about money, I never would have suggested the raise okay! But I need to sleep if I'm going to grow properly! The cushions on that old couch are like rocks!

"H-ah..." I have no choice but to let out a sigh, "Yes. It's only proper if I sleep on the-"

"Why don't they share?" Mark's interference for the second time tonight is so unexpected that for a second, every other person at the dinner table doesn't believe it. "Myrr's room that is. He's only five after all, and still small. They can be bunkmates. So Myrr can get a good night's rest. Only if Glacia is okay with it of course!"



WHAT...? did you become so awesome?

Anything bad I ever said about you...I take it back.

You're a man.

A true man.

From now on, I will actually think of you as my uncle!

"I don't have a problem with it. I'm small so we should both fit." Glacia says before Romy can protest and suddenly, the situation has turned from the worst case to the best. No freaking way Mark just did that. Am I really going to get to...well, technically eighteen isn't that far from my old age. Though this body is only five so I mean it's totally innocent right? All in the name of a good night's rest!

"A-Are you sure?" Romy tries one more time to change the tides, but it's already a done deal. "Well, if you're okay with it...but let me know if you want your own bed!" She skewers Mark with a hard stare when Glacia isn't looking and I wince. As they go upstairs to bed, I mentally salute him and give Mark the biggest thumbs up behind Romy's back. He doesn't know it, but today, he's gained a valuable ally in this household. I may not be a Lannister, but I pay my debts. Mark, one day, I'll return this favor!

"Well, Glacia, if you're done with dinner, I could show you to our room." Doing my best to remember how to be smooth about such things, I hop off my chair and start to lead the way to my room. Well, in my past life I was quite the lady-killer, if I do say so myself, being able to see the future all the time really helps you know? However, to be honest, though I used the gold-diggers who sought to use me, the number of people I actually let grow close to me and stay long term was...a big fat zero. I never trusted anyone enough to let them move into my apartment or enter a committed relationship. Even Jen was just a cover. She always wanted to be more, but like how she wanted me to provide my money, I just wanted her to provide the illusion that I was a normal man in a relationship.

It was never more than convenience...

"Sure, Myrr. I guess we're roommates now." Instead of acting shy or demure about sleeping with me, Glacia casually walks up without a hint of nervousness. When she approaches, I realize why she doesn't care. Oh right...this body is only five. I forgot, she might look fourteen or fifteen, but she's already eighteen. And I'm...a lot shorter than her. Like actually a kid...damn. Looking up, even though Glacia is small for her age, I'm...smaller. My head doesn't even come up to her neck at the moment. Great view of her assets though, which are by no means small for her age. If anything, they're already that of a mature woman. Regardless, the moment has passed. My ego deflates and I feel the excitement leave me.'s still better than the couch.

Leading Glacia to my room, I brush my teeth and wait while she prepares for bed. I do some push-ups and Disguised Magic practice when she's in the bathroom. Finally, Glacia returns and takes off her robe to prepare for bed. Casually, I activate the last of my mana to peek into the future for a second and check whether or not it's okay to look at her while she undresses.

The coast is clear.

Turning around, I catch sight of what I already knew I'd see. Still, observing it with my actual eyes instead of Foresight, is better. Underneath the white robes Glacia wears, she has a well-fitted peach tunic on and silver short shorts. It's not a bad view, though for this body, which has yet to undergo puberty, it's not exactly going to start World War 3. She catches sight of me watching. I'm fairly certain if she knew I was reincarnated and that I was twenty in my last life, she'd faint. Instead, though, she smiles reassuringly.

"See? I'm small, so plenty of room for us both." The Half-Wrath gestures to herself and I smile back, trying to appear innocent. Heh...never understood why women think their height matters. They're worried about the wrong measurement.


As I walk over to the bed, Glacia does not join me. She goes to the desk beside the mattress and pulls out a pen and paper from the trunk she arrived with. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she begins to write.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" I ask. The scribbling sounds her pen makes, remind me a bit of Mephis when he used to write letters beside the campfire before bed.

"Oh, sorry, is it too bright to sleep? I can turn off the lights." My new teacher and roommate, looks over her shoulder as I climb onto the bed. "I'm just writing down some of the things you told me today about Blood-locks. But if it bothers you, I can go to the living room."

"No, not at all. I like the sound." At that, I plop my head down on my pillow. I didn't think it would be possible to go to sleep with a cute girl in my room, one of a fantasy race nevertheless. However, my body is still that of a child and it doesn't care yet about such things. As I begin to drift off, I realize that for the entire that's not quite right, ever since the Naming Ceremony, I've been feeling different. It takes me a while to put my finger on it. Oh...I''s that I haven't been thinking about Mephis. Or rather, I have been thinking about him, but Glacia made me remember some of the good times we had together in the Dead Forest as well. I need to be careful. It'd be easy to forget my goals living a comfortable life like this. But this isn't Earth. I've already seen what happens to people who are careless in this world. They...they...I...mustn't forget my...revenge...





I'm running up that hill. The hill that won't leave my dreams. I want to turn around so badly. But my legs won't listen. No matter how I try, I can't go back. I think I hear him. Mephis screaming for help. That's not right...

It's wrong.

But he's yelling for me. He needs help! Jarold Westblade will kill him! Let me turn! STOP...useless body of mine...STOP! JUST TURN AROUND!

Finally, I get my body to obey.

Too late.

Everything disappears in a flash of red.

"You're late."

"Always too late."

"Why didn't you help me?"

"No no no!" I wake up sobbing into my pillow. Panic flows through me as I squirm around, trying to see where Mephis went. Then shame. My eyes open to the empty guest bedroom in Romy and Mark's house. Outside the window, the moon is bright and harsh in the sky. It judges me and I cannot escape its silver glare. Slowly, I understand that I'm not on the hill anymore. I'm...that was...just a dream again? Damnit, I promised myself that I wouldn't cry before getting revenge, and yet I've already broken my word. "Could have done more...could have been better. If I hadn't failed the cast...ARGH!"

"'s okay. Everything's alright now. It was just a dream. Calm's all in your head." A soft voice unexpectedly whispers in my ear. When I try to move again, I realize that the fact that I couldn't move wasn't just because I was dreaming. Someone is wrapped around me like a second blanket, trying to keep me warm while I shiver in my cold sweat. "That's right, Myrr...just breathe. Even if there are monsters in your dream, you don't have to face them alone. Your teacher is right here..."


"Mmm...!" I'm startled. The adrenaline begins to leave my system and I realize I'm freezing. However, Glacia is warm. Though Half-Wraiths do not have as high a body temperature as humans, she still does not hesitate to contribute what she has to make me feel better. This isn't how I imagined things would go. In my fantasy earlier, I was the big spoon. However, it seems that I may be a little like Mark after all. Total defeat. My only excuse is that I'm still young. If I had my old body, the tables would be turned!

"Here we go. Feeling better? If you are, try to go back to sleep." She carefully pulls the blanket back over us while entangling her legs between mine. Embraced from all sides, I'm tucked in like a baby. Feeling a little embarrassed, I try to squirm out, but she has me tight and I can only give up and accept that today, I'm not the one wearing the pants. Jumped by an eighteen-year-old girl. If my old self saw me now, he'd commit seppuku. Still...I can feel Glacia's assets through her shirt. I guess it's not all a loss then. I wonder if all Half-Wraiths are this well developed, or if it's just because she's so small that they appear bigger? "Do you want to tell me what happened in your dream?"

"..." I don't want to answer. However, Glacia has the upper hand. Her breath on my neck is cold. I startle and try to roll out of her grip, but she gives me no chance. "F-Fine! I heard a voice, okay?"

"What kind of voice?" My tormentor relents once she gets my cooperation, "Tell me about it, maybe it will help."

"It was..." The mood turns sour again as I remember the dream. "Mephis. I heard Mephis asking for my help. He wouldn't stop screaming. But I couldn't go to him. No matter how hard I tried to turn around I kept running away..."

"That's awful." Glacia's soft words are not fake at all. She sighs, and her exhalation tickles my ears from behind. I feel her fingers stroking my back. Tingly shivers run all up and down my spine and this time it's not because of the cold. "I hear voices in my dreams too sometimes. But you don't have to listen to them. They're not always true."

"I know." I'm somewhat annoyed at being treated like a child, even if I am one now. However, my panic is fading as I remember that I'm not completely helpless. I've been reincarnated. This is silly. But it's working, I guess I feel better. "They were just...hard to ignore."

"Do you want me to sing you a song? Sometimes my sisters have trouble sleeping and that always helps them." I didn't expect Glacia to offer to sing me a lullaby. My parents in my last life never did so, and in this one, Lian, barely had a chance to hum to me before the assassins attacked. Even if it's silly, I'm curious. And to be honest, still a little bit scared to go back to sleep.

"..." I don't want to admit it, but I kind of want to say yes. Glacia goes ahead since I don't refuse her. When she starts to sing, it's soft. She doesn't want to wake up Romy and Mark down the hall. But her voice is sweet. Did I say she could be a rapper? That would be a waste of talent. This girl...could make angels weep. Her words have this rhythm to them. I don't pay attention to their meaning, because I'm lost in her tune. But though some of the notes turn sad at times, always, at the end, Glacia makes sure that her hymn is happy again. It's like she's chanting a spell rather than a lullaby. Even if it's not a magic spell, her incantation works. The rest of that night...I sleep like a baby.

[Oh boy at my front door.

Why don't you visit more?

Don't step outside too soon.

This is the last time we can meet this moon.

I should try to hold you back

I would not want to see you lost in the night's pitch black

But I know my hearth is not your final path

Though it makes me sad, I will just laugh

For I see at long walk's end

You will come back at the bend

And then we might meet once more

Happy my door...

Oh boy at my front door...

It's good to see you again]

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